
Showing posts from January, 2013

Thread: update manager is not working help.....

it says when try down load packages w: gpg error: jaunty release: following signatures invalid: badsig 2ebc26b60c5a2783 medibuntu packaging team <> w: gpg error: jaunty release: following signatures invalid: badsig 40976eaf437d05b5 ubuntu archive automatic signing key <> thiss mean , can solve thank , have 1 you need import public key. ran command , didn't badsig error message. use last 8 alphanumeric characters in error message , import them command: code: gpg --keyserver --recv-keys 437d05b5 0c5a2783 && gpg --export --armor 437d05b5 0c5a2783 | sudo apt-key add - please mark thread solved via thread tools link near upper right of original post when no longer need assistance. Forum The Ubuntu Forum ...

Debounce multiple push buttons, switches, relays or digital signals

can break this? below line include latest updates i inspired create debouncer after reading this great debouncing guide , referring last plot of microswitch on page 8, says "i found generated pulse train guaranteed play havoc simple filter code. there's no high speed hash, hard-to-eliminate solid ones , zeroes." this code monitors , cleans number of input signals (10 shown). edit: updated - see reply#5 code: [select] /*========================================================================== • stable readings on number of input pins in buttons[] array • no time-out set after false readings occur • minimum response 8+ ms (varies signal quality) • non blocking, no interrupts, fast response • uses pattern recognition • filters random noise prevent false triggering • detects rising , falling edges on high or low signals • use on push buttons, switches, relays or digital inputs buttonstate:  ______|________|_|_|_|??|????????|_|_|_|____________|_|________ bu...

Thread: ssl problems in ubuntu 9.04

i have been reading other posts on different sites how enable ssl on ubuntu server 9.04,well have attemted many times why site down while. , have had users report wasn't secure feedback,does know real way make page https? in advance i think install ubuntu 8.04 server instead Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Specialised Support Ubuntu Servers, Cloud and Juju Server Platforms [SOLVED] ssl problems in ubuntu 9.04 Ubuntu

Arduino Yun stop work after 12-14 Hours

dear all, i have problem run program more 12-24 hours. lokks bridge fail. do know tricks how rebbot linino fron leonardo side ? below sketch , rc.local regards, davide dhcp fix for  linino locks after ~12-24 hours. use static ip address linino locks after ~12-24 hours. cpu of yun has hardware bug,   work around. turn off /disable wifi if not use it. Arduino Forum > Products > Arduino Yún (Moderator: fabioc84) > Arduino Yun stop work after 12-14 Hours arduino

Rete lan con arduino

salve amici ho momentaneamente abbandonato la comunicazione seriale visto che non ne davo fuori e volevo testare le ethernet shield. cosi mi resterebbero liberi gli ultimi due ingressi analogici della mega che non si sa mai. vi chiedo una cortesia: io vorrei controllare le schede arduino con il computer attraverso la rete lan ma in rete trovo solo controlli tramite internet. qualcuno mi potrebbe spiegare come potrei fare un controllo tramite cavo rete? magari con qualche esempio facile? e la stessa cosa, cambia solo che utilizzi indirizzi privati. Arduino Forum > International > Italiano > Software (Moderator: leo72) > Rete lan con arduino arduino

Thread: Flash Pages Now Crashing

hello: got firefox 3.5.3 working flash yesterday. it's shiretoko apparently non-mozilla compiled version of firefox. today when go pages such browser crashes. i've tried going there epiphany , same thing happens. when go there konqueror doesn't have flash, page load properly. 1 of own web sites crashes browsers. suggestions? david marshall have tried lovinglinux's howto: Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support New to Ubuntu [ubuntu] Flash Pages Now Crashing Ubuntu

Thread: ubuntu within a public lan

hello, new user ubuntu on msi wind netbook. i'm going use netbook college work etc , college has wireless lan can connect network resources internet etc. im wondering if there way else on wireless lan can system? im not aware of how security is, , have take measures protect files accessing them on network. security ubuntu - , comes firewall can configure ( ufw ). dunno if anything bullet-proof... Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support Networking & Wireless [ubuntu] ubuntu within a public lan Ubuntu

long range wireless link to arduino

i've built water tank monitoring system logs water usage @ tank 1500' our house in hilly terrain. direct path has lots of trees , far line-of-site. currently, take laptop on atv download data i'd access data house. there no possibility of pulling wire site there (minimal) power @ tanks. (there power @ intermediate pump house although off direct path.) can shed light on whether high power wireless systems such engenius work through trees , not line-of-site? i've though of using wireless pump house power line system pump house tanks. familiar amped wireless av500 power line network adapters? i've thought of using mifi cellular modem cost minimum of $40/mo. ($40/mo buy lot of miles on atv.) maybe ? Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Project G...

