
Showing posts from February, 2015

Thread: Removing KDE

i need remove kde, including dependancies if possible, computer. installed see , find prefer ubuntu default apps , desktop. on appreciated it's doing taking disk space. thank you! Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support General Help [SOLVED] Removing KDE Ubuntu

4images and joomla? - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

i'm amazed there no such bridge out there, 4images 1 of best free galleries out there, same coppermine or g2.. but, allows customize templates incredibly.  of course little more complex, nonetheless, think incredible have bridge. but start?  4images can downloaded here: ouch, i've been here before! no 1 has clue?  Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.0 Extensions - 1.0.x Integration & Bridges - 1.0.x

Thread: Move files under subdirectories into one folder?

hey guys, right have mp3s scattered on 1 of hard drives in sub-directories. iterate through of subdirectories , move matching *.mp3 single specified directory. goal mp3s 1 folder. there simple way through terminal? thanks, dillon code: find /home/user/music -iname '*.mp3' -exec mv '{}' /home/user/backup/ \; Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support General Help [ubuntu] Move files under subdirectories into one folder? Ubuntu

Skins and project size

i need have skin on file cannot cover file area. there solution problem? i know skin can put in seperate file not option framework used cannot handle skin files. another solution have thought of whether possible expand canvas of filearea post recording make room place skin inside file itself. hi 89731246 , welcome our community you mentioned: another solution have thought of whether possible expand canvas of filearea post recording make room place skin inside file itself. and may! click project * resize project , should have need. basically, first de-select “maintain aspect ratio” check box. adjust either height or width according need add make room playback control set. once this, position existing part of project “scoots against” 1 of edges. keeps main part of movie viewable , allows blank space control set. cheers... rick More discussions in Adobe Captivate adobe

unstable analogue input from PCF8591 - Raspberry Pi Forums

hi, have few question project, read few analogue input raspberry pi. have followed tutorial read analogue , wiring thats post . @ first didn't wire ain1, ain2 , ain3 gnd(because forgot it) have unstable analogue read, when tried wire gnd have constant analogue read (like 128 , 0) , wont changed when twist pot. can me? i'm newbie on reading adc peripheral this, thanks raspberrypi

Joomap Question - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hi! i'm setting first joomla! site , have added joomap component top menu. part, works extremely well. strange reason, categories in section appearing twice, once current title , once old one. i've checked various menus , everywhere can think of, don't see duplicate or unpublished entries these categories, , don't have menu items in trash. browsed sections, categories , content tables via phpmyadmin , didn't seem see sign of them there either. i can't figure out whether i've done funky mainmenu, or if there's weird in joomap. the sitemap page here: the correct category titles bottom ones (game , help). thanks! you can exclude in joomap admin section 2nd tab-> display -> exclude menu ids cheers Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.0 Extensions - 1.0.x Components

Thread: Can't access the partition editor

hello, ubuntu forum members have gotten ubuntu, , wish dual-boot vista. have found tutorial, , says access partition editor must boot ubuntu live cd. have live cd in drive when computer boots up, runs ubuntu hard drive anyways. live cd appears icon on desktop, cannot run. can please point me in right direction? put cd in drive restart pc once starts loading ( hardware logos, etc. ), start pushing on f3 ( or f10 ) button choose boot cd/dvd , in .. Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support New to Ubuntu [ubuntu] Can't access the partition editor Ubuntu

voltage referance 586KR

i use uno, , loving it. my question concerns incorrect/variable readings lm35's. i have used example sketches smooth/average readings taking issue may other. i have 3 sensors up/down buttons control on/off temp fan relays displayed on lcd i have 3 separate boards: paralleled power wall unit before final install in truck board 1 contains: 12vdc in 7805 3 relays each driven 3904 3 lm35 sensors on 24" leads mounted aluminum casing of audio amp board 2 contains: 12vdc 7805 standalone 328p 16mhz crystal 3 led outputs board 3 3 relay outputs board 1 3 temp inputs board 1 button read input board 3 20x2 lcd ribbon board 3 5v supply board 3 board 3 contains: 20x2 lcd 10k pot 6 buttons on resistor ladder everything works great except when test set limits on lm35's. if 1 relay kicks on, temp readings 3 jump 2 degrees. kick in realy, 2 more degrees , 3rd relay, 2 more degrees.  readings drop relays turn off the initial temp lm35's accurate comparing separate temp unit h

