
Showing posts from September, 2015

Flash 9 player install does not "stick" or work

1. go site requiring flash 9 player 2. download/install adobe , adobe flash download sample plays fine afterward 3. go site requiring new plaer , still tells me new player. i have bunch of other adobe products (web stuite & photoshop) , when auto attempts download updates fails , locks on flashlite player. quitting or restarting browser or pc makes no difference. must simple. can tell me might be? thanks! richard richardg" > 1. go site requiring flash 9 player > 2. download/install adobe , adobe flash download sample > plays > fine afterward > 3. go site requiring new plaer , still tells me > > new player. are using vista? i installed vista , had same problem - vista doesnt seem want install flash effortlessly. i searched google , found fix did trick. fiona More discussions in Adobe Animate CC - General adobe

trouble with opening url on button click

i have project has button needs go url when click , doesnt. read topic posted in forum same problem...and had tried still doesnt work when preview when publish doesnt work..the url takes page containing pdf file...the project 10 min long , has size of 97mb...i built on mac windows virtual machine...i guess should not problem. hi ksugra , welcome our community the fact built project on mac running windows virtual machine should not factor in. captivate's view, running in windows. what happens when click link? nothing, or browser window open , attempt display contents it's blank? i know said doesn't work when published. running published file from? local pc or web site or network drive? and lastly, said “read topic posted in forum same problem...and had tried still doesnt work...”. without link see of many “other topics“ may referring here, it's impossible know attempted. cheers... rick More discussions in Adobe Captivate

My website - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

alot of people come on site , dont know about. i dont know how make more obvious. there alot kinda difficult write on home page out making [censored]. any ideas? would post link not sure im allowed to. well, basic advice have read people scan web pages incredibly quickly, therefore may need think design more in terms of magazine advert or billboard poster. people not read text need make sure people can scan page in 2 seconds find looking for. people give on web pages , move on. if find interested in, read on. take influence successful big commercial sites , other media such magazines. share many similar principles in terms of grabbing attention. Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.0 General Questions - 1.0.x

searching categories - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

i have client wants users able search within categories (ie businesses within geographical region) , regions appear dropdown menu on front page of website. the dropdown should populated list of categories (regions) , results returned should articles (business listings). if sections sub-listings, great - i'd happy 1 level. i've been trawling through extensions on site, can't seem find want. notice there mambots built joomla not components of modules, i'm not sure them. any , gratefully accepted.  thanks andrew sorry - checked , noticed requesting advice on "searing" categories , not "searching" them! Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.0 General Questions - 1.0.x

Thread: Problem Adding a Partition

hey guys, think terminal output explain it, having issues adding partition. deleted partition in place 1 reside , cannot add new one, , getting "can't have overlapping partitions". gparted isn't option server install , working on ssh. advice appreciated. trying rid of ntfs partition @ moment full of important data , not have drive large enough hold it. plan add partition in available space, make a physical volume , add created lvm. code: gnu parted 1.8.8 using /dev/sda welcome gnu parted! type 'help' view list of commands. (parted) select /dev/sdb using /dev/sdb (parted) print model: ata st3200822a (scsi) disk /dev/sdb: 200gb sector size (logical/physical): 512b/512b partition table: msdos number start end size type file system flags 2 32.3kb 50.0gb 50.0gb extended

Fresh Image - No 1w Devices - Raspberry Pi Forums

hello, thing bad happened previous image, got curropted , no python scripts run. have wiped sd , installed fresh wheezy image official download page. if following... sudo modprobe w1-gpio sudo modprobe w1-therm , then... pi@raspberrypi /sys/bus/w1/devices $ cat /sys/bus/w1/devices/28-*/w1_slave cat: /sys/bus/w1/devices/28-*/w1_slave: no such file or directory nothing, nada. if plug 1w header pi picks up, devices , wiring not problem. can advise on resolution route? have enabled 1-wire in device tree putting code: select all dtoverlay=w1-gpio in /boot/config.txt? raspberrypi

Connecting Arduino due to a GPS sensor

hi i want read data gps-sensor and want print on serial monitor. sensor connected via serial1 ports (pin18-tx1 pin19-rx1). i have never worked hardware or arduino before, want ask following question. rx recieving data , tx transmitting data. have connect rx1 port of arduino tx port of gps sensor , tx1 port (arduino) rx of sensor? or rx1 rx , tx1 tx? thanks answers. ali tx gps rx on arduino (the other line isnt important) serial.begin(fastspeed); // connect serial monitor seial1.begin(4800/9600 or..) connect correct gps_port. now dump data gps serial with while (serial1.available())  serial.print(; Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Sensors > Connecting Arduino due to a GPS sensor arduino

