Arduino freezes when using power on my relay board

hey everyone,

i'm working on project use midi notes switch 8 old lamps using arduino uno. i've build case 8 wall sockets linked relay board arduino. use hairless midi serial bridge send midi notes via usb arduino. serial data used send digital outputs relay board. board has 8 relays can switched 5 volts.

this works , fast until put power on sockets.
then, after 5~10 seconds arduino freezes. relay shield stays in it's current state , indication lights serial communication stop flashing. hairless serial midi bridge still show activity. when there isn't 220 volts going through relays works great. relay board i'm using had 8 led's indication , respond intended without power switched on.

i tried make simple schematic clarify setup. arduino powered via usb. tried powering arduino additional adapter of 5v , 500ma didn't make difference.

i'm confused why happens , hope can me. i'm novice might doing stupid here (highly probable).


this code running on arduino. it's based on code i've found processing serial midi.
code: [select]

#include <digitalwritefast.h>

byte incomingbyte=0;
byte notebyte=0;
byte velocitybyte=0;
byte statusbuffer=0;
byte note_on = 144;
byte note_off = 128;
boolean arp_triggernext=false;
boolean firstbyte;
void midi_poll(){
  if (serial.available() > 0) {
      // read incoming byte:
      incomingbyte =;
      if (incomingbyte>247) {
        // midi clock stuff done
        switch (incomingbyte){
      else if (incomingbyte>240) {
        statusbuffer = 0;
        //sysex stuff done here
      else if (incomingbyte>127) {
        statusbuffer = incomingbyte;
        firstbyte = true;
        notebyte = 0;
        velocitybyte = 0;
      else if (statusbuffer!=0) {
        if (firstbyte == true) {
          // must first byte
          notebyte = incomingbyte;
          firstbyte = false;
        else {
          // must second byte then
          velocitybyte = incomingbyte;
          //process message here
          if (statusbuffer == note_on && velocitybyte != 0) {
            switch (notebyte) {
               case 60:
               digitalwritefast2(2, high);
               case 61:
               digitalwritefast2(3, high);
               case 62:
               digitalwritefast2(4, high);
               case 63:
               digitalwritefast2(5, high);
               case 64:
               digitalwritefast2(6, high);
               case 65:
               digitalwritefast2(7, high);
               case 66:
               digitalwritefast2(8, high);
               case 67:
               digitalwritefast2(9, high);
          else if (statusbuffer == note_off || (statusbuffer == note_on && velocitybyte == 0)) {
            switch (notebyte){
               case 60:
               digitalwritefast2(2, low);
               case 61:
               digitalwritefast2(3, low);
               case 62:
               digitalwritefast2(4, low);
               case 63:
               digitalwritefast2(5, low);
               case 64:
               digitalwritefast2(6, low);
               case 65:
               digitalwritefast2(7, low);
               case 66:
               digitalwritefast2(8, low);
               case 67:
               digitalwritefast2(9, low);
          //now clear them next note
          notebyte = 0;
          velocitybyte = 0;
          firstbyte = true;       
    } while (serial.available() > 0);

void setup() {     
  pinmode(2, output);
  pinmode(3, output);
  pinmode(4, output);
  pinmode(5, output);
  pinmode(6, output);
  pinmode(7, output);
  pinmode(8, output);
  pinmode(9, output);

void loop() {

thanks in advance!

- jwktje

i/o pins can deliver max 40ma  (you need more drive reay coil)
use transistors (and resitores) ... present already?

supply 5v other source arduino

Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Project Guidance > Arduino freezes when using power on my relay board



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