Issue with Android RSA Key when connect to Pi USB - Raspberry Pi Forums

hi, using pi usb bridge vm (windows 7) server nexus7 android tablet. allows execute tests on android device vm servers. pi connect vm via cat5 ethernet, pi connect android usb. works (mostly), able use adb via android sdk. however, 'allow usb debugging' message box pop , on nexus. check "always allow computer" check box before pressing allow button, not fix issue. mac address appears in allow debugging message box same mac address every time, , raspberry pi mac address. when connect same nexus tablet laptop via usb , bunch of adb commands, don't allow debugging message box. thoughts? thank you depends on vm manager being used. usb passthrough not hugely reliable, , depends on simulated drivers interacting. transient disconnects or missed interrupts. new version of virtualbox has been released in last week, don't know usb passthrough on it, have yet test it. raspberrypi

fscommand question

i'm creating opening installer screen in flash 8 i'm exporting exe. job launch other exe files, via fscommand. part doesn't work. here's code have attached button: installpoint.onrelease = function () { fscommand("exec","setup.exe"); fscommand("quit",""); } so, click button instance name installpoint, , it's supposed launch setup.exe, , quit flash player. quitting part works fine, know button script running. launching part doesn't work @ all. in same directory flash exe, have file setup.exe. so, isn't issue filepaths. , i've tried launching setup.exe directly, works. it's line isn't working: fscommand("exec","setup.exe"); any suggestions? from help: the exec command runs in subdirectory fscommand only. in other words, if you use exec command call application, application must reside in subdirectory named fscommand. -- dave - head developer

XML Gallery Not Showing Up!?

hello, first time here. i followed tutorial: i have finished everything, changed xml images , caption etc, 1 problem, pictures arent showing up. i see square box. i uploaded site view final product: view xml: view swf: download fla: thanks! try within xml instead of putting entire web link images this: "images/d1.gif" make sure .xml file @ same level swf calling it. i mean "image/d1.gif" --- named folder image not images. hope helps....let me know. More discussions in Adobe Animate CC - General adobe

Thread: Firefox is slower?

is there reason behind firefox in ubuntu being slower firefox in windows? due fact i've got incredibly slow connection (100kb/s!!!) @ moment, i'm being forced use windows decent connection. on top of that, firefox more responsive in windows too... odd indeed. before ask, they're both same version: 3.5.2. switching isp soon, getting 10mb/s, then, able use ubuntu again, but, until day comes around, it's windows decent interwebs.. do mean connection slow or program slow? if it's connection check settings , post them here. if it's program try 1 , report back. Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support General Help [all variants] Firefox is slower? Ubuntu

Real time PICam with 18 fps - Raspberry Pi Forums

hello friends , morning ! today came here show simple solution stream using socket between raspberry pi , pc. hear simple algorithm. send me suggestions improvement ! problem : needed send raspberry pictures laptop in real time 15-20 fps rate ( camera vision of robot. ) solution: created udp socket in python, capture 1 frame of camera , record on binarystream , send socket server ( notebook. ) in server , have program reads port 32123 , takes binary , convert image , fills in picturebox .. = d made algorithm, , very, good. saw on internet, streams of high latency , make low latency of hard work ... code: select all def send_images_to_server(): host = '' port = 32123 #define o tipo da familia protocolo e o tipo de socket, nesse caso, udp udp = socket.socket(socket.af_inet, socket.sock_dgram) dest = (host, port) #tupla contendo o host e porta servidor camera = picamera.picamera() camera.framerate=10 camera.resolution = (300,200) came

AD620AN + Weight sensor

hi, im working on project weight sensors. i have wired ad620an 4 (3wire)weightscales bathroom scale. have wired 1 scale, wire1 = + wire2 = - wire3 = sens , wire1 = - wire2 = + wire3 = sense. , thene wire 1 of scales in+ on ad620 , other on in- . did 2 more scales , parralell wired theme 2 other scales ad620. supply voltage 5v arduino. reference not grounded. betwene gain use 680ohm resistor output a0 this works fine veary unstable, +- 5kg difference without touching scale, , odd thing if leave while gets +- 0.5kg (until restart arduino or uploade code again). there way stay @ +-0.5kg? or stabilize it? my code code: [select] #include <wire.h> #include <liquidcrystal_i2c.h> liquidcrystal_i2c lcd(0x27, 2, 1, 0, 4, 5, 6, 7, 3, positive); long timer = 0; long timerset = 0; int rawinp = 0; int inp = 0; int calbutton = 2; int cal = 0; int cal2 = 0; void setup(){   serial.begin(115200); pinmode(calbutton,input);   lcd.begin(16,2); lcd.backlight(); // backlight on  lc

email forms

i'm new coding , script may come across totally stupid here goes... i've created form when completed information needs sent client's email address. have contacted isp have given me script use. however, client's email address not hosted them , understand , email have sent need make changes. except i'm totally stumped. can show me changes need make or there easier way this. below email isp script. "the configuration change should need make script set address address going to. address hosted elsewhere need configure script set address valid email address on domain hosted us. once done script should work correctly." <xmp> <%@language = vbscript%> <html> <body> <% ' form data name = request.form("name") senderemail = request.form("email") subject = "regarding " & request.form("subject") recipient = request.form("recipient") body = request.form("body") strreferer =