[Solved] Error: 'Hx711' does not name a type

i trying measure thrust forces using beam type sensor, hx711 module, , freaduino uno board.  it project here: i unable find particular weight sensor module , using one: i downloaded , installed library link there, installed in folder /libraries/hx711 contains files hx711.cpp, hx711.h, , samples folder folders named liquidcrystalscale , serial scale containing files liquidcrystalscale.ino , serialscale.ino files.   i copied sample code page , pasted new sketch in ide.  when try upload sketch error 'hx711' not name type , statement "hx711 scale(a2, a3);" highlighted in yellow.   can explain problem me?   the code below. jack code: [select] /* * description: * sample code digital weight scale of hx711. weight printed in serial. * library host on

Pebble watch + Kodi - Raspberry Pi Forums

ok, not strictly raspberry pi related, except 5 million people using pi kodi media center, , perhaps of folks have pebble watch. i've published pebble watchapp, rockodi, control kodi watch. (free) pebble app store. don't (yet) have pebble, preview rockodi here how pebble time, work om watch? have tryed om pebble time steel, no text showing in menues hope can fix it... raspberrypi

Raspberry Pi CCTV dvr - Raspberry Pi Forums

hello make small dvr recorder using raspberry pi. have looked @ ... 5af2b7273a usb video capture card. work on raspberry pi? there dvr software raspbian supports real time recording? have 4 analog cctv cameras use if know if possible please explain how raspberrypi

layers in dreamweaver

i've had training in dreamweaver mx (ocn level 1) on pc, have mac , cs3 version of dreamweaver @ home. tutor taught concerning "layers" (sited in common tab of insert toolbar), however, can't find "layers" in cs3 version. can advise please? function have name? i've stated design website using layers in old college version , i'm not sure how continue on mac! hello, "layers" older dw term ap divs. in cs3, called ap divs. before building layout using ap divs, please read links below. it save lot of frustration. search forum "layers" see many posts people ended rebuilding pages after running problems ap divs cause. common piece if advice here "don't use layers design site": short , sweet: more detail (specifically "the problem layers":) take care, tim "heather kruk" <webforumsuser@macr...

433MHz Signal auslesen und portieren

hallo forum, ich habe vor einiger zeit einmal auf einem arduino eine bibliothek  zum auslesen von wetterstationssignalen benutzt. dieses funktionierte auch hervorragend. jetzt bin ich jedoch basteln und rumprobieren ob mir das ganze nicht auch auf dem raspberry(ich weiß dass ist tendenziell das falsche forum, ihr seid aber eindeutig in diesem bereich fitter)  gelingt. dazu habe ich zwei grundlegende fragen meinen aktuellen code habe ich in python geschrieben (siehe unten), ist python überhaupt für soetwas geeignet oder ist es auch hier besser auf c zurück zugreifen? meine zweite frage beschäftigt sich mit dem prinzip: aktuell lese ich permanent den zustands des datenlesenden pins aus und lasse mir die zeit ausgeben, wie lange welcher zustand gehalten wird. auf grund der zeit wollte ich berechnen wie oft das signal eigentlich gesendet wurde. warum mache ich das? ich kann nicht immer nur bibliotheken nehmen und diese gar nicht verstehen, muss ich mir den spaß sukzessiv...


hi is possible interrupt appears when c statement needs several low level opcodes cause losing data registers involved in multi opcodes? thanks elico no, not when using normal arduino code. i remember there special way have short interrupt doesn't save registers on stack. have not used such low level programming myself. possible, bad programming. did use 'volatile' keyword global variables can changed in interrupt ? microcontroller has many registers store variables, without 'volatile' keyword go wrong. Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Programming Questions > INTERRUPT ERRORS arduino

