
Showing posts from January, 2012

Thread: No wireless on Asus Eee PC 1005 HA

hello, i've had computer month , modified dual boot in zenwalk along windows, couldn't ethernet work in zen. when researching problem, came across website: , decided try it, wiped zen off hard drive , installed jaunty. made way wireless connection (ethernet works - yay!) there no sign of life on wireless side. installed jaunty backports says on website , when check on synaptic package manager, there green boxes next to: linux-backports-modules-jaunty /the installed version, latest version. installed is: linux-backports-modules-jaunty-generic /the installed version same above latest. there no bars on wireless , when right click on network manager, wireless enabled along networking. when go edit connections , click on wireless tab, there no list of available networks though have router next computer , ther e 9 other networks seen when run windows (or when used run zenwalk).

Thread: Wireless problems since upgrading from 8.10 to 9.04

hi, on hp 530, wireless used ok. since upgraded 9.04 can't connect wireless networks ('wireless networks' grayed out in network manager applet - gnome) >iwconfig lo no wireless extensions. eth0 no wireless extensions. wmaster0 no wireless extensions. wlan0 ieee 802.11bg essid:"" mode:managed frequency:2.412 ghz access point: not-associated tx-power=20 dbm retry min limit:7 rts thr ff fragment thr=2352 b power management ff link quality:0 signal level:0 noise level:0 rx invalid nwid:0 rx invalid crypt:0 rx invalid frag:0 tx excessive retries:0 invalid misc:0 missed beacon:0 >sudo lshw -c network *-network description: network controller product: bcm4311 802.11b/g wlan vendor: broadcom corporation physical id: 0 bus info: pci@0000:10:00.0 version: 0

How to change the background on the ( Print ) page ? - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

a friend asking me changing background of page appear when click on ( printable version ) button cause using dark background . can done via css or ?? thanks in advance regards ... #msg576140 ^^right in there. - g Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.0 Templates & CSS - 1.0.x

Joomla! Forum - community, help and support - Login

the board requires registered , logged in view forum. username: password: i forgot password resend activation email remember me hide online status session   register in order login must registered. registering takes few moments gives increased capabilities. board administrator may grant additional permissions registered users. before register please ensure familiar our terms of use , related policies. please ensure read forum rules navigate around board. terms of use | privacy policy register Board index

Lautstärke in Dezibel messen

guten tag liebe community, ich möchte auf grund eines schulprojekts eine "lautstärkeampel" bauen. je nach lautstärke im raum, sollen verschiedene farben von leds leuchten. ich hab bereits alles in der theorie fertig, nur weiß ich nicht, wie ich die lautstärke in db messen soll. nach ein wenig googeln hab ich zwar ein paar bauteile gefunden, aber bin mir nicht sicher, ob ich die wirklich gebrauchen kann. hier die links: vielen dank schon mal im voraus! der von dir verlinkte "soundsensor" kann einem arduino allenfalls als klatschschalter verwendet werden, um ein lautes klatschen direkt neben dem sensor zu erkennen. oder einen presslufthammer neben dem sensor geräusch zu erkennen. das ding liefert kein vernüftig skalierendes ausgangssignal. sc

Love-o-meter project problem

hi everybody! i'm beginner arduino , i'm trying assembly first projects. basically, i'm following love-o-meter project in starter kit guide, when led lights up, temperature value increases immediately. seems when led lights sensor stops working. i checked code , circuit , seems ok. any advice? thanks! quote any advice? post code. post schematic. post links hardware. Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Project Guidance > Love-o-meter project problem arduino

Arduino freezes when using power on my relay board

hey everyone, i'm working on project use midi notes switch 8 old lamps using arduino uno. i've build case 8 wall sockets linked relay board arduino. use hairless midi serial bridge send midi notes via usb arduino. serial data used send digital outputs relay board. board has 8 relays can switched 5 volts. this works , fast until put power on sockets. then, after 5~10 seconds arduino freezes. relay shield stays in it's current state , indication lights serial communication stop flashing. hairless serial midi bridge still show activity. when there isn't 220 volts going through relays works great. relay board i'm using had 8 led's indication , respond intended without power switched on. i tried make simple schematic clarify setup. arduino powered via usb. tried powering arduino additional adapter of 5v , 500ma didn't make difference. i'm confused why happens , hope can me. i'm novice might doing stupid here (highly probable). materials: arduin

