
Showing posts from March, 2013

using dreamweaver - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hey folks! i got myself dreamweaver etc intention of jazzing joomla! site.  please point me in right direction how it??? (templates , formatting of pages) i have limited knowledge form using tutorials on here create own template (hand coded) -  think need jsas dreamweaver work joomla!?! correct. any me in right direction appreciated. simon the template faq forum start info templates:,337.0.html joomla template kit dreamweaver (commercial component): ... itemid,35/ and free one: i haven't used them myself cannot recommend choose. Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.0 General Questions - 1.0.x

Raspi IMU sensor - Raspberry Pi Forums

hey guys, first of all, first topic in forum , english isnt mother tongue, please forgive me mistakes :) i'd connect imu sensor rpi b rev2, bought minimu-9 v3 pololu: (link) . , followed guide davidegrayson: (link) far followed steps, like: - adding code: select all i2c-bcm2708 , code: select all i2c-dev in /etc/modules - adjusted permissions - wired imu rpi command code: select all i2ctetect -y gives me: code: select all pi@raspberrypi ~ $ i2cdetect -y 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 b c d e f 00: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 10: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 1d -- -- 20: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 30: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 40: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 50: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 60: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 6b -- -- -- -- 70: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- further did download package (link) (version 2.0.0) , did code: select all...

HOw to i upload images into the MosImage Control panel? - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

pls hi i'd advise easier way managing images. visually, nothing related {mosimage} .get jce editor, here , image manager plugin .install (grab tuts, etc.) .set jce active editor (do research if don't know how 2 this) .now when edit contentitem you'll have new button manage images , put in content visually... i mean, real wysiwyg Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.0 General Questions - 1.0.x

Literal conversion from short or byte to char

hello, what i'm trying pretty simple, i've tried , can't find solution. first step: i have short variable value 40 (example) , want convert char (with ascii code 40). second step: the second step concatenate various results send via serial (i need send result in form of string, since ii'm using library). step easy, without first step cannot sucess. many thanks! quote i have short variable value 40 (example) , want convert char (with ascii code 40) any value 0 127 can bed directly assigned char without problem, whether, short or long. (ascii 40 '('  ) Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Programming Questions > Literal conversion from short or byte to char arduino

Unlock U-boot

hi, i want change u-boot in linino enviroment. how can unlock it? in general openwrt, can unlock changing: target/linux/ar71xx/files/drivers/mtd/tplinkpart.c)static struct mtd_partition tl_wr1043nd_partitions[] = {   {     .name   = "u-boot",     .offset   = 0,     .size   = 0x020000,     .mask_flags = mtd_writeable,   -->> comment link.   } but doesn't work linino.  art default unlock btw. code: [select] root@arduino:~# mtd unlock u-boot could not open mtd device: u-boot could not open mtd device: u-boot root@arduino:~# mtd unlock art unlocking art ... root@arduino:~# Arduino Forum > Products > Arduino Yún (Moderator: fabioc84) > Unlock U-boot arduino

Joomla 1.5 Translations - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

helo pawb, i'm working on joomla 1.5 welsh translation.  finished frontend language files, administrator has lot more go - 2 weeks @ most.  thought i'd mention in case else working on it, can avoid duplication. also question (probably geraint) - i've written joomla 1.5 translations manager component.  manages language files, shows progress, etc.  know few people test me, , know how post extension (assuming people find useful)? diolch o galon. ifan helo ifan, fyddwn i'n fodlon helpu gyda chyfieithu os ti angen. heb brofi 1.5 eto - wyt ti'n gorfod dechrau o'r dechrau? wyt ti wedi postio'r ffeiliau ti wedi eu cyfieithu yn barod yn rhywle? rwy bron bod wedi cwblhau cyfieithu nifer o fodylau fel com_events v1.2 , com_zoom jim (negeseuon personol), wedi dechrau joomlaboard, byddaf yn postio rhain fan hyn ar ol eu gorffen - wedi cyfieithu'r rhan flaen yn y rhan fwyaf. os oes gan rywun ddiddordeb mewn derbyn beth rwy wedi gwneud yn barod rhowch wybod. ar waith...