[FIXED]Offline page layout incorrect when calling SEF url. - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hi developers, i found following bug... mark description: when visit site in off-line mode layout of announcement not correctly if call sef url. reason must stylesheet not loaded. problem occurs when call example http://site/content/13/42/ , not when call http://site/ . reported on: svn - 30 oktober proposed fix(es): using base href or stylesheet load, whatever 'directory' called. was syntax error in template.  fixed in svn. thanks. Board index Joomla! Official Sites & Infrastructure Sites & Infrastructure - Feedback/Information Archived Boards - All boards closed Quality and Testing - Locked and Archived Q&T 1.5.x Resolved

How to charge Supercapacitor?

i want use supercapacitor provide backup power ds3234 rtc. i stuck how charge capacitor , not have discharge through charge circuit when power goes off. the obvious solution diode these have reverse leakage , cap hold few days. has out there used supercap rtc sucessfully? (i thought relatively common). i found couple of complex circuits using couple of ics , several passives hoping keep it  simple , small.  what cap's own self-discharge rate, wouldn't greater diode's leakage? ______ rob Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > General Electronics > How to charge Supercapacitor? arduino

unwanted login menu - Raspberry Pi Forums

i have seen versions of problem before, no solution specific problem. when set machine up, installed imagemagick, weewx , pile of other stuff. yes it's (yet) a(nother) weather station webcams. worked fine, rebooted tidily , that. installed vncserver ... worked too. after reboot white screen login/password menu. offered <default xsession>, <ldxe>,<openbox> - whatever are. can past selecting ldxe , putting in root/<my root password> takes me root desktop. solution arrived @ brute force testing removing vnc (sudo apt-get remove --purge vncserver) not fix it. tried running raspi-config confirm desire thing should boot default user desktop .... no joy machine running , can putty, winscp , vnc. crons etc going. want use device in headless remote situation, pest , need stomp on it. really screen go away. raspberrypi

Installation problems on Windows

i trying install flex builder 3 on windows xp professional machine, have full admin rights. error messages on install (excerp below): !session 2008-03-26 09:29:45.568 ----------------------------------------------- eclipse.buildid=unknown java.version=1.5.0_11 java.vendor=sun microsystems inc. bootloader constants: os=win32, arch=x86, ws=win32, nl=sv_se framework arguments: -application org.eclipse.update.core.standaloneupdate -command install -from file:\c:\program files\adobe\flex builder 3\ -featureid com.adobe.flexbuilder.feature.standalone -version 3.0.194161 command-line arguments: -application org.eclipse.update.core.standaloneupdate -command install -from file:\c:\program files\adobe\flex builder 3\ -featureid com.adobe.flexbuilder.feature.standalone -version 3.0.194161 !entry org.eclipse.update.core 4 0 2008-03-26 09:29:51.036 !message cannot install featurecom.adobe.flexbuilder.feature.standalone 3.0.194161 ...

Thread: Display setting lag issues?? Help!

yesterday installed linux ubuntu , decided change screen rsolution because default resolution 16?? x 1050 did not fit on screen. @ time display setting g able detect moniter..resolution changed without problem after restarted, resolution default. attempted change again. now, display settings not open. window pops nothing inside. computer lags , freezes. when load, can not detect moniter have , forced force quit application due lag. there way can reinstall display configurations? there. different program can same thing. necessary me install ati linux driver? did not install drivers, using defaults please i'm linux noob what running, give more information, ubuntu version, video card make , model, etc Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support General Help [ubuntu] Display setting lag issues?? Help! Ubuntu

Testing Arduino code with GNU Octave (Or Otherise)

hi all, looking little developing , troubleshooting code, free program gnu octave 3.2.4 or otherwise suggested you. i developing program accept input array of 3 elements namely x,y,z coordinates. these coordinates run series of calculations determine angles/pwm signals output servo motors. see block diagram below: [x,y,z]-->[trig , math]-->[angles/pwm]-->[servo position] i looking test code on own anytime , anywhere without connecting devices or going lab. thought handy if could: 1) create 1x3 matrix in program such gnu octave software 2) send data arduino software 3) compute angles/pwm 4) output results gnu octave verify proper function of arduino code. is possible gnu octave or otherwise? i don't know octave quick google suggests matlab , people use matlab arduinos. but find hard visualize how use program in way suggest. for example, have small arduino program controls fridge. reads temperature sensor , switches relay make fridge work. if w...