Problema con temporizar una salida

buenas tardes, soy un poco novato en el tema de la programación en el arduino. y tengo una problema. quiiero realizar un programa en el que cuando una entrada me de un impulso se me active una salida durante un determinado tiempo, continuación utilizando un contador, cuando se de otro impulso la entrada se me active la siguiente salida esté o no la anterior activa, y así sucesivamente con las demás, nose si me explico bien. el problema que tengo utilizando el delay es que me para el la ejecución del programa entonces al realizar otro impulso no se me activa la siguiente salida. haber si alguien me pudiera ayudar. os dejo como llevo el programa para que me ayudeis. int cuenta = 0; void setup(){    pinmode(0, input);    pinmode(1, output);    pinmode(2, output);    pinmode(3, output);    pinmode(4, output); } void loop(){        if (digitalread(0) == high){       if(digitalread(0) == low){          cuenta = cuenta++;          delay(100);          if(cuenta==5)             cuent

SVN Subversion - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

as php applications create , maintain becomes more , more, gets difficult manage specially different versions different usage scenarios.  huh!  had use version control not keep track of versions specially changes have made apps.  changes make not commented , done fast due deadlines or importance.  there issue of co programmers editing code or vice versa.  had use use svn. i have tried bitkeeper, svn etc.  luckily, remembered when made post in forum studying joomla code together, noticed rey's reply on how managing joomla code.  after reading rey's post , quick start guide, have installed subversion in 1 of test servers use in uk , tortoise in local pc here.  using , enjoying in process. i thank rey gigataras , hope thread other programmers me out there. how's svn subversion far? we're still using sourcesafe -- because i'm sissy try new. Board index Joomla! International Language Support International Zone

[SOLVED]"Could not instantiate mail function" message - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

description:     "could not instantiate mail function" message show after create new user. reported on:     joomla beta version 1.5 (trunk updated @ 2006/11/09). classification:     medium. affected functions:     user manager module. steps replicate:     -login in backend (administrator module).     -enter menu option: site > user manager.     -from toolbar select new.     -fill data (details shown in first attached file).     -the "could not instantiate mail function" message shown (it shown in second attached file). system info:     os: windows 2k     navigator: firefox     apache 2.0.59     php 5.1.6     mysql 5.0.26 thank you. your server settings don't seem correct. please correct them or settings of joomla , try again. should work then. closing report down. Board index Joomla! Official Sites & Infrastructure Sites & Infrastructure - Feedback/Information Archived Boards

Thread: Difficulty of making a website?

hi see many ads in area looking "professional" make website them. pay seems quite , i'm thinking doing when have free time away university studies. vaguely remember doing website stuff in high school can't claim know it. not unfamiliar computers since in computer science bit until switched. seems right tools , "design" sense making website should simple... correct? average person able make websites in reasonable amount of time client working on 3-4 hours day? overall u recommend learning trade? @ least make money pay university? thx i make custom build websites, , it's pretty easy make basic one. however, more advance ones, you're going need know @ least how css, html, , server side scripting language php @ least. if want hand anything, ask, i'd happy help. Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Community Discussions

Thread: How to: a text based O/S (no graphics at all)

how can make server text (meaning no graphics @ all) purpose run apache2 + mysql + a_server_based_softawre , have minimal amount of software running ? won't used else (besides doing system updates). posted browser_ice how can make server text (meaning no graphics @ all) purpose run apache2 + mysql + a_server_based_softawre , have minimal amount of software running ? won't used else (besides doing system updates). install server edition? Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Specialised Support Ubuntu Servers, Cloud and Juju Server Platforms [all variants] How to: a text based O/S (no graphics at all) Ubuntu

Would like some advice and help with UTFT fonts

i'm using sevensegnumfonts in sketch since 1 big enough need. problem there numbers. add characters + - , maybe few letters. seem possible when @ defaultsfonts.c file. practical , easy way it? understand 2 first bytes in array size of font (32*50 or 0x20*0x32). next two? data must manually draw pictures of character , figure out data byte in way? maybe have done this? you have couple of options: - make own font file using convertor available here did start play around years ago got hard. - use 1 of alternative font files created other users - should able find acceptable here if think it, realise producing '+' on 7 segment display font not possible cheers Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Programming Questions >

