
Showing posts from June, 2014

Creation d'un robot pour lire des pages web

bonjour, je suis actuellement en séminaire dans une école de design interactif, il débuté aujourd'hui et il dure une semaine. nous avons un projet qui consiste à créer un robot qui à la manière d'un auxiliaire de vie, lirait à haute voie tous les dispositifs électroniques et connectés. nous avons pour se faire trois arduino et une boite de meccano. comment pensez vous qu'on peux développer ce projet ? nous pensions à envoyer le contenu de la page vers un utilitaire type processing et la faire lire par une synthèse vocale. qu'en pensez vous ? souhaitez vous nous aider à réaliser ce projet ? merci par avance, mr.matte + l'équipe bonjour, un arduino ne pourra jamais lire à haute voix un texte, pas assez puissant il faut t'orienter vers quelques choses de plus conséquent qui selon moi serait un pc portable genre aio (pas cher donc) mais la parole requière beaucoup de ressources essies peut-être du coté rpi là grace à linux peut-êt...

Afficheur ne fonctionne que quelques heures...

bonjour à tous, je viens vers vous car j'ai un problème avec mon afficheur 16x2. je détail mon projet, je souhaite fabriquer un petit contrôleur (qui tourne h24) pour mon aquarium. ce contrôleur est constitué d'un arduino uno, une sonde de température, une horloge, 1 relais pour piloter l'éclairage, 2 boutons poussoir, et le fameux afficheur... j'ai réussi à tous câbler, programmer, le tout fonctionne correctement  pendant quelques heures.... après l'afficheur ne m'affiche plus que des carrés sur la première ligne. je suis donc obliger d'ouvrir le boitier et faire un reset sur l'arduino pour que l'affichage redémarre pour quelques heures. je n'ai constater aucun problème de chaleur, ni sur l'arduino, ni sur l'afficheur. j'ai câblé et programmé ce dernier en 4 bits. pensant à des faux contact j'ai bloqué tous les fils avec des serres-câbles, et un peu de colle à chaud. mais cela ne résoud pas le problème....

linking to pdf with getURL + javascript

hello- this seems simple thing do, cannot figure out correct syntax make happen. need link pdf file , add javascript call using geturl, used in google analytics track pdf file. i need translate <a href="" onclick="javascript: pagetracker._trackpageview('/downloads/map'); "> into flash 2. have tried different combinations similar on (release) { geturl("files/map.pdf","_blank", "javascript: pagetracker._trackpageview('downloads/map')'"); } but no avail. any appreciated. More discussions in ActionScript 1 and 2 adobe

Duda con voltajes de sensores (doubt with voltages of sensors)

quote from: espaÑol buenas, tengo un arduino pro mini atmega328 8mhz 3,3v , también compré 2 nrf24l01 , 2 módulos arduino sd card (ambos pueden funcionar 3,3v). quiero comprar más sensores pero me fijado que trabajan 5v, ¿cómo podría utilizarlos con un arduino pro mini 3,3v? tengo muchas baterías de móvil de 3,7v li-on. tenía pensado alimentar la placa con una bateria de 3,7v y luego conectar un hc-sr04 de 5v (lo compraré según me digan uds) mediante un conversor de voltaje y también añadir el nrf24l01 (3,3v) para acceder vía wifi y añadir un módulo arduino sd card (3,3v) ¿alguno de estos dos me valdría? l7905cv ó lm7805 (tienen polaridad pero no tengo mucha idea de esto) he de decir que soy un neófito en el mundo arduino, soy de software, en el campo del hardware estoy pez, aunque algo por encima sé. la pregunta sería: ¿cómo utilizar sensores de 5v con arduino pro mini 3,3v? también tengo pensado comprar uno de lo siguientes servos para que funcionen 3,3v, ¿cual me recom...