I'm looking to create my own forum/message board

hey guys, i've tried bit of research of net topic, can't find information i'm looking for. i'm developing website muay thai club, have decent grasp on coding, , want create message board ground up. program best choice? dreamweaver cs3? flash cs3? also, know find tutorial, or site. thanks! you can aesthetics in dreamweaver, really, wise use premade solution. choose depends on server model select. if it's php, want if it's asp, try it possible use wwwboard cgibased, it's pretty old and don't think it's been kept up. last time used 1998. can find @ -- nancy gill adobe community expert author: dreamweaver 8 e-book dmx zone co-author: dreamweaver mx: instant troubleshooter (august, 2003) technical editor: dreamweaver cs3: missing manual, dmx 2004: complete reference, dmx 2004: beginner's guide mastering macromedia contribute technical reviewer: dynamic dream

Please help us fix the IE7 rendering bug - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

ok, i've spent 3 hours trying resolve bug ie7 shown in screenshot below , have gotten absolutely no where.  happens, page renders fine, if scroll down, part of background vanishes.  here appreciated. code: select all div#wrapper { /*      height: 100%;*/       margin-left: auto;       margin-right: auto;       min-width: 750px;       max-width: 1050px;       _width: expression(((document.body.clientwidth)) < 750? "750px": ((document.body.clientwidth)) > 1050? "1050px": "auto" ); } kill height declaration in wrapper who knows did haslayout ie7  Board index Joomla! Official Sites & Infrastructure Sites & Infrastructure - Feedback/Information

SAM ICE <--> Arduino Due

hi there i got sam ice today , tried play little have problem  that when  click on "change device" cant finde arm core famili. did had same problem ? you have create/open arduino due project. here example: file->new->example project. -click on kit. -click on latest asf version (3.9.1) . -click on arduino due/x. -select getting-started application on sam - arduino due/x example. -accept cmsis license agreement. -after project loaded see atsam3x8e device in tool bar. see 'no tool' in right. -click , select debugger. should shows sam-ice (serial number guess) if connected computer. -select jtag. -press f5. once project loaded due, see led l (13) blinking. sample puts led blink (pin 9 guess) and that's it. if goes ok, should have loaded project due using sam-ice. regards! p Arduino Forum > Products > Arduino Due (Moderator: fabioc84)

Programming Quectel M95 by Arduino- Connection and Command issue

hello everybody, i trying connect arduino uno board gsm2click board has quectel m95 module embedded on. vcc=5v set switch correctly. i've made following connection:           arduino pin                   |          gsm pin:                        10                                             rx                                                           11                                              tx                        8                                               sta                        7                                               pwk (always high) the gsm2click board seems active because both switch power , network on (net led blinking). after put pwk=1 , wrote following sketch: code: [select] #include <softwareserial.h> const int pwk= 7; // analog output pin led attached to const int sta= 8; const int rx= 10; const int tx= 11; int sta_value; //at+ipr=9600 , poi dopo aver ricevuto ok mando anche at&w, per il check mando at+ipr? softwareserial my

Problem with pagination/Register to Read More on public content - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

i referencing topic having same issue no 1 posting there anymore...,42232.0.html i on version 1.0.11 , when click on next link @ bottom of blog content category " register read more..." link several times under more.  the content linking public , don't use registration.  seems issue on 1 of blogs not other. any suggestions? thanks! hi, can check in global configuration, if have parameter enabled "show unauthorized links". , if of content in blog set registered instead of public? regards robin moderator note; moving development >> general Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.0 General Questions - 1.0.x

Ubuntu 14.04 (trusty) vs Linaro Ubuntu 14.10? - Raspberry Pi Forums

hello everyone setup new raspberry pi2 ubuntu 14.04 (trusty) image fo0bar (ryan finnie) , have had great success! i've have been reading other member posts linaro ubuntu 14.10 image, haven't tried yet myself. because current setup working well. i'm wanting know... there of have tried both? whats thoughts, comparisons, likes, dislikes? prefer (why) , recommend? i'd see benchmark results between 2 flavors of ubuntu raspbery pi2. know if one? mrengles raspberrypi