MP3 playing problems

i've got simple flash project 1 frame 5 layers display sideshow of jpg files listed in xml file using actionscript 2. decided wanted music in background added layer , put following as2 code in frame: firstsound = new sound(); firstsound.loadsound("loop,mp3",yes); firstsound.start(0,999); it not seem work unless i'm stepping through in debug mode. once step through can click on go in debug , can hear mp3 , slideshow works supposed to. if test or run html page slideshow functions there no backrgound music. i've used mp3's in other more complex projects 1 has me stumped. ideas appreciated. dean More discussions in ActionScript 1 and 2 adobe

Thread: Athlon or Intel for Ubuntu?

i (am going to) buy latest (very new) processor install run ubuntu. ultimate question processor buy - should buy athlon or intel? both offer dual processor. both can run ubuntu. 1 better or less better when comes compatibility issues? should purchase have least problems in present , future using ubuntu - ? please post pros/cons of each. i used use older p4 , running athlon 64 5200+. don't have experience newer intels typically, both work equally well. not cpu need worry board , other components install along cpu. go amd chip cheaper (price wise) , run faster money pay out. make sure if more 3gigs of ram use 64 bit version , nvidia card current ati support video cards lacking. Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support New to Ubuntu [ubuntu] Athlon or Intel for Ubuntu? Ubuntu

Thread: Error 13: Invalid or Unsupported Executable Format

i have fresh ubuntu 9.04 install booting external hard drive. when boot menu error 13: invalid or unsupported executable format message when select windows vista. fdisk -lu follows: /dev/sda vista install located /dev/sdb5 linux is disk /dev/sda: 150.0 gb, 150039945216 bytes 255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 18241 cylinders, total 293046768 sectors units = sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes disk identifier: 0x63c35e74 device boot start end blocks id system /dev/sda1 * 2048 293044223 146521088 7 hpfs/ntfs disk /dev/sdb: 500.1 gb, 500107862016 bytes 255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 60801 cylinders, total 976773168 sectors units = sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes disk identifier: 0x000a6bb1 device boot start end blocks id system /dev/sdb1 * 63 315209862 157604900 af unknown /dev/sdb2 315209916 944756537 314773311 7 hpfs/ntfs /dev/sdb3 944766585 976768064

FABridge.addInitializationCallback not working on IE7

i have jsp page 2 swf files initialized using adobe flash detection script 1.6 i using fabridge.js communicate swf files javascript. i have 2 problems 1) fabridge.addinititializationcallback method never works on ie7. fabridge.addinitializationcallback(bridgename,callback); if register handler on ie7 callback never gets called. same code runs fine on ff2 2) display of swf on page not 100% reliable. 90% of time swf initializes , displays correctly 10% of time doesn't display. if reload page fixes problem. i find more reliable on ff2 on ie7 though occassionally fails on ff2 well. i have tried adding delays using settimeout swf initialization code etc far nothing has helped. any ideas or suggestions? /sanjay More discussions in Flex (Read Only) adobe

Thread: download accelerator for downloading video

is there download accelerator downloading video such idm internet download manager grabs videos websites such youtube , download them faster normal, or download videos downthemall??? any one??!! Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support Multimedia Software [SOLVED] download accelerator for downloading video Ubuntu

Comunicación (Arduino 5V con modulos 3v3... SPI, I2C y Serial)

buenas, estoy trabajando con un arduino 5v y le estoy conectando módulos que trabajan tanto 5v como 3v3, el problema viene la hora de la comunicación, que tengo que usar un convertidor de nivel para adecuar las señales entre 5v y 3v3. visto varios esquemas para i2c y serial, con lo cual no tengo problema con ellos pero para spi no se que señal tengo que adaptar ni como ¿miso? ¿mosi? .el como me refiero bien adaptada, porque lo único que visto ha sido con una resistencia simple en mosi, no se si es suficiente pero lo veo simple en comparación por ejemplo con el conversor para i2c o serial. estoy trabajando con un pro mini y un modulo nrf24l01. saludos y gracias  para la comunicación serial tengo este esquema: saludos  Arduino Forum > International > Español