Grésillements continu Jack 3.5 - Raspberry Pi Forums

bonjour à tous ! je me tourne vers vous pour m'aider à résoudre un soucis. j'ai installer sur mes deux raspberry (version 2 et b) max2play (qui contient squeezelite, lms etc..) tout est parfaitement installé et lms reconnait bien mes deux players. la ou il y à soucis c'est quand je lance squeezelite et que la sortie audio s'active j'ai un grésillement continu (sans même jouer de sons) j'ai chercher un bon moment sans rien trouver (jusqu'à faire fumer mon cerveau) et arrivé à saturation je me tourne vers vous. j'ai pu lire que la sortie audio du raspberry n'en est pas vraiment une, elle utilise du "pwm" et que la qualité n'est pas vraiment au rendez vous. dans mes souvenir j'avais, en préparation de ma futur installation configurer lms et squeezelite sur mon raspberry b après quelques difficultés à le faire fonctionner j'avais réussi et le sons était de qualité (sans grésillements) j'ai formatter la sd de ce dernier pour...

Resolution Distorting Viewing - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

i have template automatically fills page. on computers higher display resolution disorders posts , messes things up. ie. on resolution, displays properly ie. on higher resolution, displays same info different. how preent disordering of posts when being viewed computers higher resolution? it's in css , there no generic answer.  knows css have study template style sheet(s) , make modifications. if don't want spend many hours learning , correcting (new problems arrise every new browser release won't last time) i'd recommend purchasing commercial template comes support. Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.0 General Questions - 1.0.x

Amazing Effect. Hows it done

hey wondering if effect browser shakes accomplished using as3. if know coding required effect? have been playing around tween class, dont think tween class right this. site effect thanks in advance ryan that's simple javascript effect. use google see coding. More discussions in ActionScript 3 adobe

Transcoding: RaspBerry Pi (OpenMAX) vs MacBook (Handbrake) - Raspberry Pi Forums

i've posted answer in stack exchange benchmarking transcoding of video sample 1080p 720p raspberry pi (hardware accelerated through openmax) , macbook pro (handbrake using software encoder x264). haven't found other comparison on type, thought might interested. here link record: what speed can expect hardware-h264-encoding? mrubioroy wrote: i've posted answer in stack exchange benchmarking transcoding of video sample 1080p 720p raspberry pi (hardware accelerated through openmax) , macbook pro (handbrake using software encoder x264). haven't found other comparison on type, thought might interested. here link record: what speed can expect hardware-h264-encoding? so, it’s not bad, isn’t it? day use pi transcode our video. patience. raspberrypi

Moving Data from localhost to live site - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hi - have searched high , low , can't seem find blow blow of basic way move data localhost live site. i have attempted exporting local via myphp , importing live site's myphp, recieve errors syntax incorrect.  if interested, can run again , supply exact error. can point me in right direction? thanks you need in syntax deifferences between local mysql server , live sites mysql server. cause of mysql syntax errors during relocations or moves. Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.0 Installation - 1.0.x

Component and Module: Install a Firefox Searchplugin - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hello, i created module joomla. button visitor can install firefox-searchpluging site. the plugin uses joomla serach-component. the additional component adminiatration tasks. the extension ist published in german jooma site,com_remos ... ,2348.html what think this? please have , tell me if desired publish module/component @, too excuse bad english Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.0 Extensions - 1.0.x Components

POST method

im building simple contact form in dreamweaver. have got hidden fields etc work, actual form, action suppose go there? have "" random action found sample form, works, dont know or is?? should action sending form through website?? im jsut not sure action needs there form send through....... also, have hidden fields take people thankyou , oops page, except thankyou , oops page default pages above action bnbform.cgi think, cos not ones made.. hope makes sense someone?? yes, should sending form form script within website, not external form processor unless have made arrangements them. best bet first determine type of server side scripting plan supports, , find form script suitable. host place start; have script use. script comes instructions tell how configure forms work properly. More discussions in Dreamweaver support forum adobe

Thread: Webcam amb imatge invertida

hola en el portatil que tinc volgut fer funcionar la webcam tingu un petit problema. bé, instalat el lucview després l'skype, fet el següent: sudo apt-get install luvcview sudo modprobe uvcvideo luvcview -d /dev/video0 -f yuv -s 640x480 hem reconeix la càmera sembla que funciona, però quan giro el cap l'esquerra la pantalla de la càmera es mou la dreta, quan giro el cap la dreta la pantalla es veu que giro cap l'esquerra. em pasa tant l'skype com amb el lucview. algú sap que pot ser? salutacions es normal si hi penses, ha de ser aixi. si jo em poso davant teu, que no et veig com en un mirall? doncs amb la webcam igual. si tu jo fem un video chat, jo t'he de veure igual que estas, no com en un mirall. es el que s'aconsegueix mostrant la imatge tal com la veus. salut Forum The Ubuntu F...