Please Help - Flex Component Kit for Flash AS3

i've tried several examples of using flex component kit flash as3 , none of them working me. whenever run "convert symbol flex component command," following output: command made following changes fla: turned on permit debugging turned on export swc set frame rate 24 imported flexcomponentbase component library symbol "ballcomponent" can used flex component. select file > publish create swc file use in flex. this appears correct after adding swc flex library, flex application not seem "see" new component. i've managed pull in components others have made flash as3 , component kit don't think i'm doing wrong on flex side. i noticed in flash, flexcomponentbase not show in library after converting symbol flex component. additionally, nothing happens when drag flexcomponentbase library. doesn't show up. when go properties dialog exported component , try validate mx.flash.uimovieclip, following message: a definition base class not f...

arduino to max , send serial/data not from pin monitoring?

hello got max , looking through arduino max communication methods on arduino playground couldn'tsee text method allow me send numbers on command.  mean system whereby have if statement , actuation number sent max ?. can't work out descriptions if of methods listed in arduino play  ground allow because allot seem talking reading pin states? am being dense i suppose tell arduino write pin state , number max way ? Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Interfacing w/ Software on the Computer > arduino to max , send serial/data not from pin monitoring? arduino

How to draw lines dynamically?

hello, i have problem drawing lines connected dots. thats not working ... statement moveto undefined? has idea whats wrong? ive posted code you... thanks lot replay! hi grauzone, believe "moveto" undefined because clip targetting undefined. trace this[linie+i] , see if it's movie clip instance. think you'll find answer there. regards, patrick bay bay new media "grauzone" <> wrote in message news:fnd081$g1b$ > hello, > > have problem drawing lines connected dots. > > thats not working ... statement moveto undefined? has > idea > whats wrong? > > ive posted code you... > > lot replay! > > > > > var data:array = new array(2.3,5.1,3.4,2.7); > > > > function init(kreis:string, linie:string, colorline, colordot, > darray:array) { > var total = darray.length; > (var i:number = 0; i<total; i++) { > this.createemp...

Best MU Blogging component? Joomblog 2.3 problems (no support) - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hey wondering multi-user blogging component guys recommend.  don't idea of joomblog 3.0x because read somewhere makes permanent , irreversible changes, along having many other problems. i run latest version of joomla! on site.  had read many people liked joomblog 2.3, tried install , kinds of errors: backend error: db function failed error number 1136 column count doesn't match value count @ row 1 sql=insert ignore `jos_joomblog_blog` select c.*, 1, 0 jos_content c inner join jos_users u on = c.created_by u.usertype='registered' frontend error: table \'bmcconn_joom2.jos_joomblog_blog_users\' doesn\'t exist sql=select * jos_joomblog_blog_users userid=\'62\' module errors: db function failed error number 1146 table 'bmcconn_joom2.jos_joomblog_blog_users' doesn't exist sql=insert ignore jos_joomblog_blog_users (userid, block, register_date, moderator) select id, 0, now(), 0 jos_users block=0 table \'bmcconn_joom2.jos_joomblog_blog_u...

Howto install " Sigsiu Online Business Index 2 (SOBI 2) " - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

okay, new yoomla can't find instructions howto install " sigsiu online business index 2 (sobi 2)" package. does have suggestions  dude, it's joomla. not yoomla. not yahoola. , not hula -- unless of course you're in hawaii allow such deviances norm. aside prodding referrence joomla, go joomla backend , navigate installers drop down menu , select component. browse latest sobi2 component can download sobi2 site. note, new sobi2 files updated today. publish component menu item and/or publish menu module, , don't forget publish mambot. Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.0 Extensions - 1.0.x Components

Strom messen mit dem Arduino

hallo, ich bin gerade dabei meine ersten projekte mit dem arduino zu erstellen und komme bei einem thema nicht richtig weiter. ich möchte mit dem arduino ströme im 230v wechselstromnetz messen (bis zu 16a). sensoren zum strom messen findet man ja viele bei ebay und co, aber bei keinem finde ich richtig die angabe auf für eine spannungsart und höhe die primärseite der sensoren ausgelegt ist. ach und bevor die anmerkung kommt, ich bin elektrotechnikerund darf und kann in 230v stromkreise eingreifen. quote from: agent4788 on mar 02, 2014, 03:57 pm sensoren zum strom messen findet man ja viele bei ebay und co, aber bei keinem finde ich richtig die angabe auf für eine spannungsart und höhe die primärseite der sensoren ausgelegt ist. da du ja den strom messen willst, ist die spannungshöhe nicht relevant. wenn du z.b. eines der acs712-module nimmst, dann fallen da gerade mal ein paar mv ab. wie große die spannung zum anderen leiter ist, ist irrelevant. quote fro...