Sketch to send data form Ardoaino fio via xbee and received on the computer

hello have ardoaino fio , xbee unit on it. used transmitter. and device 2 includes xbee explorer connected computer. used receive data. i want transmit transmitter simple text message includes numbers "123456789" in loop. and on receiver want receive information. i happy if me basic code listing. the process same if arduinos connected wires. have tried? Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Programming Questions > Sketch to send data form Ardoaino fio via xbee and received on the computer arduino

My new Joomla Site AllShort - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

please review latest joomla site website , article directory .  i appreciate , comments/feedback. mod note: removed network extension thread title. -mmmedia what defines website other directory sites ? it looks ok red'n black , all, doesn't invite me stay. it looks other directories on net. make more special , put imagery on while you're @ . cheers, tc Board index Joomla! Official Sites & Infrastructure Sites & Infrastructure - Feedback/Information Archived Boards - All boards closed 1.0 x Site Showcase - Archived.

Thread: Could someone Help me in some commands please?

hello, im trying directory in wine tried ed@ed-desktop:~$ cd /home/ed/.wine/dosdevices/c:/program files/city of heroes bash: cd: /home/ed/.wine/dosdevices/c:/program: no such file or directory ed@ed-desktop:~$ cd /home/ed/.wine/dosdevices/c:/ ed@ed-desktop:~/.wine /dosdevices/c:$ \program files bash: program: command not found ed@ed-desktop:~/.wine /dosdevices/c:$ /program files bash: /program: no such file or directory ed@ed-desktop:~/.wine /dosdevices/c:$ ls ~glhttp1.tmp program files windows ed@ed-desktop:~/.wine /dosdevices/ full path im trying /home/ed/.wine/dosdevices/c:/program files/city of heroes/ trying run in terminal can see error coming when attempt run it crash on update.. me please? isnt it code: wine gamename dont know not sure Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support New t

Problem driving LED Strip with BUZ11 MOSFET

hey guys. i trying drive common anode 12v led strip little circuit made. basically there gate pin buz 11 connected arduino pin via 2,2kohm resistor. led strip cathodes connected drain pins of transistor , cathode of power source connected source pin. nevertheless won't work. when brigde cathode of power source cathode of led strip corresponding color work not led strip. though when try bridge 12v of power source gate pin of transistor there spark , power source shuts down(its computer). any ideas? thanks in advance sl33k so have this, maybe couple strips in parallel, , won't turn on? Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Project Guidance > Problem driving LED Strip with BUZ11 MOSFET arduino

AJAX Problem, help?

hi everyone! i'm newbie here , have problem.   i've become blind code i'm hoping can me this. problem @ "void setleds(void)" i've defined 5 leds turn on , off guided ajax html code (below). first 4 leds working fine when add fifth, stops working. first thought problem on buffer size didn't find it.. hope can peek in , tell me what's wrong   arduino code: html code: please, post code. use code tags. Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Programming Questions > AJAX Problem, help? arduino

Common Library

my common library empty. can access items importing, , going app folder. there can import 1 of items onto canvas, not library. on mac using cs3 scottmc59 wrote: > common library empty. can access items importing, , going app folder. there can import 1 of items onto canvas, not library. on mac using cs3 on pc, common library empty if there no open files in fw, but maybe different on the mac -- jim babbage - .:community mx:. & .:adobe community expert:. communitymx - free resources: --- .:adobe community expert fireworks:. adobe community expert --- see work on flickr More discussions in Fireworks adobe

[RESOLUE]besoin d'aide pour un probleme avec un arduino IR

boujour j'ai commencer un programme sur arduino équipé d'un moteur shield et d'un récepteur ir j'ai installer la librairie recepteur ir et le motor sield repose sur le principe e1            m1      effet l              x         motor 1 eteint h             h         motor 1 recule pwm      x         motor 1 controle de vitesse x correspond n'importe quelle voltage j'ai donc construit un programme sur se principe le voila : code: [select] #include <irremote.h> int recv_pin = 11; int m1 = 6; int e1 = 7; irrecv irrecv(recv_pin); decode_results results; void setup() { serial.begin(9600); irrecv.enableirin(); // start receiver pinmode(m1,output); } void loop() { if (irrecv.decode(&results)) {   long int deccode = results.value;     serial.println(deccode);        switch (deccode) {              case 1752382022:                    digitalwrite(m1,high);                    analogwrite(e1,230);             case -2085514394:                