Thread: moblin iso can be used to boot from USB drive, how about ubuntu?

many cds used burn ubuntu iso install new release. moblin iso can used boot either cd or usb flash drive. hope know how moblin can achieve , how user can install other linux iso without cd burning. yes, ubuntu can too. Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support New to Ubuntu [all variants] moblin iso can be used to boot from USB drive, how about ubuntu? Ubuntu

Delay execution of CFML

hi there i manage site "pre-generates" pages, execution time quicker , demands on server reduced when users come site. the problem this. have template contains cfml looks see browser user using. when pages "pregenerated" using ie , user visits using firefox, pages not render properly, because pregeneration process inserts reference stylesheet ie, , not firefox (which makes sense). i "include" code determines stylesheet should used in pregenerated page executed when user visists site, rather pregenerated page executing code when page created. is able assist? thanks in advance. goofy it's not quite clear me problem is. can guess, solve problem adding code choose style in application.cfm or application.cfc, More discussions in Advanced Techniques adobe

a single template location for multiple sites? - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

is possible make joomla templates in location on different server (ie )?  think may more efficient template available locally, i'm curious if possible. thank you. to best of knowledge, not possible, joomla! single instance installation, not common instance installation allow this. but wrong, if else has done before. Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.0 General Questions - 1.0.x

JCE beta 1.1.0 Har släppts - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

nu finns det en ny beta version av jce. jag har följt utvecklingen och det jag sett verkar utmärkt . jag ska installera den och testköra så kan jag återkomma. här är länken ... e&itemid=1 den fungerar inte med joomla 1.5. de svenska språkfilerna kommer heller inte att fungera. ska titta hur mycket jag behöver göra. har mailat ryan att jag ska ta en titt... Board index Joomla! International Language Support International Zone Swedish Forum Äldre versioner Forum Joomla! 1.0 Komponenter, moduler och Mambots

Consigli su componente per gestione pubblicità - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

rieccomi qua con le mie mille curiosità... ho dato un'occhiata già nelle extension del sito premetto... cerco un componente per gestire la pubblicità in un sito. io non lo ho mai fatto quindi non ho idea di come si faccia e di che conoscenze bisogna avere..roba tipo impression e cose simili non ne niente. che componente mi consigliate per gestire più pubblicità sullo stesso template? pubblicità private di altri siti e non (tipo adsense). e' possibile scegliere in che posizione della pagina verrà messa la pubblicità? questo influenzerà molto la mia eventuale creazione di un template per joomla? grazie mille ciao! per quanto riguarda la parte amministrativo-coomerciale ti devi informare con un commercialista per sapere come devi agire; devi poi trovare dei circuiti validi. per esempio io mi sono associato zanox . prova darci un occhio perchè ha delle offerte niente male. ti dico la verità: siccome non ho ancora il sito online non mi sono ancora cimentato con le pubblicità di za...

Flash player crash GUI

i got problem on firefox browser flash player plugin. every time tried watch online video such youtube or others. sooner or later browser going crush. , tried terminate browser. fail (can not terminate), , wil lost gui. seems find @ first pace, no program response. can not run or terminate program under gui cliking mouse. can not call out terminal. way go comandline interface gain limited control of computer. @ point no matter kill firefox or whatevery, not recover gui. thing can type "reboot" reboot system. current version of firefox 1.5, have tried later version, make problem worse , worse. 2.0 crash 3 time more 1.5. , 3.0 beta 2 crasheven more , end crash whole gui, make me can not use user account anymore. interestingly, when unistall flash player, problem go away. so, can not else make browser crash along gui. operation system fedora core 6 latest support kernel. start using adobe flash player 8.0, everytime new 1 come out replace old 1 newer one. newer versions make pro...