Dispatching DataGrid Event - Not working

i created own class , within class has it's own datagrid. , when try dispatch header_release event datagrid not see event listener. for example ------------------------ var mydatagridevent:datagridevent = new datagridevent(datagridevent.header_release); mydatagridevent.columnindex = mycolumnindex; mycustomclass.datagrid.dispatchevent(mydatagridevent); ------------------------- i've tried mycustomclass.datagrid.haseventlistener(datagridevent.header_release); it return false, , not know why doesnt see it. any appreciated, thanks. art you haven't assigned event listener datagrid. you've done dispatch event. you'll need use addeventlistener. More discussions in Flex (Read Only) adobe

Discrimination du sens d'une variation de tension

bonsoir à tous, besoin d'un petit coup de main si possible. je mesure une tension entre 1 et 3.3v sur l'entrée analog 1. entre par exemple 2 et 2,5v je fais clignotter une led ; mais que si la tension décroit de façon même irrégulière. donc en phase croissante la led ne doit pas clignotter. j'ai donc placé un compteur d'ittérations qui se remet à zéro à 100 vu le reste du logiciel ça correspond à 3 secondes. a chaque arrivée à 100 je stocke la tension courante en mémoire. le programme compare en permanence cette mémoire "vieille de 3 sec" avec la tension courante. si la tension croît la mémoire est toujours plus faible que le tension courante et on ne branche pas vers la led. inversement si la tension décroit la valeur courante sera plus faible que la mémoire et l'on branche. eh ben ça ne marche pas snifff... si quelqu'un de passage une autre approche plus efficace ou mieux connue je l'embrasse.  xd jp salut, 1) mauva

Thread: Grub error

hey guys.. reinstalled windows 7.. on harddrive got nothing else on when reboot computer grub error , cant continue windows 7 installation.. got nothing else on harddrive windows 7 install. way windows booting boot cd detects windows , boots me.. have tried repairing mbr using windows 7 disc. any help? Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support General Help [other] Grub error Ubuntu

Thread: Delay in Skype

hey guys, lately, i've had huge delay when talking skype. whoever talk hears me immediately, answers delay of 20-30 seconds. ever have issue in ubuntu, , solve it? ideas appreciated. thanks! whats internet connection like? Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support New to Ubuntu [ubuntu] Delay in Skype Ubuntu

Pi 2 Model B Restarting When 3v3 is used - Raspberry Pi Forums

hi there, i've started playing (first) new model b. i've ran through python basics running gpio , have gotten leds light properly. started trying tests using 3v3 port trying power things motor or linking leds power switch described in video : however, whenever connector hits 3v3 port, system reboots color screen , restarts. if hold button down, restarts doesn't show color screen until release button. if leave connected motor, it'll keep running long it's connected restart upon initial connection. result of not having enough power? or separate problem? not have voltage meter since i've gotten universe. i've tried both low power usb (via computer) via wall socket apple usb charger , asus cable. in advance community. looking forward more interesting experiments. hi , welcome forum. how connecting motor pi? if connecting 1 of gpio lines asking trouble..... texy raspberrypi

Thread: eeepc 901 wifi disabled on reboot

hi there! still have problem on asus eeepc 901 can't stand anymore. month ago did update , since wi-fi card gets disabled in bios @ every reboot. make work have remember enter bios f2 every time switch netbook on. if forget have reboot , enable again. endless loop want stop. please? in old post found solution uninstall packages, fix problem. thank much sblanzio hi there, can disable behavior editing /etc/init.d/eeepc-restore disable line: eeepc_path/ poweroff || true in stop instruction of script putting # in front of it. cheers, richard. Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support General Help [SOLVED] eeepc 901 wifi disabled on reboot Ubuntu

Any 32 bit microcontroller that support arduino programming environment

i need design board carry gyroscope; ublox m6 gps , nrf24l01 radio module. because of intensive  maths going on;  thinking using 32 bit microcontroller. i program arduino environment can adapt existing libraries. i don't wanna use arduino due sam microcontroller because has got many ports , big. i looked @ teensy , perfect  but... is there other 32 bit micro supported arduino firmware can program in original arduino environment? maple , chipkit require own environment , libraries not suitable project. do know one? quote i don't wanna use arduino due sam microcontroller because has got many ports , big. any 32-bit chip going same. all native arduino chips variations of same 8-bit core, different amounts of memory, ports, , hardware specifics (such uarts serial, or adc channels). have built in usb support. Arduino Forum > Development > Other Hardware D

