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Thread: Java and Javac? help

ok have assignment have class. have compile , execute , supposed print stuff out before continue development.

our prof , students (sep me) using windows of kind...ewww jk. im of course using ubuntu 9.04 64bit. , far havent had problems. till now!

compile our professor wants use cmd
javac -cp twitter4j.jar;.
this doesnt work tired this
javac -cp twitter4j.jar
only diff lack of ;. , works , creates .class file!!!

gives cmd run it...
java -cp twitter4j.jar;. assignment5
this doesnt work... have tried replacing -cp -classpath , same resualts. have tried many different things im not goin bother listing them if 1 can me determine right cmds run appreciate this!

here answer figured out of prof!
java -cp twitter4j.jar:. assignment5
use : instead of ;

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