New Joomla website - now or wait for 1.5? - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

i have been asked set few brand new websites joomla question knowing when start? shall start current version or shall hold off until 1.5 comes out of beta? thanks, jsg i had similar question when joomla split off mambo little on year ago, "should start mambo 4.5.3 or wait until joomla 1.0 comes out?" i thought if 1 or other did needed wouldn't have worry upgrading.  turns out that's not true though , you'll need [url,107667.0.html]upgrade every couple of months[/url] no matter when start. if start now, in few weeks you'll update 1.0.12 , in few months 1.5.1.  if wait 1.5.1 few weeks later you'll update 1.5.2 , month or 2 after 1.5.3 one of stated goals of 1.5 compatability previous version , i'm sure team working crazy make sure transition smooth because thousands of people doing it. so download 1.0.11 , go  Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.0

Thread: Problem with Color Printing on Canon iP6000D

good afternoon. i'm running jaunty on hp desktop , on dell laptop. desktop connected home network through router via cat5 , laptop connects via wireless g. printer, canon ip6000d, connected via usb wife's winxp machine. when print laptop, text comes out in color, 1 expect. however, when print desktop, comes out in grayscale. and, make things more strange, when print test document desktop, prints in color. i've made sure printer settings same on both machines , have run out of ideas fix what's wrong. ideas board? thanks, mojohn since test page prints in color, can assume trivial printer setting in application you're trying print from. app trying? have double/tripple checked print option in app? Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support General Help [ubuntu] Problem with Color Printing on Canon iP6000D

Detecting Falling Pieces of Paper

hi all, i've got problem want solve on bug list , searches haven't brought answers.  i've been using parallax pir ( detect motion.  easy use , reliable can recommend them. one thing can't detect though falling sheets of paper.  1 application i've been asked detecting when children drop wishes written on paper wishing well.  pir isn't sensitive enough pick i'm wondering if has ideas?  ideally don't want add paper detect motion using rfid etc won't work, want want ultra sensitive motion sensor… thanks advice! perhaps ultra sonic sensor might work, might not. using laser beams perhaps ? is whishing dark below ? can use number of ir leds, , detect reflectance or interruption of ir. after second thought, think ir work. you don't want disappoint children, perhaps can combine sensors. or add sign children larger paper needed. will rain have influe

OpenSEF / JoomSEF and JoomFish with static URLs! - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

help! i'm using joomfish need multiple langauges - works great. i need friendly urls (that can define). joomsef seems work 100% joomfish doesn't allow customer urls, i.e. let me define point joomla content whereas opensef does.  opensef doen't support joomfish (afaik). so whats answer? help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! once again qanswer own question!    multi language , sef (with custom static urls define yourself) seems 2 pretty cores requirements lot of people. as understand there no 'official' way of achieving both @ present, 3 options 1.  use joomsef , joomfish good = compatible bad = no custom urls :-( nb:  next version of joomsef might have custom links... 2.  use opensef , joomfish good = custom urls bad = not compatible :-(        nb:  next version of opensef ( rc6) might joomfish compatible 3.  use opensef , joomfish joomfish opensef patch good = custom urls, compatible bad = not 'official' release (as far can tell) conclusion : ha

Run a script every 30 minutes - Raspberry Pi Forums

hi. new here learning set rpi. works great. followed tutorial set personal web server. got domain name godaddy, pointed name server entrydns. works great! set entrydns forward domain name ip. working, when ip changes, need updated entrydns. entrydns provides command update ip them when run. (ie. curl -k -x put -d "" ) if type ssh terminal, "ok" response. there way can have line run every 30 minutes or so? , can make script run automatically when rpi reboots? thanks. rich you can make cron entry run every 30 min , start on reboot well. google on how use cron. raspberrypi

Receive FM and save as mp3 on sd

hello, i'm relatively new arduino in particular , electronics in general. i have fm transmitter have built scratch watching video: it works did not  test yet long distances (should +-0.31 mile says in end of video). what want receive fm transmission via arduino mega, , turn transmission mp3 audio file instantly written sd card. is possible? perhaps should read post of week ago: that transmitter illegal. it not possible record fm radio mp3 onto sd card. there might complicated way radio shield , mp3 shield, or mp3 recorder controlled arduino. not worth effort. do want record sound ? if want transmit digital data 1kbyte per second possible. Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Audio > Receive FM and save as mp3 on sd