[RISOLTO] Gestione ingresso porte logiche

buongiorno tutti, in un circuito che sto facendo ho bisogno di collegare catodi di due diodi alle uscite di una nand (4093). per aumentare la corrente, vorrei usare due porte. e' possibile collegare due catodi ai pin senza problemi? allego il circuito che vorrei fare per farmi capire meglio, il segmento in rosso è quello che non se lasciare. dp_1 non capisco la necessitá di tale circuito. ciao uwe Arduino Forum > International > Italiano > Hardware (Moderator: leo72) > [RISOLTO] Gestione ingresso porte logiche arduino

eingangs abfrage über timer...

hallo, kann mir jemand helfen? ich würde gerne einen ausgang vom arduino alle 5s für 1s pulsieren. dieser ausgang geht über eine leermeldesonde retour in einen eingang vom arduino. wenn bei diesem eingang 15 s kein high kommt würde ich gerne eine variable auf true setzen. dies wäre ein kleier teil einer schaltung die ich benötigen würde... mittels s7 oder beckhoff wäre es keine sache für mich, aber wie gehe ich da besten mit arduino vor? brauche ich da vielleicht schon dieses multi tasking? bin für jeden tipp dankbar! das sind die einfachsten basics! da gibt es einen haufen tutorials zu. selber in der arduino ide sind genügend sketche dabei, die mit minimalen anpassnungen bereits dein ergebnis erzielen. Arduino Forum > International > Deutsch (Moderator: uwefed) > eingangs abfrage über timer... arduino

Thread: Java and Javac? help

ok have assignment have class. have compile , execute , supposed print stuff out before continue development. our prof , students (sep me) using windows of kind...ewww jk. im of course using ubuntu 9.04 64bit. , far havent had problems. till now! compile our professor wants use cmd code: javac -cp twitter4j.jar;. this doesnt work tired this code: javac -cp twitter4j.jar only diff lack of ;. , works , creates .class file!!! gives cmd run it... code: java -cp twitter4j.jar;. assignment5 this doesnt work... have tried replacing -cp -classpath , same resualts. have tried many different things im not goin bother listing them if 1 can me determine right cmds run appreciate this! here answer figured out of prof! code: java -cp twitter4j.jar:. assignment5 use : instead of ; Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community

PI 2 with Media center + Owncloud + NAS + Torrent - Raspberry Pi Forums

hi all i've configured rasp pi 2, begineer, have few doubts: have configured: rasp pi2, connected external hdd external power, tv hdmi cable, , connected ethernet cable router. functionalities want install/create: - media center (openlec or osmc, kodi or similar (plex?), able control via yatse app) - nas, automatic backup/syn other pc's on same network, , periodic backup/sync other external hdd, redundance (openmediavault or similar?) - owncloud - remote access through other pc's , smartphones/tablet (either on same network, or external (no-ip?)) - torrent download, remote access/control (transmission?) - survailance system (optional, , not mandatory @ stage) questions beginner, don't understand how create these funcionalities working simultaneously, ie, yesterday installted raspbian ann openelec, understand, these 2 distinct os's, own boots, ie, openlec serve media center (kodi), whereas raspbian serve tradicional os, allways 1 @ time. there way have

I'm a newbie....please HELP me !!!!! - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hello all, i launching business in 3 days time , website still needs finishing , there's 1 major thing need done (well seems major me, of expert help, i'm sure can fixed quick smart !)........ can please @ site can explain mean...... see heading is...sonni lou designs, designer beaded jewellery @ affordable prices.....well want use specific fonts, ie action , arctic text, can't work.  i've read few web builder books , understand if want ensure formatting of these fonts want them shown, need insert them graphic or image.....does sound right ? i've made .html file heading stored.....can use ?  or have turn .html file .jpg or other image file ?  sorry sound stupid, can see, i'm not technically minded !!! i suggest creating banner image, width of site , height specify.  use can use graphics program such as, fireworks, adobe photoshop, paintshop pro name few. you need ensure integrity of fonts want use, particularly unusual ones u

