Perfectly Sync Framerate

hi everyone, i'm little new arduino , hoping opinions on best way approach project. i'm building lighting rig video multiple led lights. goal shoot footage @ high framerate (120 fps probably) , have different light turned on each frame. getting synced crucial project work. have first version of rig built, needs work.

i did lower speed tests (30fps) using delay function , having drift on timing.  had better results @ 50fps because set timer 20ms instead of 16.6667ms. stay in sync bit before i'd hit frame or 2 2 lights fire, or frame no lights fire. code standpoint, have ideas tighten things up. i'm measuring time since last event, small discrepancies in timing compound on each other, getting more , more off. if store time @ start of application can compare current time total time , correct slide. think enough or need sort of time crystal?  i'm concerned method still won't accurate enough switch every 8.3333ms. if time crystal or other hardware addition i'd appreciate recommendations. i'm using uno, switch if board better this.

my other problem don't have enough light.  current leds powered directly off pins of uno, i'm looking upgrade 12v led strips require external power source. seems relays slow needs, thinking use transistor tip120 or tip102 wire schematic posted crossroads @ bottom of thread issue there?

i have lot of background coding complex things in javascript , actionscript, think should able hang code suggestions. i'm pretty n00b on electronics side of things, please bare me if need little more explanation on stuff.  help!

one additional thing might worth mentioning.  if there enough light produced lights won't need stay lit every long, quick flash expose frame.  in fact there should time between lights firing allow light in room dissipate, , make sure 1 light fired per frame.  empty time between light allows margin of error few milliseconds each individual frame long little 1-2ms errors don't compound.

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