Esplora TFT - problema con ejempls

hola, buenas tardes/dias tengo una esplora y le puesto una tft de 1,8 y tengo problemas con las librerias y ejemplos que vienen por defecto en el ide de arduino. actualizado del 1.05 1.06r2 por si acaso y nada. el problema es que al compilar los sketches de ejemplo salen errores relacionados con las class de las librerias. los errores para el código que  pongo son: 'class tft' has no member named 'background' 'class tft' has no member named 'stroke' en el sketch esploratfttemp de los ejemplos de tft el arranque del código es: /* esplora tft temperature display  example arduino tft screen use arduino esplora.  example reads temperature of esplora's on board thermisistor , displays on attached  lcd screen, updating every second.   example code in public domain.  created 15 april 2013 scott fitzgerald   */ // include necessary libraries #include <esplora.h>  #include <adafruit_gfx.h>

inviare con bluetooth un byte

ciao tutti, devo creare un programma che mi invia tramite bluetooth un byte composto da una serie di codici. questo è il programma che ho ipotizzato : code: [select] #include <softwareserial.h> byte msg[] ={ 0x00,0x09,0x00,'a',0x02}; //byte da inviare const int rxpin=12; const int txpin=13; softwareserial bluetooth(rxpin, txpin); void setup() {   bluetooth.begin(9600); serial.begin(9600); } void loop() {serial.println(msg); delay(1000);   bluetooth.println(msg); } ma il compilatore mi restituisce errori : code: [select] inviare_byte.ino: in function 'void loop()': inviare_byte:28: error: call of overloaded 'println(byte [5])' ambiguous c:\users\simone\desktop\arduino-1.0.5-r2\hardware\arduino\cores\arduino/print.h:68: note: candidates are: size_t print::println(const string&) <near match> c:\users\simone\desktop\arduino-1.0.5-r2\hardware\arduino\cores\arduino/print.h:69: note:                 size_t print::println(const char*) <ne

I want to learn but can't find "real noob" help - Raspberry Pi Forums

hi all, i've bought raspberry pi because couple of friends convinced it. "it's amazing! make life easier!" , lie.. unfortunately. know little of coding , computing. i'm looking on doing basics. in case using pi play films external hdd, , having connected computer. know, there's million of people doing stuff raspberry , people helping. however, lost weekend on looking information , can find either complex or not explained "real noobs". please, can point me can find information people don't know coding. best regards, ruben i guess familiar windows on pc , how works. before attempting video thing above, connect screen, keyboard , mouse direct pi. log in , mess desktop. bit windows few differences. intro linux, pop down local newsagent , linux format magazine. take there. raspberrypi

un componente que permita presentar la informacion como en terra - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

me podrian ayudar con un componente o modulo que de la opcion de presentar varias noticias en un solo campo del template, es decir que me permita pasar por ellas con solo presionar una pestaña como en terra: saludos tab module ... itemid,35/ tabs & slides in content items plugin ... itemid,35/ ajaxtabs orthopal ... itemid,35/ pero solo me ha funcionado el tab module xd Board index Joomla! International Language Support International Zone Spanish Forum Extensiones

Put module in content on front page - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hi, i put travel booking module on main body of front page. how do this? @ moment  have 1 news item 'welcome' site , put travel module underneath it. site in stage of construction. not conversant how administer joomla if can give me simple step step process on how achieve grateful. my site . many thanks, simon this can done either: 1. adding module position template , assigning relevant module position. 2. adding {mosloadposition nameofposition} content item on frontpage.  don't forget assign module position (nameofposition) Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.0 General Questions - 1.0.x

Event Calendorius ir Lietuviska data - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

sveiki, kaip padaryti kad menesiai butu normalia, norisi "spalio" pakeisti "spalis" dekui sveiki, yra vidinis php moduliukas. yra "%m" ir man raso kad yra spalio, lapkricio ir t.t. bet man reikia spalis, lapkritis ir t.t. kaip cia galima padaryti kad viskas butu ok, nes nebesusigaudau kaip cia kur Board index Joomla! International Language Support International Zone Lithuanian Forum

Where does one report bug in Raspbian GUI? - Raspberry Pi Forums

i found @ least 3 bugs in raspbian ui i.e. lxde suppose. report these? raspberrypi-ui-mods developed on e.g. github? maybe bugs not in raspberrypi-ui-mods, in lxde or somewhere else, think there should 1 place report gui-bugs , glitches , place report them further or fix them. tried report of them in raspbian forum didn't lead anywhere. if error in lxde itself, better report lxde developers directly. raspberrypi

reageren op nieuws - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

ik vroeg me af of er ook iets bestaat zodat je op nieuws items kunt reageren. zoiets dat je onder een nieuws bericht hebt staan, "3 reacties"  hoi, dat kan zeker, kijk maar in deze extension categorie; ... itemid,35/ groet, robin Board index Joomla! International Language Support International Zone Dutch Forum Joomla! 1.0 Componenten 1.0.x