Thread: asus M3N78 usb issues

hey guys have problem asus m3n78-em board usb ports seem unstable ir receiver (mceusb2) keeps dying after x amount of minutes , usb keyboard , mouse stop after while unplugging them , putting them in dont change after reboot works fine. ideas appreciated if need add dmesg/syslog stuff post here , i'll put up usb stuff work in same version of ubuntu (jaunty 32bit) on laptop without problems Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support Hardware [ubuntu] asus M3N78 usb issues Ubuntu

Issues with the Flash player on the Scifi.COM Website

hello, when use internet explorer go website there numerous flash areas/sections not play. see message says &quot;loading flash infinity%&quot;, have found out there &quot;hotspots&quot; when right click on them , press play flash presentation plays. when use firefox website works perfectly. have uninstalled flash driver , have reinstalled it. have ideas going on the website on internet explorer? regards, dave More discussions in Using Flash Player adobe

Menu opsplitsen - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hallo allemaal, ik weet niet of dit mogelijk maar ik wil het menu opsplitsen en wel zo dat de hoofdmenu items ergens dwars on de pagina naast elkaar staan, maar dat de desbetreffende submenu onderdelen telkens verschijnen in de linkerkolom (zeg maar waar normaal het main menu is). op zich zou dan geen probleem zijn het niet dat hoe "dieper" men in het hoofdmenu klikt de submenu's van betreffende onderdeel dus ook lager in de linker kolom openslaan terwijl ik ze juist "bovenin" de kolom wil hebben net als bijvoorbeeld bij het allereerste menu item. ik hoop dat ik dit zo duidelijk genoeg heb omschreven anders het probleem misschien duidelijker aan de hand van deze link: alvast heel erg bedankt. willem deze template laadt het hoofdmenu en subitems apart in. Board index Joomla! International Language Support International Zone Dutch Forum Joomla!

Login and Registration components - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hi, i have modify login , registration components in following manner: 1) when new user clicks on registration link in login form, obtains registration form additional fields; 2) when clicks on submit button of registration form, dafault registration data (name, username,email, password, password2) written in joomla database whereas default registration data + other registration data written in remote database. 3) after registration, when new user logs joomla web site want query remote database obtain other user information (that extends user profile) inserted in registration phase , stored in remote database. can me solve problems?  php files have modify? even  want know if can replace index.php php files new_index.php extends index.php other functionalities , use thank in advance help. best regards, vincenzo moderator note; removed duplicate posts, cross posting not allowed. Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.0

Thread: New Linux app requires JRE

i have starling netbook , tonight downloaded aptanastudio application linux. though preference install applications using synaptic, unfortunately, aptanastudio not listed in synaptic. downloaded zip file , extracted recommended directory (/usr/local/aptana). when tried launch aptanastudio application, got message saying java runtime environment (jre) must available run aptanastudio. program apparently looked in /usr/local/aptana/jre/bin/java synaptic shows there "headless" jre installed somewhere on machine part of ubuntu. version of jre sufficient aptanastudio? , if so, how find out lives , how point aptanastudio it? or should download jre1.6 aptana recommends? , if download using synaptic, go right place , aptana know is? slow down starling have jre installed? should give on aptana? sorry, i'm kind of newbie. you can find jre runing code: which java java -version the last comma

Stream Temperature from Multiple Raspberry Pis Simultaneousl - Raspberry Pi Forums

we learned basics of how turn raspberry pi real-time temperature streamer in our iot 101 hello world project (here). let’s take next step in iot awesomeness , learn how stream temperature multiple raspberry pis located anywhere (as in anywhere in world) single data visualization right in web browser. once have of our streams streaming, i’ll show you can instantly share data (as in in world) can watch temperatures update in real-time. if thought iot 101 project easy, able project in sleep...................... ... tiple-pis/ raspberrypi

My first tests of music-composing on R_Pi - Raspberry Pi Forums

hi, well, dunno whether it's correct section of forum, there nothing "music corner", heh. guys helping me last days, on forum, able start composing something, of course on pure/stock raspberry pi 2. let know r_pi doesn't "collect dust" - here short fragment, made today, , recorded raspmachine kind regards, yerz hmmm, ok - it's going (slowly) forward... 2 minutes - well, work r_pi comfortable, milkytracker behaves unstably. disturbing. once, totally turned off, when pressed shift+tab (one of often-used combinations) , rrrrrrrrrrreally scary. luckily had song saved, haha. unusual thing - on pc/windows alt+f4 , alt+f5 "copy marked field" , "paste", in pi version close after sorrowful alt+f4. i'm forced use mouse one. ah well, more exercises - stronger hands, hehehe. raspberrypi