Is it possible to retreive data from an other databases ? - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hello. i'm investigating can use joomla focalpoint presentation of data located databases on different computers. so far have been able find solutions limited retreive (and create data) located in joomla database. i have been working lot perl , php has discovered joomla! do have create plug-in, module or component achive ? ... /cat_id,0/ d Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.0 General Questions - 1.0.x

sending More command (Val) to Arduino?

hello guys , my project controlling led light using visual basic program made me. i have little problem in project , how can send more command arduino pc?? for example , this arduino codes uploaded , __________ int ledpin = 13; // number of led pin void setup() { serial.begin(9600); // set serial speed pinmode(ledpin, output); // set led output digitalwrite(ledpin, low); //turn off led } void loop(){ while (serial.available() == 0); // nothing if nothing sent int val = - '0'; // deduct ascii value of '0' find numeric value of sent number if (val == 1) { // test command 1 turn on led serial.println("led on"); digitalwrite(ledpin, high); // turn on led } else if (val == 0) // test command 0 turn off led { serial.println("led off"); digitalwrite(ledpin, low); // turn off led } else // if not 1 of above command, nothing { //val = val; } serial.println(val); serial.flush(); // clear serial port } _____  as can see , ( val =...

Automobile power supply for standalone arduino ATMEGA Chip

hi guys working towards having own board built utilizing atmega 328p-pu chip , need power supply.  going in truck , of using 100ufcap lm7809 vreg 10uf cap lm7805 vreg 1uf cap on chip.  there better way of doing this? small possible reduce overall size of pcb. thanks guys! mitch keep power supply off board - use usb adapter goes in lighter socket. i picked 1 @ local  hardware store, , ran uno days on make run  & check out - no issues seen. Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Project Guidance > Automobile power supply for standalone arduino ATMEGA Chip arduino

What is the best OS for beginners to use Kodi? - Raspberry Pi Forums

what best os beginners use kodi? i've used rasbian forst - couldn't understand ow kodi. installed openelec-kodi couldn't pc backup install though updated 14.2 beta helix. when select path of backup using backup addon select restore blank window pops , nothing there. have hit esc out of it. want use pc backup has channel addons done way it. don't know code know how follow directions if have steps. love concept of media center it's getting frustrating. can give or suggest! [mod edit - change title more meaningful] no questions it. raspberrypi

Browser compatibility with borders

i advise on cross browser compatibility borders. *web address removed* looks fine in ie7 not in safari or firefox. appears safari , firefox ignore border thickness , on 3 columns adds incrementally , makes final column looks offset. help, appreciated newby! thanks hello, instead of using "thin", try using 2px border thickness. that way, isn't open different browser's interpretation of "thin" means. for example, change left column this: #leftcolumn { float: left; width: 200px; height: 450px; padding-right: 10px; padding-left: 10px; background-color: #ffffff; border: 2px solid #cccccc; } repeat border attribute middle , right columns, well. take care, tim "mkalx" <> wrote in message news:fo6jnf$qdv$ >i advise on cross browser compatibility borders. > looks fine in ie7 not in safari or firefox. > appears > safari , firefox ignore border thi...

pi2 USB power - Raspberry Pi Forums

connecting hdd usb port makes tries starting. there no schematics available yet, simple check shows board power not connected directly usb. remembering first pi release problem usb powering, pi2 doing again? usb power on pp27 measurement pad. my 2.5' usb hdd eats around 1a @ 5v. according usb 2.0 specs, single port can provide 0.5a. rpi follows these specs, won't able power hdd (it depends on type) rpi's usb port. also, maximum current available usb ports on rpi around 0.6a. can double adding max_usb_current=1 config.txt, provided use 2a power supply. reason why such hdds work on desktops or powered hubs because don't follow these usb specs exactly. need either powered hub (preferably wouldn't backfeed rpi) or external power source usb hdd. raspberrypi

