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Thread: update manager is not working help.....

it says when try down load packages

w: gpg error: jaunty release: following signatures invalid: badsig 2ebc26b60c5a2783 medibuntu packaging team <>
w: gpg error: jaunty release: following signatures invalid: badsig 40976eaf437d05b5 ubuntu archive automatic signing key <>

thiss mean , can solve

thank , have 1

you need import public key. ran command , didn't badsig error message.

use last 8 alphanumeric characters in error message , import them command:
gpg --keyserver --recv-keys 437d05b5 0c5a2783 && gpg --export --armor 437d05b5 0c5a2783 | sudo apt-key add -

please mark thread solved via thread tools link near upper right of original post when no longer need assistance.

Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support New to Ubuntu [ubuntu] update manager is not working help.....



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