Expanding Search to include Shopping Area - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

can me? i'm wondering if there anyway expand search include items listed in shopping area. it nice if potential customer type name search , direct him area buy. any appreciated.  hope posted in right area.  thanks les  do use virtuemart ? may need hack or develop search mambot  Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.0 General Questions - 1.0.x

unload swf

i'd able unload swf know done it. i've noticed in debug mode, can see .swf being unloaded in output console - prints out [unload swf] followed swf name. but in order keep memory usage low @ times (and understand more "active" memory footprint), i'd able tell flash manually - bitmapdata.dispose(). any ideas? you can remove swf display list , can null references (hopefully after you've closed streams in it). after that, can wait gc remove swf memory when it's ready. More discussions in ActionScript 3 adobe

Ryantek Budget Robot - Raspberry Pi Forums

i have purchased 1 of kits mentioned in subject heading. little confused how thing running after has been programmed. has usb wi-fi adapter fail see purpose of it. not thick have never had experience of programming robot before. grateful if point me in general direction. building robot not issue running of it. thanks brian link product , documentation? raspberrypi

twee template problemen --> te veel witruimte en pathway - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

ben niet helemaal nieuw in het gebruik van joomla maar ik loop met het ontwikkelen van mijn site tegen twee problemen aan. het eerste probleem het kruimelpad. ipv het kruimelpad zou ik op die plek graag alleen de titel van het document willen zien. ik heb in de index.php bij gekeken en snap dat daar iets moet veranderen, maar wat? tweede probleem de witruimte aan de rechterkant van mijn template. ik heb de width van de #buttons_outer en ook de body_outer veranderd in de css ik heb geprobeerd om het plaatje groter te maken om zo de witruimte weg te krijgen. maar helaas de witruimte er nog steeds ik hoop dat iemand mij kan helpen... vriendelijke groet, rick Board index Joomla! International Language Support International Zone Dutch Forum Joomla! 1.0 Templates 1.0.x

Changing a MovieClip color at Runtime

hi, i'm attempting create dynamic animation in flash cs3, , i'm having trouble setting color of background inside movie clip @ runtime actionscript. heres code i'm running change color: var mycolortransform:colortransform = this['background'].transform.colortransform; mycolortransform.color = 0xff0000; this["background"].transform.colortransform = mycolortransform; "this" movie clip animating (in case arrow thats moving , forth). and 'background' part of arrow want change color on. movieclip (non animating). i've been able change color, it's changed animation or arrow moving , forth stops, , i'm not sure how moving again. any insight appreciated. :) don't animate arrow timeline tweening. use actionscript. More discussions in ActionScript 3 adobe

Using multiple load cells

hi there, i'm trying use components found in digital scale interface arduino in order measure weight of human. after research, found using ina125p amplifier able accurate reading load cell. the hard part comes have 4 load cells @ disposal use. i'm assuming each of them takes 50kgs, , i'll need weigh @ least 150kg's. load cells have 3 wires each. think means half bridge? i'm not entirely sure. basically need bit of or guidance how connect them use arduino, preferable not measuring output pcb in use scale. is there perhaps circuit diagram sort of connection? i've been searching hours , every thread find or internet page find doesn't seem quite fit problem. thanks in advance  the ina125p expensive , half of need precise readings. amplifies signal (stably!) unless use in combination ad converter you'll 10 bits of precision arduino can provide. ads1231 full bridge (or ads1232 2 bridges) 24 bits of precision better choice there o

Blocks to GB conversion - Raspberry Pi Forums

i've tried looking various calculators online i'm stumped. have 1tb hdd , want set 2gb swap , rest root. enter +998gb ending size of first partition , +2gb swap. shows /dev/sda1 start 2048, end 1949220797, blocks 97460935 /dev/sda2 1949220798, end 1953127047, blocks 1953125. did achieve intended size , using of 1tb drive then? cyberfantome wrote: currently shows /dev/sda1 start 2048, end 1949220797, blocks 97460935 /dev/sda2 1949220798, end 1953127047, blocks 1953125. 97460935 figure looks wrong me. sure isn't more 1949218750? "block" in case 512 bytes. disk contains blocks 0 1953127047, gives 1,000,001,048,064 bytes (about 1tb in decimal). first partition block 2,048 1,949,220,797, 1,949,218,750 blocks, or 998,000,000,000 bytes (about 998gb in decimal) second block 1,949,220,798 1,953,127,047, or 2,000,000,000 bytes. raspberrypi