Multiple Joomla installations on same server?? - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

i know if has experience in having multiple jommla installations on same server? thinking doing know if different installations cause problems each other? i have “main” installation on domain . now make site multilingual , have seoerate jommla installation each language. site - - - , on. each joomla installation have own database. i know can done scripts , joomla add-ons need different installation each site. please give me advice! thank much. when multiple installations, mean totally separate, own databases? yes, easy, put them in different directories. but if want make 1 site multilingual, have looked @ joomlafish? Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.0 General Questions - 1.0.x

Is it possible to choose the content for RSS Feeds? - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hi all, i have question concerning standard joomla rss feed. shows content of frontpage (items configured appear on frontpage). have items section blog or category blog. is possible? thx lot in advance.  beiden wrote: hi all, i have question concerning standard joomla rss feed. shows content of frontpage (items configured appear on frontpage). have items section blog or category blog. is possible? thx lot in advance.  not syndicate comes joomla. need 1 of extensions available in extensions directory (link @ top of page). regards dave Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.0 General Questions - 1.0.x

Don't know how to work with touch screen...

hi. i using arduino mega 2560 utft screen(touch screen included) - also i'm using library init utft screen , touch screen : the question : how can if rectangle touched? code: [select] #include <utft.h> #include <itdb02_touch.h> #include <sd.h> // declare fonts using extern uint8_t smallfont[]; extern uint8_t bigfont[]; utft screen(itdb32s,a1,a2,a0,a3); itdb02_touch  tscreen(13,10,11,12,9); boolean welcome = true; void setup() {   screen.initlcd(portrait);   screen.clrscr();   screen.setfont(bigfont);     tscreen.inittouch();   tscreen.setprecision(prec_low); } void loop() {    if (welcome) {    screen.setcolor(255,0,0);    screen.fillrect( 20,20,60,60); //how can if rect touched?    } } i have not programmed touch screens, can you. (i

PHP Error after installing Mylansite Tournaments - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

heloo, after installing mylan sute tournaments , trying adjust settings in "components" menu in end, i receive following error: "fatal error: require_once() [function.require]: failed opening required '' (include_path='.;c:\php5\pear') in c:\wamp\www\administrator\components\com_mls_tournaments\admin.mls_tournaments.php on line 6" i working on win xp wamp. any recommendation highly appreciated, gili,98715.0.html Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.0 Extensions - 1.0.x Components

RPi to RPi networking - Raspberry Pi Forums

i hope posting in correct place. want have rpi monitor , controllers send control information , receive video, audio , data rpi camera on rov. rov have various sensors , send info also. certified aircraft mechanic mech. engineering training hard ware side know. lack of programming skills problem. have searched have not found in info has helped. if give me pointers on networking part can muddle through rest. dale you've mentioned control device, , rov, , travels 1 other. haven't mentioned what's in between. connected via cable? air? water? vacuum? how far apart be? answers these questions make huge difference 'networking'. raspberrypi

(OT) Safari para windows

ahora sí, los chicos de apple han sacado su navegador para windows, y por fin la versión 3.1 funciona sin problemas aparentes. es falso, según mis pruebas, que sea el navegador más rápido, la palma en velocidad sigue llevándosela mozilla firefox y en simplicidad ópera, pero no dudo de que en el futuro sea un excelente navegador en todas las versiones de todos los sistemas operativos. y por si no teníamos programas bajo los que nuestros ingenios deben probarse, se suma otro más que se presenta como el más exquisito (o al menos aquel que seguro que manejan los clientes que vienen de gastarse la pastorra en los cacharros de la manzana mordida). pues éso, descargárselo y probar nuestras wepes en él: salu2 `8¬] juan muro yo lo tengo instalado para probar las webs una vez listas, y lo que detectado es que se pasan por el forro más de un standard... y eso veces hace que los estilos se vean diferentes pero bueno, si lo tuvieramos demasiado sencil

Could someone clerify the issue I''m having a trouble with - DB issue - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

first of all, looking @ thread. guys great. i have create 2 menus on "top menu", both of them set displayed when special users(such author , editor) logged in. want set 1 of them displayed when editors logged into. i have looked @ tables, #__groups, #__menus, , #__users , mod_menu.php. have lost on how site know special , registered. thougth gid on #__users either 0, 1 or 2 because access on #__menues either 0, 1, or 2. numbers of gid on #__users different thought. i couldn't find link between #__users , #__groups. how joomla site deal access level? cheers! warning: playing these tables in database may hazardous installation... backup database first. you might wish in following database tables;     jos_core_acl_aro     jos_core_acl_groups_aro_map these table related directly jos_users table , effect of security mechanism within joomla! Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.0 General Question