Small question regarding Joomla Componet Joomla Board - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hi there. downloaded joomlaboard , uploaded , installed website. installed perfectly! @ go forum. how suppose look? has no images... has emotions thats it. btw in directory under joomlaboard there no image folder nor can put 1 there. any suggestions? i can't see website, "site not found" error  however, there icon packs joomlaboard available (i think , download , install 1 of these give icons - there example of on forum @ best regards, gareth Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.0 Extensions - 1.0.x Components

[backend] Disparition du menu et barre d'outils - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

bonjour à tous, j'ai depuis quelques heures un gros problème sur l'un de mes sites joomla 1.0.11, la top barre en backend disparu. je n'ai donc aucun accès aux mambots, modules... et quand j'essaye malgré tout de changer un article ou quelque config sur des compasants, je suis dans l'impossibilité d'appliquer et sauver les nouvelles configs. donc, je commence à baliser vraiment vu le boulot que j'ai eu sur ce site. je n'ai rien intallé qui puisse expliquer ce problème, juste édité un nouvel article aujourd'hui... j'ai d'autres sites joomla 1.0.11 sur le même serveur qui marche normalement. quelqu'un une idée de ce que ça peut être? vérifier en entrant cette url que le module admin fullmenu est bien publié. ... ient=admin sinon, publiez-le. tester. si problème, accéder à la base de données par phpmyadmin editer la table jos_modules/browse pour le module fullmenu et taper 1 dans la case published. t...

Arduino Uno R3 CNC Portalfräse Steuerung

liebe arduino gemeinde, meine name ist lars und ich möchte für meine, in fertigung stehene, poratalfräse die ansteuerung der schrittmotoren mit einem arduino uno r3 realisieren. leider habe ich nach vielen suchen im netz keine passenden antworten auf meine fragen gefunden. als motoren sollten diese ( eingesetzt werden. gestern hatte ich mir ein arduino uno r3 2013 mit einem ethernet shield w5100 + arduino cnc shield - grbl compatible bestellt. nun kommen meine fragen.: kann man den cnc shield einfach ein paralleles kabel anstecken und dann auf die parallele schnittstelle der chinasteuerung gehen, oder muss ich mir treiber kaufen die ich auf das cnc shield passen? dann würde sich aber die frage stellen, wie ich jeden motor mit einem eigenen netzteil versorgen kann und ob das shield überhaupt einen hohen strom, den die...

::SOLVED:: change screen height help? - Raspberry Pi Forums

hey need make top of screen on lcd shorter top cut off, there way using raspbian wheezy on raspberry pi 2 you modify /boot/config.txt , change following lines disable_overscan=1 overscan_left=20 overscan_right=20 overscan_top=20 overscan_bottom=20 remove # @ start of each 1 , try changing numbers suit. edit use... sudo nano /boot/config.txt ...change lines... press ctrl&x , answer y (for yes) reboot pi raspberrypi

Joomla! Forum - community, help and support - Login

the board requires registered , logged in view forum. username: password: i forgot password resend activation email remember me hide online status session   register in order login must registered. registering takes few moments gives increased capabilities. board administrator may grant additional permissions registered users. before register please ensure familiar our terms of use , related policies. please ensure read forum rules navigate around board. terms of use | privacy policy register Board index

How to switch menu items with images? - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hello. i removed items mainmenu , assigned links overlay images, nicer, graphical menu. when removed last one, frontpage stopped showing up, since frontpage first item in mainmenu. how remove mainmenu items , still have functional frontpage? you have have @ least 1 item on mainmenu. definition, frontpage whatever menu item first published menu item on mainmenu. what can do, however, go to: modules-->site modules click on mainmneu and assign show on none pages. this make not show up, still use first published menu item frontpage. good luck! p.s. please remember search! Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.0 General Questions - 1.0.x

Game Stick Controllers? - Raspberry Pi Forums

hey guys, new here , have been thinking starting raspberry pi project of own , figured should make account heres first post. im thinking of making , gba/ds emu machine using raspberry pi 2, have decent amount of diy experince although have never tinkered raspberry pi. after watching guide/build videos noticed lot of people use snes controlers , knockoff ps2 or xbox controlers , planned same until saw this... don't know game stick kickstarter project create console carry you can plug many devices , play whenever, spare controller not include console. have of used 1 of these in projects? recommend using this? if not use? [img]controller_onwhite2_1024x1024[/img] raspberrypi