How to generate 5Mhz Pulse with Arduino

[font=verdana][font=verdana][font=verdana][font=verdana] hi everyone, i need help, want generate 5mhz pulse, arduino able ? thank in advance ghild [/font][/font][/font][/font] is pulse @ repetition rate of 5mhz? 100ns , down 100ns? how accurate need be? the arduino has. 16mhz clock not fit nicely 5mhz no can't arduino uno. you due. Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Project Guidance > How to generate 5Mhz Pulse with Arduino arduino

how can I stop rolling page

hi - wonder if can - i wonder if can explain problem - here goes ! i using dreamweaver cs3 inventory , pages consist of lists small thumbnail/desciption give idea of item - ( bit ebay ) click on thumbnail , opens seperat page more detailed photographs (this page contains 'close window' button - fine ! however when there long list of items , have use scroll bar - when click on item - main page reverts top - when close detail picture page - taken start of list - anoying if 30 items scroll down - any ? many paul > when click on item - main page reverts > top what value of href link popup window? if it's "#" change javascript:; or better, path page being opened in popup, put return false after js call. for clarification, please post example link's code or give url uploaded page. -- alan adobe community expert, dreamweaver More discussions in Dreamweaver support forum adobe

export joomla tables to excel - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hi, i have created new table in joomla database, manage facile form data lists. add export excel button. in fact useful joomla table. cb seems have such feature users, generic 1 table, can called name of table parameter. does exist somewhere or have write it? should component? thanks claudia i believe dbq manager component can want. takes bit of getting used to, can sorts of neat things component. it's right here on joomla! extensions under forms category. Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.0 Administration - 1.0.x

Can't edit htaccess file - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

i install artio joomsef, , 1 of steps checking code in .htaccess file correct. i unable view code in .htaccess when try access file in joomlaxplorer, error message: error(s): .htaccess: not allowed access file. how can access file? much in advance. best regards, lorna i tried getting file via ftp - twice. while ftp client says "file transferred" can find file in computer.  seems disappear. i appreciate advice. thanks! lorna Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.0 Administration - 1.0.x

Centering Page

any ideas causing this? ok in firefox pc , mac. test page here thanks, rich dw cs3 mac > ideas causing this? causing what? > ok in firefox pc , mac. so, it's not ok in else? what? -darrel More discussions in Dreamweaver support forum adobe

How to empty char array ? Memory issue with atmega328

hello everyone, i have issues in project, arduino makes request server every 10 seconds sending curent temperature,humidity, etc, after each request server responds json string only if setings have been changed on server (new temperature limit, or turn on/off relay) . after many issues finaly managed json part , parse using ajson library, problem every time arduino receives json string has less , less free memory, bellow code generating issue, have commented parsejson function sure issue not in function. at end empty the  jsonresponse = ""; and      jsonstring = ""; variables can't empty inchar one, error: error: 'inchar' not declared in scope after code bellow shown serial monitor, when free.memory constant means have not changed on sever, afteri change json code appears in serial monitor , can see free memory less before any appreciated! i'm not sure if issue related inchar variable, left arduino on last night sure a. memory issue not ca

Thread: Installing Atheros ar8131 Driver (tar.gz) Please Help

ok guys, installed ubuntu on aspire 1 laptop , wouldn't recognize ethernet port (atheros ar8131 pci-e gigabit ethernet). told download , install driver product, did. (ar81family linux driver) problem is, im not sure how install driver. know how decompress tar.gz files, beyond don't know much. readme file included isn't because don't understand it. (i attached it, maybe can understand better me.) newbie linux, please explain thoroughly. thanks. attached files readme.txt (7.6 kb, 12 views) i not because pm'ed requesting help. not sure why chose me pm, don't have info. tell found out how install in ubuntu in less 5 seconds. not pm me because "its need answer fast.", if it's in forum go into. if have mythbuntu question,

Moving from 8 to CS3...

hello... my company making me upgrade dw8 dwcs3. in addition custom &quot;snippets&quot; have, have great extensions don't want lose (and don't remember got them from). before install cs3, there way preserve snippets , extensions version 8 can re-import them cs3 version? thanks!... what os on? -- murray --- icq 71997575 adobe community expert (if *must* email me, don't laugh when so!) ================== - dw faqs, tutorials & resources - dw faqs, tutorials & resources ================== "diy_lobotomy" <> wrote in message news:fofvdr$dfd$ > hello... company making me upgrade dw8 dwcs3. in addition > > custom 'snippets' have, have great extensions > don't > want lose (and don't remember got them from). > before > install cs3, there way preserve snippets , extensions > > version 8 c