Problem with arduino Mega2560 PWM programming

hello, i'm working on robotics project @ engineering school , i'm stuck problem. i've made mistake electronic card made, i'm using pins 3 , 14 (timer 0) , 9 , 10 (timer 2) drive 2 motors. setup need 2 in sync opposite pwm signals each motor. i foolishly based off site saw 31khz max value both when in actual fact 62khz or timer 0. i need frequency between 20 , 40khz drive motors, , i'm stuck 62khz or 7.8khz on pins 3 , 14 depending on if use prescaler of 0x01 or 0x02. i either need figure out way working correctly or need totally messy scrape part of card off , solder wires link pwm outputs timer. i've been struggling details of datasheet atmel processor on arduino mega2560. i've seen few options might work far having no luck, i'm wondering if has tried these before? - using pwm configuration on 9 or 10 bits instead of 8 may force lower frequency - using other base pwm mode instead 1 of "compare" things manually make switch high...

problema con timer luci

ciao ragazzi, come da titolo ho un problema con la temporizzazione di due luci, vi spiego, ho la necessità di fare accendere due luci ad un certo orario e dopo un tot di tempo si devono spegnere sole (la classica luce scala per intenderci in versione automatizzata) solo che non voglio bloccare il programma utilizzando la funzione delay, quindi leggendo anche gli articoli che ho visto postare diverse volte di leo72, ho deciso di optare per la funzione millis. e qui ho trovato un intoppo dal quale no riesco ad uscirne...ovvero il tempo che io imposto come ritardo non riesco farlo partire solo dopo che le luci si sono effettivamente accese, ma inizia contare da quando alimento la scheda, con il risultato che appena le luci si accendo all'orario impostato si spengono anche subito perché il tempo di ritardo impostato è già passato! vi posto lo sketck magari qualcuno mi riesce dare una mano... code: [select] #include <wire.h> #include <time.h> #include <timealarm...

Thread: Broken Package - Help Please

hello all, relatively new ubuntu [jaunty]. downloaded , tried install .deb application. halfway through stopped , when go synaptic package manager message says "1 broken package - use 'broken' filter locate it". when go settings/filters , select 'broken' , 'ok' huge list of applications - installed not. how find "broken package" please ? , should ? thanks. did go custom filters? Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support General Help [ubuntu] Broken Package - Help Please Ubuntu

Thread: Is this board compatibel? MSI K9N2G Neo-FD

hi, know if board compatibel ubuntu jaunty? msi k9n2g neo-fd (with nvidia 8200 chip) @ moment work k9a-platinum , have problems sb600-chip (ati). problems hibernation. (see ) rest of hardware, pls. take @ signature. before buy board, great if give information. need stable system, important me. regards, caruni Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support Hardware [ubuntu] Is this board compatibel? MSI K9N2G Neo-FD Ubuntu

I'm always shown as "offline".

hi. i have issue account. even though i'm connected, i'm still shown being "offline" , never see myself in bar "users active in past 15 minutes:" i'm using rather old mac safari browser not causing issue made new account nickname - e-mail address , works fine , can see new account being "online". i suspect issue caused primary account having yahoo e-mail ending in ".gr". thanks in advance nick can create 2nd account test assumption? Arduino Forum > Community > Website and Forum > I'm always shown as "offline". arduino

Indenting Question - Raspberry Pi Forums

hi. found python program online minecraft pi edition unfortunately not indented @ did best fix since new python didn't work fix me please!!??! code: select all import minecraft.minecraft minecraft #import minecraft block module import minecraft.block block #import time, delays can used import time #import threading, threads can used import threading class explodingblock(threading.thread): def __init__(self, pos, fuseinsecs, blastradius): threading.thread.__init__(self) self.pos = pos self.fuseinsecs = fuseinsecs self.blastradius = blastradius def run(self): mc = minecraft.minecraft.create() #get values pos = self.pos blastradius = self.blastradius #explode block! # block type blocktype = mc.getblock(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z) # flash block fuse in range(0, self.fuseinsecs): mc.setblock(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z, block.air) time.sleep(0.5) mc.setblock(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z, blocktype) time.sleep(0.5) x in range(blastr...