Spry Accordion Default Panel Query

hi, i have created spry accordion in dreamweaver within template. have set variables accordion menu in editable area within template can specify panel open on each page attached template. i.e. first page set defaultpanel: -1, next defaultpanel: 0 , on. i have working problem have when click link in panel container spry accordion "jumps" if opening first (panel 0) , seeing panel default open panel. there way around this? i tried setting default panel in js file -1 has not fixed problem. many thanks More discussions in Develop server-side applications in Dreamweaver adobe

1st completed app - music recommendation + playlists - Raspberry Pi Forums

so thought share first completed app: music recommendation service can generated playlists of recommendations - . long , arduous road current state, please let me know if have ways improve it. basic problems faced were: 1) clustering band names 2) searching , finding match in huge list of band names 3) grabbing youtube results limited resources 4) scaling web app (so run on pi , not super slow) solutions (abbreviated form) were: 1) use ward tree (from ... clustering python kit) cluster. 2) use combination of edit distances string matching , using , string matching , usingthe python multiprocessing library parallization (more detailed information @ website: ... n-service/ . 3) grab youtube results - beautifulsoup4 slow. 4) scale web app http://gun...

Thread: ISD-server error missing 5800 & Firefox issues

i'm not sure how history put on here first post, please bear me. have limited knowledge, can read, , gets me trouble (as now). installed ubuntu 9.04 on our pc after wiping hd clear of windows. in excitement of new programs, installed education desktop, believe gave me kubuntu desktop. things have been buggy, past 2 days when firefox 3.5 load once , refuse if closed per restart. [ edit - hasn't happened again, , we've changed motherboards , running 9.10.] while trying see problem existed, logged onto different session, hadn't done before, , began isd-server error port 5800. under gnome or x session not kde, worked fine. found forum , tried various things in different sessions, finding root terminal. able see problem port using 'ps aux | grep ica' command not fix permanently 'kill -9 ica' command. so, tried 'apt-get remove isd*' command and continued yes . so, of course, have removed many things did not want ...

dynamic drop downs... sub drops

i'm thinking of adding feature site users can narrow search results using drop downs, , sub drop down options based on first selection. for example: country dropdown... user selects country , gets states dropdown... user selects state , gets city dropdown. state options within country, , city options within state. any ideas on best way this... or there better approach together? jsteinmann wrote: > i'm thinking of adding feature site users can narrow search > results using drop downs, , sub drop down options based on first > selection. > > example: > > country dropdown... user selects country , gets states dropdown... user > selects state , gets city dropdown. state options > within country, , city options within state. > > ideas on best way this... or there better approach > together? > mick More discussions in Dreamweaver support forum adobe

Raspberry 2 B Sandisk Extreme 64G No Display - Raspberry Pi Forums

i have used 8g microsd card on raspberry b+ before. working well. got new toy. give larger microsd card. @ beginning , formatted card fat , using dd write raspbian image microsd card. plugged, nothing show on monitor. followed instruction using sdformatter formatted sandisk extreme 64g micrsosd overwrite opinon on macbook pro. , copy content of noobs card. hoping work. no display. tried use old 8gb microsd card new noobs content on raspberry 2 b. works fine , boot normally. leaves me wondering if problem of sandisk extreme 64gb card. if guys have similar problem , know how solve it. let me know. if not, please recommend me 1 works new model. thanks. 64gb cards formatted exfat, not fat32 formatters including official formatter. pi's can boot fa32 partition, solution in common pitfalls section. viewtopic.php?p=677748#p677748 raspberrypi

Audio connection in Rasp Pi 2 B - Raspberry Pi Forums

i looking trying out putting raspberry pi 2b system. use computer monitor has dvi connection , know not support audio. see audio connection part of combined composite port video/audio. don't understand how use dvi hdmi video , connect audio/video port audio alone - allowing hdmi port still supply video (all reading various ways connect video finding little connecting audio alone). need special composite rca video/left/right audio cable or standard stereo 3.5mm audio male plug on speaker (or pair of speakers) or 3.5 stereo male male cable work? find lot versions of raspberry pi other 2b audio have found nothing 2b , audio port. if standard audio cable work in port there settings change. appreciate help. have been working computers long time , build desktops pi 2b setup new me. thanks! 1775 wrote: i looking trying out putting raspberry pi 2b system. use computer monitor has dvi connection , know not support audio. see audio connection part of combined composite port video/audi...