Triac switching mains LED lamps- interesting problem - Raspberry Pi Forums

in current project, iot fashion, set mains lamps controlled across 'net via web page. software & pi fine. circuit use- opto-zerocross-triac triggering power triac- i've used years on loads of 200w plus. when used on 5w mains led circuit keeps either blowing resistor or low-power phototriac output. seems happen holding current bigger load current, main triac @ least turns off within half-cycle of mains, low power 1 stays on. means excessive current/power low power triac , burnout. i've never seen problem described in text or web. can circumvent using lower power output triacs lower holding currents. i've been used thinking it's universal circuit 1 moment switches desk lamp, spotlight, or mains drill motor. not now! is 5w led lamps use bridge , capacitor? found out led lamp. surge power because need charge capacitors. maybe try add 47 ohm 1w resistor in series 5w lamps. if problem resolves it. daniel raspberrypi

Dynamic Parameters for a CFHTTP POST Request

i need call service using cfhttp (post) parameters passed service dynamic there no way create static list of cfhttpparam tags. actually, there static parameters there dynamic parameters included in request based on values defined static parameters. my question how pass form data in cfhttp post request when parameters passed not known in advance? see there type attribute cfhttpparam tag of "head" , "body" thinking might possible manually build data passed, proper way pass form parameters if construct "head" , "body" data myself? what wrong dynamic <cfhttpparam...> tags. why exist. <cfset foo = structnew()> <cfset foo.joe = "avalue"> <cfset foo.bob = "bvalue"> <cfhttp ...> <cfloop collection="#foo#" item="bar"> <cfhttpparam name="#bar#" value="#foo[bar]#"> </cfloop> </cfhttp> More discussions in Advanced Techniques ad

Spry Horizontal Navigation Bar

a horizontal navigation bar created using spry in cs3. navigation bar needs lengthened. does know how lengthen spreads across page? hello, can post url? it's easier tell might need do. for example, it's bit different if nav bar in container width or not contained. take care, tim "karen l." <> wrote in message news:fsjtmm$3ea$ >a horizontal navigation bar created using spry in cs3. navigation >bar needs lengthened. > know how lengthen spreads across page? More discussions in Dreamweaver support forum adobe

Muziek database - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hallo joomla liefhebbers. ik ben op zoek naar een component voor joomla om mijn muziek database te gaan beheren. ik zoek dus iets waar de albums in vermeld kunnen worden met de daarbij behorende tracknummers, tracknamen en tracjtijden. weet iemand of er zoiets bestaat of wat eventueel bruikbaar voor mij. check anders de extention pagina van joomla eens.. er zit vast iets tussen wat jij nodig hebt of iets dat daar op lijkt.. Board index Joomla! International Language Support International Zone Dutch Forum Joomla! 1.0 Componenten 1.0.x

Face recognition/Detection and HDMI output Project(Help me) - Raspberry Pi Forums

hi, doing project raspberry pi using webcam face recognition/detection trigger switching off hdmi output , on again in time( example 30 sec 1 min), fresh newbie wth raspberry pi got device last week. ok main idea of project make webcam face recognition/detection pick conditions ( example 2 face detected @ same time or unauthorized person being presented), , become trigger function other program going switch hdmi output ( in case want hdmi out put off if condition statement of webcam webcam triggered. question how do that, mean program/file should use , how them installed, need save them, how many of them , there requirement or package need installed before hand example python , opencv. have conducted researches can pick , without knowing how put these things together, know need have open cv installed , python, how many .py file shoudl make make thing happen ? maybe should make handling image processing, switc off/on hdmi output , anot

Alimentatore du breadboard

salve tutti, domanda stupida. avrei l'esigenza di alimentare dei sensori e dei relè non dalle uscite 5v di arduino ma da un alimentatore esterno. così ho pensato di utilizzare un alimentatore 5v 3a spina, sfilare fili, crimparli con dei pin e inserirli direttamente nella breadboard, è possibile? grazie sí. funziona. devi solo collegare il polo negativo del alimentatore gnd di arduino. ciao uwe Arduino Forum > International > Italiano > Generale (Moderator: leo72) > Alimentatore du breadboard arduino

Photo Album Application

i have create dynamic photo album application - i.e. add photo(s) albums, remove photos, search specific photos. i coming use director first time in 3 years , wondering if out there offer me best way create application? many thanks "mcgooie" <> wrote in message news:fr3m9n$d2g$ >i have create dynamic photo album application - i.e. add >photo(s) > albums, remove photos, search specific photos. > > coming use director first time in 3 years > , > wondering if out there offer me > best way > create application? > > many hi, is application offline (local) use or online? i have done similar while ago, uses online database and images stored on webserver. it uses xml data exchange. is looking do? good luck, richard. More discussions in Director Lingo adobe