Problem cascading TLC5917 shift registers using ShiftPWM.

hello, i'm working on project add aesthetic lighting set of stairs. my brother saw post , shared me, sounded fun, thought i'd give go. my stairs have 13 steps, brother's has 15, thought make board universal since i'll installing him also. i'm using modern device's rbbb board, 2 cascaded tlc5917 constant-current sink drivers, 5v leds sync current tip125 pnp darlingtons drive individual led strips. the simple sketch below uses shiftpwm spi fade on outputs, fade them off, fades them on off sequentially. test/debug program. the first shift register works expected, however, doesn't appear serial data being received correctly on second register. i've double checked soldering.  i've popped out first chip , jumpered pins 2 & 13, outputs second chip work expected. i've tried de-coupling caps v+ , latch pins no success. at point i'm wondering if the...

Whole site syndication? - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

is possible in 1.5 have syndication feed whole site? i pretty sure in 1.0, feed based on frontpage component.  thus, article made appear in feed checking "publish on front page" option - if frontpage component wasn't used part of site (i.e. use static content page homepage) great way of controlling feed independently of individual page. this doesn't seem possible more, since syndication feed based on page on module appears. any suggestions? mike it's other way around, joomla! creates feeds can create feeds for. in 1.5 support feeds : - content categories, sections , frontpage views - weblink category view - contact category view the thing syndication module show feed icon when feed present page. turning off feed module doesn't turn off feed, removes feed icon. newsfeed readers capable of picking feeds on fly having module published isn't necessary. Board index Joomla! Official Sites & Infrastructure Si...

Burning Bootloader on Atmega2560 on ArduPilotMega

hi there! i have ardupilotmega flight controller, equiped atmega2560. there seem problem usb communication, wanted reflash bootloader. have programmer , programmed chips , burned bootloaders. i tried burn bootloader newest arduino ide. select correct programmer, correct board , click on "install bootloader". ide says installing , have wait. goes on 3min. bar gets orange , error message verification error, first missmatch @ byte [i'll have tonigth which], content missmatch. what doing wrong? programmer fast? thank you! check here and here when working, recommend following jabrams info make of apm 2.5 good luck Arduino Forum > Using Arduino ...

maximum output for TLC5940

hi all, i have project create 600 output on off, know arduino don have of output, so come in using tlc5940, there alot of example can find, but did 1 know maximum output connect tlc5940 in series? (can reach 600? mean 38 unit of tlc5940  connect in series.) thank you. there's no technical reason 38 won't work. but ... limit in reality depend on quality of cables , pcbs , how fast try send data (if doesn't work can slow down data transmission bit). Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > General Electronics > maximum output for TLC5940 arduino

AKO tweaks - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

how can remove email address, home page, , title rows ako comments box?  want username , comment. anyone please?    seems kinda on done have email address , webpage row comments.  people not want give out email address, , homepage ako comments asking for?  of members not have homepage - or own website. all comments need username (which in there) , comment - thats all.  so pease me edit stuff out? Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.0 Extensions - 1.0.x Components

visualmicro vs. JETAG adapter

hi there i tried visualmicro plug in for  atmel studio with  arduino  due board. it works perfect...i think no 1 needs jtag adapter more or ? i haven't used vm debugger think jtag ice more visual micro can, whether or not need more story though. for example real debugger can single step, view registers , memory etc. don't think can vm (but may wrong that). ______ rob Arduino Forum > Products > Arduino Due (Moderator: fabioc84) > visualmicro vs. JETAG adapter arduino

CF Data Sources

hi, i have coldfusion server configured rds enabled , trying develop using coldfusion/dreamweaver cs3. whatever reason, database panel says still need create datasource, though have done , other panels (such server behaviors) panel shows have. however, won't let me anything. why happening? have exact same setup in dreamweaver 8 -- except works in dreamweaver 8. thanks nick i had same issue in dreamweaver cs3. solution found bit of pain, @ least lets me develop. in "testing server" section of site definition setup, actual url prefix should be: but when set this, datasources not show up. when changed url prefix to: the datasources showed up! not sure why works, does. hassle cannot use preview function since not correct url website sitting. i hope works you. btw - version of coldfusion server running? have 6.1 - perhaps older version of coldfusion issue. More discussions in Develop server-side a...