My site's homepage loads very slow - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hi. i have read through many of posts , not seem find solution.  other not using open sef. the main page of site runs extremely slow.  inner pages load quick.  header image 65kb so not sure if problem (i think read should under that). i have ran debug,  63 queries executed. if can appreciate.  url oh yes, cache not enabled ( think read should turned off too) thanks. enable cache - having on idea. your server seems painfully slow - getting transfers ranging 8 22kb/s depending on geographical location. you shouldn't getting near 63 queries can see on webpage - mine way more module-loaded , i'm getting 16-23. Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.0 Performance - 1.0.x

fckeditor problem with permission? - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

fckeditor working fine publish article under joomla 1.0.11, problem when try set new category, in text area description appears following error: you don't have permission access /mambots/editors/fckeditor/editor/fckeditor.html on server. what can do? thanks neorf i not use fckeditor, have updated admin.mambots.php file? there patch released similar problems (there post stingray, ugrade joomla! 1.0.11, you'll find patch file in post) alternatively, mambots , fckeditor editor have correct permissions set allow @ least readable webserver process/user? Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.0 Upgrading - 1.0.x

Alternative to SD card for deployed RPI - Raspberry Pi Forums

with concerns still lingering sd cards long term stability know more options operating without sd card together. have been reading external usb hard drives , seems viable, looking lower price point. rpi projects deployed , need virtually 100% time. device used in-place of sd card: ... e-c1-linux cost still higher like, or know of lower price option. thanks, henry the raspberry pi models b1, b+ , b2 can boot sd card. there no way around that. can make sd card small (32 megabytes , lower afaik) if chainload dozen open-source bootloaders 1 after (booting via tftp , iscsi way) , cannot change zeroth-stage bootloader burned soc works sd cards on pi model b1/b+/b2. mounting sd card read-only , remounting read-write while performing updates approach seems work well. ghans raspberrypi

Se necesitan programadores urgentemente. - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

si eres un programador y te apañas en inglés, joomla! te necesita urgentemente para el grupo de calidad y pruebas (q&t).,106655.0.html no se me ocurre ningún sitio mejor para ayudar la comunidad de usuarios. por desgracia yo no lo soy. es una de esas veces en las que me arrepieto de no serlo. are open outsourcing spanish , english speaking programmers philippines (asia). eres abierto al outsourcing los programadores españoles y de habla inglesa de las filipinas (asia). [edit mod: signature enough provide way user contact. read forum rules on self -promotion.] Board index Joomla! International Language Support International Zone Spanish Forum Versiones de Joomla! obsoletas Joomla! 1.5

Naujienu archyvavimo komponento ar modulio - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

sveiki, turim kruva naujienu arteja nauji metai, norisi kazkaip susitvarkyti, kas zino koki nebloga kmponenta ar moduli, kuris naujienu archyva tvarkytu? a pats vidinis netinka... bei dar botas plius kuris pamokina laiku nusiusti archyva  Board index Joomla! International Language Support International Zone Lithuanian Forum

Animated GIF starts with rollover

hello! want animated gif start when roll on it. tried swap image, using "still" version of first frame , setting swap image animated gif file (set directly under still image. doesn't seem work.. should able this? -- don donok wrote: > hello! want animated gif start when roll on it. tried > swap image, using "still" version of first frame , setting > swap image animated gif file (set directly under still image. > doesn't seem work.. should able this? export animation first, , use image swap in. uncheck preload images function in swap image editor force the animation begin playing onmouseover. -- linda rathgeber [pvii] *adobe community expert-fireworks* -------------------------------------------------------------- fireworks newsgroup: news:// css newsgroup: news:// --------------------------------------

Show more than three content entries on front page? - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hi.  i'm running joomla , want know if there way in templates show more 3 content items on main front page?  i'd prefer 4-5 in running column.  templates seem allow 3 - top 1 , 2 below side side.  there way change either editing template or in configuration area?  tried make new content area , show still show 3 main content items @ once.  appreciated.  thanks. edit parameters of home link on mainmenu have leading,intro, columns,links can set number of articles shows Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.0 General Questions - 1.0.x

