Debounce multiple push buttons, switches, relays or digital signals
can break this?
below line include latest updates
i inspired create debouncer after reading this great debouncing guide, referring last plot of microswitch on page 8, says "i found generated pulse train guaranteed play havoc simple filter code. there's no high speed hash, hard-to-eliminate solid ones , zeroes."
this code monitors , cleans number of input signals (10 shown).
edit: updated - see reply#5
example of pattern recognition within 1 byte (bits 5,6,7 ignored):
button state output comments
00000000 low stable
00000001 low noise <-- typical debouncer detects rising edge
00000010 low noise <-- typical debouncer detects falling edge
00000101 low noise <-- typical debouncer detects rising edge
00001011 low noise
00010111 low noise
00101111 high rising
01011111 high stable
10111111 high stable
01111111 high stable
11111111 high stable
11111110 high noise <-- typical debouncer detects falling edge
11111101 high noise <-- typical debouncer detects rising edge
11111010 high noise <-- typical debouncer detects falling edge
11110100 high noise
11101000 high noise
11010000 low falling
10100000 low stable
01000000 low stable
10000000 low stable
below line include latest updates
i inspired create debouncer after reading this great debouncing guide, referring last plot of microswitch on page 8, says "i found generated pulse train guaranteed play havoc simple filter code. there's no high speed hash, hard-to-eliminate solid ones , zeroes."
this code monitors , cleans number of input signals (10 shown).
edit: updated - see reply#5
code: [select]
• stable readings on number of input pins in buttons[] array
• no time-out set after false readings occur
• minimum response 8+ ms (varies signal quality)
• non blocking, no interrupts, fast response
• uses pattern recognition
• filters random noise prevent false triggering
• detects rising , falling edges on high or low signals
• use on push buttons, switches, relays or digital inputs
buttonstate: ______|________|_|_|_|??|????????|_|_|_|____________|_|________
buttonread: _______________________|????????????????????????|________________
buttonstate: ????|????????????|?|?|?|__|_________|_|??|?|?|??????????????????|???
buttonread: ????????????????????????????????|___________________|???????????????
// constants
const byte buttons[] = {2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11}; // inputs
const byte qty = sizeof(buttons);
const byte led = 13;
// variables
byte buttonstate[qty];
byte buttonread[qty];
unsigned long microsstart;
void setup() {
pinmode(led, output);
for (int = 0; < qty; i++)
pinmode(buttons[i], input_pullup);
buttonstate[i] = 0xff;
buttonread[i] = 1;
void loop() {
// code starts here
digitalwrite(led, buttonread[0]); // debounced , filtered status of pin 2
void buttonfilter(void)
if (micros() - microsstart >= 2000) // minimum interval between bounces = 2 ms
for (int = 0; < qty; i++)
buttonstate[i] = (buttonstate[i] << 1) | digitalread(buttons[i]); // shift , read
if ((buttonstate[i] & b11111) == b01111) // if rising , high 3 stable reads
buttonread[i] = 1;
if ((buttonstate[i] & b11111) == b10000) // if falling , low 3 stable reads
buttonread[i] = 0;
microsstart = micros();
example of pattern recognition within 1 byte (bits 5,6,7 ignored):
button state output comments
00000000 low stable
00000001 low noise <-- typical debouncer detects rising edge
00000010 low noise <-- typical debouncer detects falling edge
00000101 low noise <-- typical debouncer detects rising edge
00001011 low noise
00010111 low noise
00101111 high rising
01011111 high stable
10111111 high stable
01111111 high stable
11111111 high stable
11111110 high noise <-- typical debouncer detects falling edge
11111101 high noise <-- typical debouncer detects rising edge
11111010 high noise <-- typical debouncer detects falling edge
11110100 high noise
11101000 high noise
11010000 low falling
10100000 low stable
01000000 low stable
10000000 low stable
is there break ? please explain, question ?
Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Programming Questions > Debounce multiple push buttons, switches, relays or digital signals
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