Putty on RPI or another terminal - Raspberry Pi Forums

hello know how install , run putty on rpi, trying last couple hours, without spectacular results. "sudo apt-get install putty -y" or "sudo apt-get install putty" doesn't help. not necessary install putty terminal. a putty terminal not needed on raspberry pi. if want connect pc using ssh type code: select all ssh yourusername@ipaddressofpc trying do? raspberrypi

Raspberry Pi 2 Jet Engine Noise - Raspberry Pi Forums

hey every one, got raspberry pi 2, installed open elec & putted heat-sink temperature down 45c 28c stable, , every thing seems ok running fine, 5v fan noise annoying me, making noise of honda heavy bike running fast, there can me put fan speed down. turn off? don't need it, chip rated environments without heatsink. raspberrypi

Multiple TOC with Context-Sensitive Help

i teaching myself robohelp right now, , think doing ok. problem use context-sensitive help, restrict table of contents show items in same book topic being displayed. have other means display entire file , toc, if want see regarding particular screen on, show them topic, , index them see other areas can 1 screen. i can't seem see in robohelps files describes how that. have ideas? thanks, sharon hi sharon , welcome our community i believe looking here called "related topics" control. click insert menu , should see related topics on list. choose , start wizard asks choose topics related. end result typically button user clicks view related topics. cheers... rick More discussions in WebHelp adobe

sooooooo lost - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

okay friend sugested try joomla site. small store front , thats it. have downloaded stable verion , uploaded of subdomain use im lost. install not come up. missing step? hosting throu bravenet if matters. please someone.......... apologizing being newbie.... lacy don't forget user manual. download or Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.0 Installation - 1.0.x

Thread: Lenovo L215's default resolution not recommended

i switched 20" acer 21.5" lenovo l215. old acer's default resolution 1680x1050. l215's 1920x1080. however, whenever turn on ubuntu, defaults 1680x1050. (my graphics card nvidia 9800gt proprietary drivers) used nvidia's setting tool; set (even writing xorg.conf file), once rebooted, 1680x1050. here's xorg.conf: try rebooting again, , when x starts before fix resolution manually, please post contents of /var/log/xorg.0.log x windows ignoring configuration file because of hardware telling (that nvidia utility bypasses). Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support Hardware [all variants] Lenovo L215's default resolution not recommended Ubuntu

Flash * Pro maximum movie/movie clip length

i have song want put animation to. song 4:16 long believe comes out 3072 frames @ 12fps. timeline stops @ 560. there way extend timeline length need? or figure out way reduce fps fit in 560 frames length of song? admittedly experience flash intro flash/beginning classes , our previous max. movie length 400 frames. i've tried find answer online , in books haven't been successful. hope can help. i'd make project work. thanks. s.w. nevermind, figured out, because obvious. geez, i've been working way hard. sorry dumb post. More discussions in Adobe Animate CC - General adobe

Thread: Ubuntu Will Not Mount My USB Drive

i'm running newest version of ubuntu , not let me mount usb drive. message "invalid mount option when attempting mount volume". told me go terminal , type in dmesg | tail , when got this... [ 4493.844547] hdc: drive not ready command [ 4493.844588] hdc: status error: status=0x58 { driveready seekcomplete datarequest } [ 4493.844594] ide: failed opcode was: unknown [ 4493.844599] hdc: drive not ready command [ 4493.844660] hdc: status error: status=0x58 { driveready seekcomplete datarequest } [ 4493.844666] ide: failed opcode was: unknown [ 4493.844671] hdc: drive not ready command [ 4493.844724] hdc: status error: status=0x58 { driveready seekcomplete datarequest } [ 4493.844730] ide: failed opcode was: unknown [ 4493.844734] hdc: drive not ready command if has advice or can tell me more grateful.. thanks! newest version being karmic alpha or jaunty? how mounting it? produce: c...

jce editor problem - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

i keep getting message anytime try edit article jce editro warning: boteditorinit(/home/content/t/h/y/thypott/html/administrator/components/com_jce/plugins/plugins.class.php): failed open stream: no such file or directory in /home/content/t/h/y/thypott/html/mambots/editors/jce.php on line 38 fatal error: boteditorinit(): failed opening required '/home/content/t/h/y/thypott/html/administrator/components/com_jce/plugins/plugins.class.php' (include_path='.:/usr/local/lib/php') in /home/content/t/h/y/thypott/html/mambots/editors/jce.php on line 38 and  im not using beta version hi, it looks if mambots/editors/jce.php missing. check using ftp client. regards robin Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.0 Extensions - 1.0.x Modules