newbie creating fsr voting system

i'm trying build (what should be) simple voting system, using bunch of force sensing resistors people tap, , vote cast.  however, clicking either sensor casting votes both buttons.  can tell me if code wrong or wiring off somehow?  (as mentioned in topic title, i'm new this, please bare me) thanks in advance help! int fsranalogpin0 = a0; // fsr connected analog 0 int fsranalogpin1 = a1; int fsrreading0; // analog reading fsr resistor divider int fsrreading1; int delayint = 1000; int fsrpresses0 = 0; int fsrpresses1 = 0; void setup() {    serial.begin(9600); } void loop() {   fsrreading0 = analogread(fsranalogpin0);   fsrreading1 = analogread(fsranalogpin1);   if( fsrreading0 != 0 ){     fsrpresses0++;     serial.print("button0: ");     serial.println(fsrpresses0);     serial.println();     delay(delayint);    }   if( fsrreading1 != 0 ){     fsr...

Thread: bash: find function and formatting

i trying write bash program uses find function find files in designated folder has more 1 name (ie many links) code: find $1 ! -type d -links +2 -ls 2</dev/null id output formatted line printed out node number followed line has files names. ie inode1; name1 name2 inode2; name1 name2 have no idea how something this: code: find . ! -type d -links +1 -exec ls -i {} \; | awk '{ if(inode==$1) { print $2 } else { inode=$1; print inode ";"; print $2 }}' Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support New to Ubuntu [other] bash: find function and formatting Ubuntu

howto/tutorial/guide til udvikling af componenter og moduler? - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

tænkte på om der var nogle som lå inde med nogle gode link til subject. ville gerne prøve @ lave mine egne componenter, moduler og mambots fra bunden, men jeg synes ikke rigtig @ jeg kan finde noget introduktion til det. det materiale som ligger på joomla developer network er ikke ligefrem nybegynder-venligt og jeg har forgæves forsøgt @ søge på google. hej thissel, du kan finde flere udmærkede tutorials til @ lave egne komponenter og moduler her:,63383.0.html Board index Joomla! International Language Support International Zone Danish Forum Ældre versioner (disse vedligeholdes ikke længere fra officiel side) Joomla 1.0 (Udgået version, der blev afløst af 1.5 i 2008) Komponenter, Moduler og Mambots

Arrays - Raspberry Pi Forums

hi guys! new here. go doing arrays , scripting. i'm little stuck on creating script can read files of home directory array using code arrayx=( $( ls. ) ) has display empty files, directories, , files not empty. sorry new this, , stumped me. have been looking while , have not found anything. have create backup script copy directory input script location input script. if makes sense. in advance! quite few things there, try breaking down bit. i'm assuming bash being used of these. create arrary of in current directory using ls code: select all x=( $( ls ) ) (hidden files not listed) far got. create array of empty files (0 length, real files) in current directory code: select all x=( $( find . -maxdepth 1 -size 0 -type f ) ) (filenames prefixed "./" , hidden files shown) create array of non-empty files (not 0 length, real files) in current directory code: select all x=( $( find . -maxdepth 1 -size +0 -type f ) ) create array of directories in current dir...

what if I remove ATmega328 from Arduino UNO R3?

if remove arduino's atmega328 ic , build same circuitry on breadboard using 16mhz crystal , other components (that can use make arduino uno on breadboard), work same before? p.s. have uploaded sketch. yes. buy controllers projects this. Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Microcontrollers > what if I remove ATmega328 from Arduino UNO R3? arduino

TLC5940's Big Brother: TLC5955 48-Ch, 16-Bit, PWM LED Driver w/DC,BC,Open-Short

like tlc5940, double number of channels , pure spi control rather bastard spi + 6 additional pins bull of tlc5940.  signals removed , put spi:  xerr, dcprg, iref, blank, xlat.  gsclock stays reason, wouldn't have been nice if had put own oscillator onboard?  the 22v programming voltage history because guess onboard eeprom has been removed.  gs data must sent micro , latched in.  no resistor needed anymore set current. a winner. tlc5955 48-ch, 16-bit, pwm led driver w/ dc,bc,led open-short detection, , int   description the tlc5955 48-channel, constant-current sink driver. each channel has individually-adjustable, pulse width modulation (pwm), grayscale (gs) brightness control 65,536 steps , 128 steps of constant-current dot correction (dc). dc adjusts brightness deviation between channels. channels have 128-step global brightness control (bc). bc adjusts brightness deviation between r, g, b color group. eight-step maximum current control...