Flash 8 - Upgrade Plugin Problems?

i have had strange problems flash. teaching in high school using adobe package. easter holiday problems started. i created small movie clips function animations on roll on buttons. first made was, fine, 2 next made acted strange. whatever had placed outside scene, animate on scene, visible outside scene when movie playd. didn't nice when placed main scene. when html file running in ie or firefox, acted strange. wouldn't allow file run because of active x-controls. had click several times open it. when opened, animation wouldn't run before had clicked time. i found folder called script, script file inside. inside folder had created, nothing had created. another problem norwegian characters dissapears, when start flash again, back. i using flash 8. what these problems about? today talked computer system manager @ our school. meant reason of problem upgrades adobe, plugins not working correctly. i tried files on computers @ school, same problem. test made simple little animat

Free Hacktivism Workshop, Wed, Feb 19 Eindhoven

this workshop organised in collaboration van abbemuseum , museum of arte Útil. idea increase awareness , understanding of many issues associated hacktivism. topical issue in local news serve catalyst critical discussion. goal use civil debate , informed opinions proactively influence social change. led carmin karasic. carmin karasic (us/nl) works and  lives in eindhoven since 2006, , active media artist , online teacher in 'education in art , technology' @ lesley university, boston, usa. former member of electronic disturbance theatre, established in 1997. the edt created program allow electronic civil disobedience (ecd), called floodnet form of hacktivism create simulation of sit-in protest on internet known virtual sit-in demonstration disrupt zapatista oppressors' websites, overloading computer networks , servers. electronic disturbance theater group have belief internet should not used purely means for  communication , data exchange.  instead forum direct acti

Cannot access website hosted on raspeberrypi - Raspberry Pi Forums

i followed tutorial ... , can access link website raspberry cannot access laptop. says here: """now you're logged in , have site set up, can see website visiting ip address in browser on pi or computer on network. log in again (or on computer), go http://your-ip-address/wp-admin . """ should able access laptop if in same network( can access raspberry) why not working laptop? can access raspberry ping and/or ssh know correctly connected network ? how raspberry connected network ? cable or wifi ? ? kind of error ? raspberrypi

How to send signals from one Arduino to another by using analogue in?

hello, absolute dummy in terms of electronics , have - think - small problem. i have arduino 2560 of 54 digital channels used. want arduino able receive signals @ analog inputs. these signal come arduino. this want: i need 5 different states recognized 2560. starting solder cmos 4066 4 channel switch , connect them 4 different analogue inputs, wondered if not possible easier using 1 analogue channel measuring values @ analogue in, indicate states ranges, this: value 0 = state 1 value 1-250 = state 2 value 251-500 = state 3 value 501-750 = state 4 value 751-1023 = state 5 what have on sending arduinos side achieve this, , on receiving arduinos side? thanks lot help! martin. why not use analogue inputs digital inputs, , use software serial? Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Project Guidance > How to send signals from one Arduino

Joomla! Forum - community, help and support - Login

the board requires registered , logged in view forum. username: password: i forgot password resend activation email remember me hide online status session   register in order login must registered. registering takes few moments gives increased capabilities. board administrator may grant additional permissions registered users. before register please ensure familiar our terms of use , related policies. please ensure read forum rules navigate around board. terms of use | privacy policy register Board index

Help with frequency counter on digital pin

hello brainrtrust, my project consists of  reading pot on analog pin , frequency on digital pin control 2 seperate digital pins either high or low. my main problem understanding how compute digital pin freq , use plus pot turn 1 or both digital outputs on or off depending on frequency vs pot voltage. connect digital input e.g. pin2, , let trigger interrupt stores time (microsecs) someting tile this: vasrables declared volatile; last_time=this_time; this_time=microse(); period=this_time-last_time; // freq=1000000/period; Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Programming Questions > Help with frequency counter on digital pin arduino

Replacing the Arduino in project with other components

hello, i wasn't sure whether post here or in general electronics. i've read can replace arduino in project various other discrete components once move beyond prototyping stage. what components used this? how programming aspect of projects work this? is cheaper 1 off projects or feasible in larger batches? what think of arduino platform,  bunch of chips , parts based around microcontroller. the basic chip needs fundamental parts, crystal, caps, etc.  the arduino uno , have usb interface, 2 power supplies 5 , 3.3v if need few i/o's can use small chip. attiny85 or such. google 1 chip arduino , feel can done. it might easier , less frustrating buy bunch of mini's or nano's or micros's e-bay , plug them in. that way, can program them, , insert them. , complete. Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Project Guidance >

Thread: Mounting ext2 USB stick read-write, without root rights - possible at all?