Cant get VU meter and sin generator to work together.

hi, i'm trying combine sin wave generator , vu meter. problem wave crested distorted. code: [select] void loop() {   long sumofsquares = 0;     (int i=0; i<numberofsamples; i++) { //take many readings , average them    sample = analogread(1);             //take reading     signal1 = (sample - middlevalue);      //work out offset center     signal2 = signal1 * signal1;                     //square make values positive    sumofsquares += signal2;               //add total   }   averagereading = sumofsquares/numberofsamples;     //calculate running average   runningaverage=(((averagedover-1)*runningaverage)+averagereading)/averagedover; /* if (runningaverage>threshold){         //is average more threshold ?   ...

Upgrading from Joomla 1.0.0 Stable to newest ... - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

i've developped whole web site version 1.0.0 , upgrade latest stable version ... 1. wich 1 recommend me 2. special procedures upgrade 3. should backup before anything 4. how do upgrade ? overwrite files , re-upload config file ? here information setup : hp built on:  linux 2.6.8-022stab078.14-enterprise #1 smp wed jul 19 14:35:02 msd 2006 i686  database version:  3.23.58  php version:  4.3.2  web server:  apache/2.0.46 (red hat)  webserver php interface:  apache2filter  joomla! version:  joomla! 1.0.0 stable [ sunrise ] 17-sep-2005 00:30 gmt  user agent:  mozilla/4.0 (compatible; msie 7.0; windows nt 5.1; infopath.1; .net clr 1.1.4322; .net clr 2.0.50727)  relevant php settings:  safe mode:  off  open basedir:  /home/httpd/vhosts/  display errors:  on  short open tags:  on  file uploads:  on  magic qu...

Perfectly Sync Framerate

hi everyone, i'm little new arduino , hoping opinions on best way approach project. i'm building lighting rig video multiple led lights. goal shoot footage @ high framerate (120 fps probably) , have different light turned on each frame. getting synced crucial project work. have first version of rig built, needs work. i did lower speed tests (30fps) using delay function , having drift on timing.  had better results @ 50fps because set timer 20ms instead of 16.6667ms. stay in sync bit before i'd hit frame or 2 2 lights fire, or frame no lights fire. code standpoint, have ideas tighten things up. i'm measuring time since last event, small discrepancies in timing compound on each other, getting more , more off. if store time @ start of application can compare current time total time , correct slide. think enough or need sort of time crystal?  i'm concerned method still won't accurate enough switch every 8.3333ms. if time crystal or other har...

Arduino Uno Rev 3 Auto Resetting, Maybe broken?

hi everyone, i'm here ask help: i've made little project button sets state of led; led starts on , if press button,  led turns off, if press again gets on. problem is: after random ammount of time ( 5 15 seconds) either if led on or off, leds (including ones on arduino) flashes 3 times , restarts code. e.g. led off, 5 seconds after, led blinks 3 times, shuts off, , gets on, if pressed reset button. code works, question is is broken? if not, can tell me has gome wrong? where code & wiring diagram? i've left crystal ball @ work. Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Installation & Troubleshooting > Arduino Uno Rev 3 Auto Resetting, Maybe broken? arduino

Thread: Mouse Double-Click Problem

i'm having same problem described in first few posts of this thread . mouse register 2 clicks left button, half of time, no matter program using. using xev, find pressing left button registers click event, while releasing button registers release event, click event, , release event. it's not hardware problem, mouse works on other computers, , other os's on same laptop. also, touchpad not have problem, mouse. it's logitech vx nano. other similar threads point messing xorg.conf, tried , after reboot, stuck in console little while. question is, mouse configs still stored in xorg.conf? i'm on proprietary ati drivers, don't messing it. other ideas? using jaunty, on 2.6.30-02063003-generic (also, should blame kernel? one...) i had same problem couple of weeks ago , solve replacing mouse. nevertheless, try plug mouse usb port if have usb mouse. has worked me while. ...