ATTINY13 compatible code question.

is there somewhere has list of compatible code attiny? i.e software serial library or other libraries work? this on uno  "bare minimun"   size  466 bytes incl. softwareserial :  no code @ all.    930 bytes ..i belive, if u want want write statement, 1k memory doesnt give space Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Project Guidance > ATTINY13 compatible code question. arduino

Garduino Code Errors

hi,       know there lot of posts out there people tried build "garduino" arduino based plant watering system haven't seen me specific problem. i'm using code found here: i've tried code #include <datetime.h> , #include <time.h> trying them together. code: [select] //include datetime library, our garduino can keep track of how long lights on #include //define analog inputs have connected our sensors int moisturesensor = 0; int lightsensor = 1; int tempsensor = 2; //define digital outputs have connecte our relays (water , light) , led (temperature) int waterpump = 7; int lightswitch = 8; int templed = 2; //define variables store moisture, light, , temperature values int moisture_val; int light_val; int temp_val; //decide how many hours of light plants should daily float hours_light_daily_desired = 14; //calculate desired hours of light total , supplemental daily based on above values fl...

MOZZI Multiple triggers for multiple sounds

hi, relatively new arduino's attempting create kind of lofi drum machine. i've managed trigger 1 sound using button struggling more that. want 4 switches control 4 different sounds, e.g kick, snare, hi hat, clap . believe it's if statements . heres code far 2 buttons, 2 sounds.. appreciated! code: [select] #include <mozziguts.h> #include <sample.h> // sample template #include <samples/drumkit/hat.h> #include <samples/drumkit/snare.h> const int button4 = 4;     // number of pushbutton pin const int button5 = 5;     // number of pushbutton pin boolean triggered = false; // use: sample <table_size, update_rate> samplename (wavetable) sample <hat_table_num_cells, audio_rate> ahat(hat_table_data); sample <snare_table_num_cells, audio_rate> asnare(snare_table_data); void setup(){  startmozzi(control_rate);  ahat.setfreq((float) hat_table_samplerate / (float) hat_table_num_cells); asnare.setfreq...

Manifest Maker for SCORM 2004

can make recommendation software create manifest scorm 2004 course complex sequencing? constructing course made multiple sco's created in captivate 3. course have pre-test , launch appropriate sco's in appropriate sequence, based on quiz results. familiar manifest looks such course, don't want hand-code entire manifest. have many other courses use same approach. have seen several manifest maker softwares out there scorm 1.2, can't seem find 1 scorm 2004. i want l5 scorm producer extension dreamweaver mx 2004 works creating scorm 2004 manifests. assuming that's true, still works later versions of dreamweaver. here's link: if nothing else, few comments available on download page make sound keeper! More discussions in Quizzing/LMS adobe

Contact form - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hi guys, i had on old site php based contact form - cannot work on site (i have link externally page - - follow link main page , contact), not professional - how can this? many in advance, pete paganpete wrote: hi guys, i had on old site php based contact form - cannot work on site (i have link externally page - - follow link main page , contact), not professional - how can this? many in advance, pete there built in contact component in default joomla installation. there several other contact components in extensions directory - 1,com_mtree/task,viewlink/link_id,792/itemid,35/ . there extensions allow enter php code content. looks 3 options. 1 ought work you. Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.0 General Questions - 1.0.x

Thread: My laptop is suddenly slow...

a long time ago, year, had problem dell laptop. system slow after booting in windows, using while, , returning live cd of linux. slowness remained despite returning linux. wasn't before. reason slowed right down. i'm 100% sure not typical case of viri or malware. when bought new laptop, vowed use ubuntu exclusively, sick of windows vulnerabilities. ran flawlessly year. stupid reason decided boot windows. same thing happened new laptop, happened dell. i'm convinced something, somehow, messed hardware ( again ). there way diagnose problem? check bios, , hardware settings or something? reset everything? Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support General Help [other] My laptop is suddenly slow... Ubuntu