hello folks, little noobquestion here can't seem find clear answer on elsewhere. @ possible mount ext2 or ext3 filesystem on usb-stick, read-write current user without having access sudo/root or ability modify fstab? i'm asking because university pc automounts usb drive's partitions upon inserting it, mounts ext2 filesystem root:root while ntfs chunk of drive automounted read-write no problem. instead of automount i'm trying manually, sort of failed far. thank kindly answer, martijn. hello everybody, same happens me: fat, ntfs mounts ok read/write acces doesn't happens ext2 / ext3. suggestion Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support General Help [all variants] Mounting ext2 USB stick read-write, without root rights - possible at all? Ubuntu

.swf to .eps printing

hello, i having trouble exporting movie within flash player .eps importing illustrator. cannot use native scene items export within flash cs3, since content dynamically generated when movie played, , need save outcome. ideas/suggestion? working in master suite cs3, dont want involves exporting corel or other suites. thanks! any luck finding solution? i'd export quality vectors flash illustrator, best i've been able sub-par.   so far, "best" results i've found have been "printing" pdf or ps file, openning in illustrator. results better default ai export feature, still not great. More discussions in Adobe Animate CC - General adobe

Thread: samba4 ldap mandatory user profile

hi, install smaba4 , openldap successfully. add account , join them. roaming profile work correct mandatory(move ntuser.dat profile not. want set mandatory user profile. have problem. 1. why can't see accounts "getent passwd"? 2. how can change share dir "domain user" group? 3. how set mandatory profile access , share dir permission? thanks. Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support Networking & Wireless [ubuntu] samba4 ldap mandatory user profile Ubuntu

Upgrade from RPI1B to RPI2 - RAM issue - Raspberry Pi Forums

hello, i'm having memory issue after updating sd card rpi2. on rpi1, showing correct memory amount. on rpi2, regardless of memory split choosen, got 229mb: code: select all pi@raspberrypi ~ $ free -h total used free shared buffers cached mem: 229m 212m 16m 0b 20m 91m -/+ buffers/cache: 101m 127m swap: 0b 0b 0b need memory? thanks, steph there has been @ least 1 user reporting same problem. can't find topic atm , don't know if solved... raspberrypi

Thread: Sharing files to PS3

i running jaunty (not server edition) on older computer simple file server , desktop household. htpc desktop connected tv, laptop, , ps3 connected different tv utilize server... or @ least need utilize it. laptop , htpc desktop can access files on jaunty machine fine. ps3 not see jaunty machine. believe can recognize "windows media servers" or of like. running tversity media server on htpc desktop , ps3 finds tversity server fine. question is: need do/install/change in jaunty make ps3 see media files on jaunty machine? all need ps3 is: Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support New to Ubuntu [ubuntu] Sharing files to PS3 Ubuntu

IDE mouse click handling

please consider removing "auto-scroll" feature when user clicks in code window near top or bottom of window. behavior defeats double-click select feature when trying select text near top or bottom of window. i suggest same! this autoscroll feature realy annoying , hinders programming instead of improving due unwanted marking/selecting several lines of code if click long. i´ve lost many times code due , drives me absolutely mental. i´m unable type blind click , instantly on keyboard , start typing, overwriting code has been "auto-selected" flipping "feature". at least give option in settings disable in case wants keep it. srsly drives me nuts!!! many in advance Arduino Forum > Development > Suggestions for the Arduino Project > IDE mouse click handling arduino

bisa gak - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

kanda2 tadi aku browsing trus ketemu link bagus, pertanyaanku, kira2 ini bisa gak kita pasang di joomla kita?? biar menu2 kita 2 dimensi gitu.. ato tergantung ama tempelatenya mohon pencerahannya yadhie kayanya itu menu biasa aja tuh. ga ada yang spesial, coba main-main dgn gambar menu-nya aja deh. Board index Joomla! International Language Support International Zone Indonesian Forum Template

stepper motor help!

hi, so purchased stepper motor  ebay: 5v 28byj-48 4-phase stepper motor uln2003 driver board arduino , hooked arduino moment i'm using standard motorknob code found on arduino website:   , working fine. however, want add delay time between each step.....where total steps per revolution 24....but full steps 8760....does know how can add info software....also, possible add another  5v stepper motor arduino , how program both stepper motors move @ same rate in same direction. i'm not experienced using great! Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Motors, Mechanics, and Power (Moderator: fabioc84) > stepper motor help! arduino

slide does not transition when expected

ok, searched forum, found nothing relevant. i have slide set run 4.1 seconds (exact length of audio file) , has audio track attached slide itself. sound not looped, , not more 4.1 seconds long. have added animated gif, automatically changed avi upon import. have tried importing gif swf, situation not change. animation wizard used create gif claims run-time 4.15 seconds, if there overlap, should not more .05 seconds. i have placed static gif image on slide, , transparent caption text. additional elements set run until end of slide. here's happens. when publish or preview project, audio stops should, slide continues shown 19 seconds. consistent time. viewing output locally on hard drive, , have tried publishing test web-server, no difference. any massively appreciated. problem solved. avi file being placed on slide. though configured end slide, because created gif image configured loop continuously, forced slide remain open. opened original gif , saved run-once avi, , import