Strange compiler error

after having saved newly named version of altered sketch compiled, newly saved version no longer  compiles, , bad lines same previous version, the error "expected unqualified - id before numerical constant" the program starts out calling servo library #include<servo.h> second line, compiler stops @ , says  in error is servo steerservo yet worked 50 times before???  error caused did in renaming sketch , saving it??? the ide using 1.05 r2 thanks! at time feel posting code, please go ahead. don't stand on ceremony, remember use code tags. Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Programming Questions > Strange compiler error arduino

analogRead e temperatura

sto usando un sensore  lm35dz per acquisire periodicamente la temperatura. il problema  è il continuo variare della tensione letta con la funzione analogread. le variazioni sono sia in eccesso sia in difetto. per cercare di ovviare faccio la media tra 20 valori letti distanza di 0,5 secondi. mi chiedo però come mai la tensione continui variare ? i fili dell'alimentazione sono avvolti tra loro per evitare correnti parassite. livello software quali altri accorgimenti posso adottare? it analog sensor, if 5v changes, analogread returns different value. do use usb power arduino board ? in case th 5v not stable. you can use internal reference of arduino. and should read few values (5 or more) , use average. Arduino Forum > International > Italiano > Hardware (Moderator: leo72) > analogRead e te...

大陆 JoomlaGate 网站拟建最全中文Joomla黄页 - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

尊敬的各位站长! 您正在使用 joomla 建造网站吗? 我建议您到我们的 "joomla 之门"网站的“酷站”栏目提交您的网站,我们正在致力于打造中文joomla社区的黄页目录,希望收录所有使用 joomla 建造的网站,以便让我们的joomla用户更快找到您的网站。 如果您有兴趣,还可以到 "joomla之门"网站的论坛 上指点其他用户用好joomla。我相信在您使用joomla的过程中有很多心得,也有很多经验。因此,我们“joomla之门”网站为大家提供了一个开放、迅捷、自由的讨论平台,诚挚邀请您的参与,指导其他用户学好、用好joomla。您还可以直接申请担任论坛版主,把 joomla 进行到底! 我本人的" 杏林书香网 "就是用 joomla 建造的一个中医网站,由于不太适合继续讨论joomla,因此我才建立了" joomla之门"网站。新站伊始,需要各位的大力支持。如果您和我一样,对 joomla 有激情,有信心,那么就加入我们的行列吧! joomla之门完全由对 joomla 充满爱心和决心的爱好者组建,但是,并不表示我们的水平很高。因此,需要各位的积极参与,热情指导,希望你们能抽出一点时间,在方便的时候指点一下。谢谢了先! 点击访问"joomla之门"网站: 感谢关注,感谢支持! 赞白兄,我已经把www.chinais.org加入啦! Board index Joomla! International Language Support International Zone Chinese Forum

Unable to preview static content in TinyMCE - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

greetings, i'm new user joomla , loving it! far i've found 1 issue have been unable resolve. i apologize in advance if has been addressed, i've looked through faqs , have searched forums quite bit , have been unable find addressing specific issue. joomla! v1.0.11 stable, admin.mambots.php patch applied php version 4.4.4 shared hosting windowsxp sp2 firefox v2.0 logged in site administrator attempting add static content item. when click preview button, window pops "you not authorized view resource." (already read through "you not authorized view resource. you need login " faq; nothing helpful there.) thought maybe issue content opened 1 item of static content included joomla install, i.e. "joomla license guidelines"; same result when attempting preview. viewing license site displays expected. issue not appear when adding or editing normal non-static content; preview works fine there. have cleared browser cache , cookies repeatedly; site caching ...

Writing Styles

the response has been here, decided post anyway. does know of tool, microsoft word, contains thesaurus , readability index gunning fog index? ms word can improve grammar , writing style significantly, , give readability score work. here's how switch on analysis tools. (from i've seen, it's better indicator fog index). following comes technical writing course). in ms word, select menu &amp;amp;gt; tools &amp;amp;gt; options &amp;amp;gt; spelling , grammar tab. i recommend following settings (from office 2003, similar if have different version of word). spelling: put tick next following: check spelling type. always suggest corrections. ignore internet , file addresses. then in grammar section: check grammar type. check grammar spelling. show readability statistics. writing style: click on drop-down , select grammar , style. click on settings button , find defaults ok, clear ticks not happy about. (for example, don't mind sentences beginning and, but,...

[FIXED] Extensions - Template Manager - Catchable fatal error: - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hi, windows xp installation of wamp5 version 1.6.6 joomla! 1.5 beta fresh installation installation of went smoothly, without problem. logged in to  administration, went to  > extensions > template manager received following error: catchable fatal error: object of class stdclass not converted string in c:\wamp\www\joomla\administrator\components\com_templates\controller.php on line 36 all other manager extensions worked perfectly. any ideas? jen this problem php 5.2 , has been fixed in svn few days.  please download latest nightly snapshot test further louis Board index Joomla! Official Sites & Infrastructure Sites & Infrastructure - Feedback/Information Archived Boards - All boards closed Quality and Testing - Locked and Archived Q&T 1.5.x Resolved

printfunctie Joomlaboard forum - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