Arduino Motors not working

when try run motors obstacle avoidance rc car nothing steady "clicking" sound. tried plugging in different motors shield (using motor shield) , same problem occurs. i used code test; quote //test 2 void setup() {     //establish motor direction toggle pins   pinmode(12, output); //drive motor -- high = forwards , low = backwards   pinmode(13, output); //turn motor -- high = left , low = right     //establish motor brake pins   pinmode(9, output); //brake (disable) drive motor   pinmode(8, output); //brake (disable) turn motor   //turns brake off drive motor   digitalwrite(9, low);   //turns brake on turn motor   digitalwrite(8, high);   //sets initial speed of drive motor   analogwrite(3, 200);     //sets initial direction of drive motor   digitalwrite(12, high); } void loop() {    //turn off brake turn motor     digitalwrite(9, low);     //set turn motor direction     digitalwrite(12, high);     //activate turn motor     analogwrite(3, 200); } any ideas? tyvm

power issues - Raspberry Pi Forums

so got b+ (right before 2 came out..... ) , have chance play it. cant power up. using adapter came nexus 10 (5v 2a) doesn't work. sd card , hdmi. red led solid red, think means low of power, research adapter should plenty. green led flickers pretty randomly. on screen flashes lot. of solid colors,the meaning full 1 black screen raspberry in top left corner. hints wrong? if relevant, have sandisk ultra microsdhc uhs-i card. stiny wrote: so got b+ (right before 2 came out..... ) , have chance play it. cant power up. using adapter came nexus 10 (5v 2a) doesn't work. sd card , hdmi. red led solid red, think means low of power, research adapter should plenty. green led flickers pretty randomly. have mixed up, red power led on means power good. red led off or flickering bad power. stiny wrote: on screen flashes lot. of solid colors,the meaning full 1 black screen raspberry in top left corner. hints wrong? if relevant, have sandisk ultra microsdhc uhs-i ca

Just got Maker Kit w/ Arduino UNO - attempting to mix two beginner projects

hello all! first off, i'm excited join crowd of arduino lovers , here. went , got arduino uno maker kit begin learning, , having fun. quick background- when in highschool (the years ago that was, haha!  ) built , wrote own little 2d video game; think zelda on gameboy. simple, blast do. wrote in java, , since then, that's last did code. i'm teaching myself c because seems used in embedded systems, , that's i'm interested in learning. software hardware real life applications coolest!  anyways, here attempting. i have done lot of basic tutorials on last few months, , after learning things, intrigued servo's , dc motors. learned through study how control servo's button, , learned how work little dc motors. fun! trying learn how combine servo, button, , motor 1 application. here's goal- press & release button -> small motor turns on set amount of time -> servo turns 180 degrees -> motor turns on set amount of time -> servo turns

Dropdown - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hallo, ik wil op mijn frontpage een dropdown maken , maar weet niet hoe dat te doen. ik heb al verschillende pogingen gewaagd, maar zonder positief resultaat. gewoon in php werkt eea wel, maar in joomla niet. kan iemand mij tips geven. ik doe een query op een db waaruit ik de jaartallen van alle data krijg. als ik daarna uit de dropdown een jaartal selecteer, moet ik alleen de entries van dar jaar krijgen. het bedoeld voor deze pagina: dubbelpost...,112335.0.html dit topic wordt gesloten. Board index Joomla! International Language Support International Zone Dutch Forum Joomla! 1.0 Componenten 1.0.x

Dark sensitive clock project

i'm new arduino appreciated. so i'm working on project @ moment have made laser cut clock, clock motor basic quartz clock motor requires single aa battery. i hoping make simple set using ldr activates clock when near or complete darkness. i bought basic light sensitive switch circuit maplins, encountered few issues when trying make project, including delay when ldr received light  before switch activate. i've decided simpler find out how through arduino , if advise sort of equipment need , maybe basic code, i'm not aware of best arduino job. again, apologies lack of technical knowledge. sensing light levels quite simple. connect light dependent resistor in series known constant resistance, connect 1 end ground , other end high logic level (5v), , voltage @ junction varies brightness. connect junction analog input read voltage, , have number in sketch varies brightness. it's trivial test whether value above or below constant threshold v

