Arduino Motors not working

when try run motors obstacle avoidance rc car nothing steady "clicking" sound. tried plugging in different motors shield (using motor shield) , same problem occurs.

i used code test;

//test 2

void setup() {
  //establish motor direction toggle pins
  pinmode(12, output); //drive motor -- high = forwards , low = backwards
  pinmode(13, output); //turn motor -- high = left , low = right
  //establish motor brake pins
  pinmode(9, output); //brake (disable) drive motor
  pinmode(8, output); //brake (disable) turn motor

  //turns brake off drive motor
  digitalwrite(9, low);

  //turns brake on turn motor
  digitalwrite(8, high);

  //sets initial speed of drive motor
  analogwrite(3, 200);
  //sets initial direction of drive motor
  digitalwrite(12, high);

void loop()
   //turn off brake turn motor
    digitalwrite(9, low);

    //set turn motor direction
    digitalwrite(12, high);

    //activate turn motor
    analogwrite(3, 200);

any ideas?


pin 13 connected resistor , led may giving problems, don't see pinmode pin 3, , actual issue.

Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Project Guidance > Arduino Motors not working



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