misschien zie ik iets on het hoofd, maar ik kan geen printfunctie ontdekken in het joomlaboard-forum. verschillende gebruikers hebben mij de vraag gesteld dat zij wel eens een onderwerp willen printen (zonder de overige zaken zoals menu e.d.). ik kan deze optie niet terugvinden. ik adviseer hen om de link 'pdf' te gebruiken. deze opent een nieuw window met een pdf-document die je dan weer kan downloaden en/of printen. deze optie werkt echter niet altijd bij iedereen goed. er verschijnt dan een stuk tekst met allerlei opmaak codes. is er een mogelijkheid om een printfunctie toe te voegen in de menuregel van joomlaboard (aanpassen van het php-script) en hoe zou dit script er dan uit moeten zien? ik kan er ook niks on vinden op hun eigen forum. misschien toch een niet zoveel gevraagde functie? het echter wel te programmeren natuurlijk. Board index Joomla! International Language Support International Zone Dutch For...

[PROB] Dimension fenetre systeme - Raspberry Pi Forums

salut à tous. j'utilise depuis peu mon rspi2 sur un écran tactile hdmi 5" configurer en 800x480 - résolution max de l'écran. le bureau est ok mais certaines fenêtres (système?!) sont trop grandes ?! celle des menu "paramétrés" ou "ouvrir avec" par exemple et souvent je n'ai pas accès au option/bouton "fermer" "annuler" ect... ou faut il aller trainer pour résoudre tout cela ?! tiens la touche alt lorsque tu cliques pour déplacer la fenêtre. cela permet de la déplacer hors les limites de l'écran et ainsi faire apparaître les parties cachées. raspberrypi

Thread: Forced to re-login every day or two

fortunately have habit of saving work frequently, i'm going caught , it's critical... desktop 9.04 installation routinely (every day or two) crashes forcing me re-sign in. i'll coding or surfing net , screen goes black. shows text (i never chance read all) second reminds me of screen used see when booting linux: application name [ok] application name [ok] etc. [ok] returns me login screen. when login fine, of course i've lost windows. ubuntu installation reasonably new i'm 99.99% sure not occurring when first installed it, changed in last month. don't know if update, or when installed ati driver use compiz, or else. use machine software development, nothing unusual installed. apache, postgres, activemq, eclipse, firefox typically running. it's 32-bit installation scratch (no upgrade) of 9.04, on 8gb ram, quad core desktop pc. appreciated. if @ file /var/log/messages...

fireworks in dreamwaver

i have exported fireworks html of buttons rollovers dreamweaver. when review in browser, rollovers appear quite distance button position. have checked several times in editor, , have selected under position. please. fireworks graphics editing software (as know) , not web page coding software. such, can write pretty awful html/javascript code. better off exporting image states fireworks, then use dreamweaver create rollovers, use high quality menu extension such, or hand-code own. fyi - url page can see more complete help these forums. -- alec adobe community expert More discussions in Dreamweaver support forum adobe

menubackend resetting menu toRoot

hi, i've written code uses menubackend,38053.0.html change suggested coagula . change inserts function toroot in menubackend class of library. code: [select] void toroot() {     setcurrent( &getroot() ); } this works intended (when running command in loop()). need use differently, check condition when menuchangeevent occurs , if condition true, want reset menu "menuroot". so, simple example, test condition if ( == malarmhour) can see. problem although menu appears go root (as seen subsequent menuchangeevent , serial monitor readout) pointer in fact still pointed "hour" menu. output menu.movedown() shows pointer going "hour" "minute" not "menuroot" "time" expected. i've looked @ library , don't know enough pointers functions know why setcurrent() isn't wo...

Object encoding error

hello! "object encoding error; terminating connection : rtmp://_defaultroot_/_defaultvhost_/onair/_definst_" this message sends fms 3.0 console, when try connecting remote shared object client side flash app, , after netconnection.connect.success connection closes. i use app since several months, , usable. it's not work... please me! check object encoding of swf's; may using 2 swfs different object encoding settings. amf3 shared object cannot shared amf(0) client. More discussions in Adobe Media Server adobe

images not displayed

i must not understand html because don't know why gif file in ap element display in front of other ap elements except flash files. there work around? all active content on page rise top, speak, including flash, form elements, java applets, , active x controls. this means each of these poke through layers. there not cross-browser/platform reliable way solve issue, if can confident in visitors using ie 5+ or nn6+, can use flash wmode parameter (however, safari not support properly!). pvii article: -- murray --- icq 71997575 adobe community expert (if *must* email me, don't laugh when so!) ================== - dw faqs, tutorials & resources - dw faqs, tutorials & resources ================== "frankswank" <> wrote in message news:fsge3l$qbs$ >i must not understand html because don...