Mini Arcade Cabinet Project - Raspberry Pi Forums

hi all, first post thought share mini arcade project. saw idea while browsing while , thought "that'd cool project" , here cabinet made 6mm mdf 12mm mdf base. own design inspired full size cabs , other designs ive seen around. parts - raspberry pi model b 8gb sd running retropie 2.3 7" lcd , control board removed old portable dvd amplifier , speakers old computer speakers 12v 3a power supply (lcd, amp, lights , fan run on 12v) adjustable 3a switching regulator set @ 5.2v pi 4 port usb hub original xbox controller gutted pcb , various switches , buttons didn't many build photos here did take did have little accident other week though, accidently shorted usb pins 12v supply in turn frizzled usb/ethernet chip after pi not boot , fuse , usb chip red hot. have new rpi model 2 on way in mean time thought try fix it. nothing lose , discovering there short on usb chip causing psu die, went removing offending usb chip. did cut legs stanley knife lite

auto Close window when finished

does know how auto close window when last frame finished. hi kristm try clicking edit > preferences... > project node > start , end node. @ action configured in project end options area. if click drop-down, should see option labeled "close project". try configuring , re-publishing. cheers... rick More discussions in Adobe Captivate adobe

Incremental control of servo motor

hello all! i'm looking way control servo motor incrementaly. mean, if want move servo, specify change of angle, instead absolute position. in particular case: when loop starts frst time servo position needs be, lets 90 degrees. required change +30 degrees, : 90+30= 110, , position 110 degrees must send servo , stored. when loop repeats takes 110 degrees current angle, , if next required change 50 degrees, calc 110+50=160 , write pos= 160 deg. i may try eeprom, far know, type of memory more temporary data... so, appreceate every opinion! best regards quote so : 90+30= 110 what number base working in there? why eeprom? what's wrong ram, or system have hold position across reset? Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Storage > Incremental control of servo motor arduino

show submenu w/o reloading the page - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hi there, sorry if answer somewhere around, can't find it my question is: possible show submenu of given item without reloading page ( means, there no page associated parent item) e.g: main item - sub item 1 - sub item 2 - sub item 3 and on click on main item , show sub items, without reloading page.. if there no such opition ( couldn't find it) default main_menu module, teher other module, taht can that? if not, can hack main_menu module... , can post here thanks in advance responses:) you need kind of javascript menu module this. have no recommendations this. Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.0 General Questions - 1.0.x

Flash not recognizing Font weights

flash cs3 (running on macos latest version of leopard , latest version of fontexplorer) has been having weird issues fonts. first font futura. though had no problems other cs3 applications, flash futura heavy , futura medium both appeared heavy. tried everything, delete font caches, permissions, verified disk, deleted fonts, bought new versions of futura, , same thing happened. ended typing headers in illustrator, , pasting them objects flash. it's happened univers too. univers 45 light , 65 bold looks same, both bold. again tried in book, can't fix it. deleted flash , reinstalled (twice) original cs3 discs. closed fontexplorer , dropped univers directly in font folder. same thing. after hours waisted, no way use univers 45 light, appears bold. i should mention when reinstalled flash , tried update 9.0.2 using adobe's patch there error , couldn't it, i'm stuck 9.0 however, using latest flash 9.0.2 when font issues started. i'd love know answer myself. More

Raspi/USV/USB Hub - Raspberry Pi Forums

servus.. vllt kann mir jemand von euch helfen. also, folgendes szenario: ich hab eine powerbank die als usv dienen soll bei evtl stromausfällen, einen aktiven dlink 7 port usb hub und natürlich einen raspi.. der aktive usb hub lädt die powerbank, die powerbank versorgt gleichzeitig den raspi mit strom, der raspi ist per uplink mit dem usb hub verbunden (kein backpower) beim booten leuchtet die power led ganz normal rot, und nach erfolgreichem booten dauerhaft, aber nur für ca. 5 minuten, danach geht die power led einfach aus, aber der raspi läuft ganz normal weiter. wenn ich den uplink rausziehe, leuchtet die power led vom raspi wieder wie gewohnt dauerhaft rot weiß jemand wieso, und ist es gesund für den raspi oder nicht? lg christian kannst du normal auf der pi arbeiten wenn das rote led aus ist? finde ich sehr seltsam denn das rote led hängt einfach nur mit einem widerstand 3.3v spannungsregler. da diese spannung für die korrekte funktion des bcm unbedingt notwendig i

Thread: Is your son a computer hacker? offended article. according person fit every catagory of being hacker (except playing quake)... it obvious satirical page! Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Community Discussions Ubuntu, Linux and OS Chat Recurring Discussions Is your son a computer hacker? Ubuntu