Real time PICam with 18 fps - Raspberry Pi Forums

hello friends , morning !

today came here show simple solution stream using socket between raspberry pi , pc.

hear simple algorithm.

send me suggestions improvement !

problem :

needed send raspberry pictures laptop in real time 15-20 fps rate ( camera vision of robot. )

created udp socket in python,
capture 1 frame of camera , record on binarystream , send socket server ( notebook. )

in server , have program reads port 32123 , takes binary , convert image , fills in picturebox .. = d

made algorithm, , very, good. saw on internet, streams of high latency , make low latency of hard work ...

code: select all

 def send_images_to_server(): 	host = '' 	port = 32123 	#define o tipo da familia protocolo e o tipo de socket, nesse caso, udp 	udp = socket.socket(socket.af_inet, socket.sock_dgram) 	 	dest = (host, port) #tupla contendo o host e porta servidor  	 	camera = picamera.picamera() 	camera.framerate=10 	camera.resolution = (300,200) 	 	camera.start_preview() 	time.sleep(2) 	x = 1 	while(x < 1000 ):  	    #time.sleep(0.1) 	    camera.capture(str,'jpeg',use_video_port=true) 	    udp.sendto(, dest) #faz o envio 	    str.truncate() 	    x += 1 	 	#encerra conexao 	udp.close()  	return;  



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