How to create table of results

hi, i using database in director , after search end multiple record results. how present these user in table selectable per row?? thought using flash datagrid idea don't know how or if there easier way. eg, searching "john smith" result in 30 records, , user see them in table more details, eg address. user can double click on 1 (or more) of them, , details screen pop up. thanks. i have used cxtrastringgrid sort of solution, it's windows-only , not particularly supported. you can build table using html in #text member. there open-source implementations of out there. More discussions in Director Basics adobe

MySQL (mariadb) Installation Issues - Raspberry Pi Forums

hello forum, have attempted install mysql on old 256mb raspberry pi. have done following steps. code: select all pacman -syu mariadb libmariadbclient mariadb-clients cp /usr/share/mysql/my-small.cnf /etc/mysql/my.cnf systemctl start mysqld however, daemon fails start : code: select all * mysqld.service - mariadb database server loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/mysqld.service; disabled; vendor preset: disabled) active: activating (start-post) (result: exit-code) since sat 2015-04-18 21:47:49 bst; 1min 7s ago process: 11249 execstart=/usr/bin/mysqld --pid-file=/run/mysqld/ (code=exited, status=1/failure) main pid: 11249 (code=exited, status=1/failure); : 11250 (mysqld-post) cgroup: /system.slice/mysqld.service `-control |-11250 /bin/sh /usr/bin/mysqld-post `-11708 sleep 1 apr 18 21:47:49 raspberry03 mysqld[11249]: innodb: mmap(135987200 bytes) failed; errno 12 apr 18 21:47:49 raspberry03 mysqld[11249]: 150418 21

conversion to ppm for methane sensor

some students of mine made methane sensor mq 4.  how tried convert analog  values ppm: since closest thing known methane value that had available straight natural gas coming through line valve in chemistry lab @ school, used sample represent saturation value (in other words, million ppm).  read average commercial natural gas supplied 96 percent pure, let saturation count 960000 ppm.  analog read value sensor next valve (as saturated it) 690.   the lowest analog read value got 38.  since data sheet mq4 says it's base 10 logarithmic, how they  came conversion: 960000=10 k(690-38)   or     max val ppm= 10 k (max analog read-min analogread) log 960000 =  k(652) log960000/652 = k = .009 so final formula converts analog read ppm based on formula: y= 10 .009(x-38)                          x being analog read value they know full if formula more correct using gas valve in lab @ best crude calibration standard.  has out there tried such value conversion gas sensors?  i'm not

Delay in sensor reading update

hi people, i have control unit on car sends number of sensor readings arduino mega's serial port 1. have xbee pro 60mw wire antenna - series 1 , on mega sends data arduino uno xbee pro 60mw wire antenna - series 1 on it's top connected via usb laptop. moreover, control unit has software allows me connect laptop via usb , monitor variety of sensor readings on well. the control unit provides me vehicle's throttle position percentage. when monitor throttle position on control unit's software, gently press pedal, percentage value increases. but, there delay associated refreshing of throttle position when receiving data wireless. i not sure whether because of limitations of xbees or because of code. thinking because of code, can not see how  or why? here code: code: [select] /* in "working_wireless_on_the_car_with_processing_v2" , intended increase performance speed of microcontroller improving coding structure */ #include <stdlib> // standard lib

Help with GPIO trigger - Raspberry Pi Forums

hi all, first new boards , new messing around raspberry pi, running mine digital taplist beer fridge using raspberry pints, have added pir motion sensor wake screen when motion detected. working great wanted integrate additional function trigger ssr turn on fridge lights when same motion detected, have ssr wired gpio24 (pin18 & pin20 ground) , having hard time manipulating code ssr switch when motion dectected. , appreciated, below current code running screen wake. code: select all #!/usr/bin/env python import os import rpi.gpio gpio import time cmd = 'xscreensaver-command -deactivate' gpio.setmode(gpio.bcm) pir_pin=7 gpio.setup(pir_pin, def motion(pir_pin): os.system(cmd) time.sleep(1) time.sleep(2) try: gpio.add_event_detect(pir_pin, gpio.rising, callback=motion) while 1: time.sleep(100) except keyboardinterrupt: gpio.cleanup() pic of beer fridge. what have tried , and how didn't work? might try along lines of: code: select all gpi