Thread: Applets in panel

i have downloaded , installed (using synaptic) 2 new applets: timer-applet , music-applet when right click on panel-->add panel not find them there. they?? (jaunty) i guess need restart gnome panel code: killall gnome-panel Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support General Help [ubuntu] Applets in panel Ubuntu

UTFT help!!! myGLCD.print(sensorValue); error when compiling

i trying tft print simple analog inputs (raw values) 0-1023 i mimic commands code have running with  other 16x2 display <liquidcrystal.h library> but <utft.h> library dont seem work same way . is there different command 16x2lcd  <liquidcrystal.h> , when want tft display  to print analogread  ? otherwise generic  test codes working properly code: [select] // utft_viewfont (c)2012 henning karlsen // web: // // program demo of included fonts. // // demo made modules screen resolution // of 320x240 pixels. // // program requires utft library. // #include <utft.h> // declare fonts using extern uint8_t smallfont[]; extern uint8_t bigfont[]; extern uint8_t sevensegnumfont[]; // uncomment next line arduino 2009/uno utft myglcd(qd_tft180b,11,10,9,12,8);   // remember change model parameter suit display module! int sensorpin = a0; int sensorvalue  ; void setup() {  pin...

Thread: Multiple Incoming Connection Firewall/Router

new ubuntu , linux, sorry if question sound stupid. have 4 incoming adsl connections 3 static ips , 1 dynamic. find linux based firewall able handle 4 incoming connections , agregate them 1 internal network. in case matters 3 static ip's different experimental projects: 1 -> asterisk 2 -> apache 3 -> adove comm server dynamic ip general web browsing. such application exist??? thx!!!! carlos Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support Networking & Wireless [ubuntu] Multiple Incoming Connection Firewall/Router Ubuntu

[LOW:TRACKER 6764:1.0.11] Fix for IE7 - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

the menu manager, displayed internet explorer 7, shows "menu item" column center aligned. isn't correct, specially if have tree structure submenus. so here's thel fix: the file modify is: /administrator/components/com_menu/admin.menus.html.php the row modify 117. from: if ( $row->checked_out && ( $row->checked_out != $my->id ) ) { to: if ( $row->checked_out && ( $row->checked_out != $my->id ) ) { thats all. q&t note: status > under review Board index Joomla! Official Sites & Infrastructure Sites & Infrastructure - Feedback/Information Archived Boards - All boards closed Quality and Testing - Locked and Archived Joomla! 1.0.x_Q&T Archive Q&T 1.0.x Resolved - Archived

Strange booting issue - Raspberry Pi Forums

hi everyone, experiencing strange issue , hope can help. have brand new swissbit 4gb micro sd cards latest version of rasbian wheezy have loaded on. when run image in raspberry pi b+ issues after reboot device not loading files vfat boot partition , not see rainbow appearing on screen. if put card model b v1.2 not boot either yet can see of partitions , checked system using fdisk , fsck shows ok. same card same fresh install work fine in rasberry pi model b v1.2 , can restarted , rebooted as , comes back. if wondering if else has seen issue b+? forward hearing response grant fribbens i have same issue using fedora 21 (clivem's 20150301 image) on raspberry pi 2 , 16gb swissbit s-40u card. i've tried 2 different cards in 2 different raspberry pi 2s same results. same image works absolutely fine on sandisk ultra 8gb card. fwiw, current raspian (2015-02-16) seems more or less 100% reliable on these cards. i've had not boot once couldn't swear wasn...

Arduino TFT LCD screen + ethernet shield: un paio di problemi

ciao tutti. sto facendo alcune prove con arduino uno, ethernet shield e tft lcd ( ho un paio di problemi/domande cui non riesco dare seguito: 1) ho visto che, per passare valori all'lcd, occorre usare un array di tipo char. quindi ad esempio la lettura di un sensore in formato string la passo all'array con la dicitura: code: [select] sensorval.tochararray(sensorprintout, 4); facendo un po di prove invece con letture float (con la virgola) ho risolto così: code: [select] string sensorval = dtostrf(sensore,4,1,sensorprintout); ora mi trovo dover passare al lcd l'indirizzo ip della ethernet shield, che dovrebbe essere in formato 4 byte, giusto? ho provato in vari modi, ad esempio: code: [select] string ipaddress = ethernet.localip(); ipaddress.tochararray(sensorprintout,10); ma mi dice "conversion 'ipaddress' non-scalar type 'string' requested" oppure code: [select] string ipaddress = string(ethernet...

My Photo - Raspberry Pi Forums

hi how photo look? the king of pop raspberrypi