Streaming 'motion' output - Raspberry Pi Forums

built cctv cam while ago , works fine, made workaround can see picture stream in chrome & can stream feed pc using vlc. while cool, kinda came need screen, streams feed, got myself rpi a+, old camera monitor housing & 7" screen, fits in housing. problem i'm facing is, can't figure out how feed streamed rpi a+. here's tried far vlc since worked on desktop, thought best way solve , indeed, brings stream, after 6 frames freezes. using code: select all vlc http://ip:port omxplayer read awesome stuff one, never load feed, something for while , tells me have nice day, never starts. using code: select all omxplayer -o hdmi http://ip:port mplayer had high hopes one, keeps on telling me cache full, upon increasing same issue continues. appreciate & ideas! player needs 1-2 pictures every second low resolution aswell. think use rpi browser that, think streaming not efficient, streaming videoplayer. it sound protocol not supported omxplayer. stream 7

CF wizard: Visual Query Builder does not start

i attempting use coldfusion/flex crud wizard in flex 3. able identify rds server , select data source dropdown box. however, on next page, "page layout , design," once have named page , defined master page, if click on "edit master page..." nothing happens... no visual query builder. have tried master, detail, , master/detail pages no avail. thanks in advance on this, james i'm having same problem, too. vista 64-bit. sure nice know if adobe fixing problem. another james More discussions in Flex (Read Only) adobe

Camera: capturing in _any_ light - Raspberry Pi Forums

when taking pictures during several days, there 2 problems: a) pictures taken in late afternoon , in morning underexposed b) pictures taken in night black (space concern). tutorial ( ) explains how take pictures in low light , ends "in other dark conditions, image produced script white or @ least heavily over-exposed." have chunk of code solving these problems? p.s. have seen solution based on date , gps coordinates. not bad idea, depending on weather conditions , not solve problem a). what exposure modes eg auto, off, night etc , iso setting? raspberrypi

Thread: Antivirus for UBUNTU 8.04-i386

hi everyone, have installed ubuntu first time, , need info on regarding ubuntu, when installed ubuntu, had set password before next button light or become active, did not want password @ all, there way around this? have read thread regarding anti virus ubuntu here on forum , there conflicting ideas, don't need anti virus , do, know truth of matter? there fee anti virus ubuntu 8.04-i386? replies. tried search got following reply , cat think of other search terms appropriate. sorry - no matches. please try different terms. following words either common, long, or short , not included in search : for you try avg. don't know how is, i've heard of it. update: instead, can use . Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Community Discussions Ubuntu, Linux an

Apache/Joomla problem - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

i couldn't find answer doing search bet has been asked before. i have used mambo/joomla several years use joomla. i can't figure out how solve problem.  on every linux/apache server have ever installed joomal, when install component, module, template, or mambot apache takes ownership of files.  don't have root access on servers change ownership. is there solution problem? found needed here:,69617.0.html Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.0 General Questions - 1.0.x

Really fast analog MUX for a Tayloe detector

i'm working on sdr using tayloe method of decoding , q incoming rf. but requires 4:1 analog multiplexer difficult requirements i'm having hard time finding. there reference design out there using discontinued dual 4:1 analog mux, i'm hoping find specs @ least close one. it has strange requirement, analog mux, of requiring ability switch between channels quickly. muxes optimized bandwidth through switch, , have switch settling times on order of 100ns 10us. there many manufacturers search... this looks promising! design uses fairchild fst3253 analog mux specs good. propagation delay 0.25ns, ton , toff between 1 , 5ns when run on 5v. 4 ohms, , dual 4:1 port can connected in parallel minimize resistance. , 65 cents digikey! any suggestions?

Condensatore ed Arduino

ciao tutti! sono un neofita di arduino alle prese con suoi primi progetti. mi trovo fermo su un punto: dovrei controllare una lampada alimentata 220v. questa, comandata da un interrutore parete, ha all'interno un servo che la fa aprire. praticamente con un solo interruttore parete dovrei far iin modo che  si apra ed accenda led ( alimentati 220) , e che quando si rischiacci l'interruttore si chiuda e spenga led. non ho la possibilità di modificare l'impianto di casa, quindi ho solo una presa comandata. credo che condensatori possano essere una buona soluzione, è corretto? grazie tutti e scusate la domanda banale, ma non ho trovato nulla sul forum! ciao e benvenuto, ti invito alla lettura del regolamento ed presentarti nell'apposito thread. ps: e che ci faresti coi condensatori? Arduino Forum > International > Italiano

Cannot add this library

i'm trying add library website located here . however, when follow instruction adding library located on arduinos website here , tells me following message in ide after trying load in library. the library "visi-genie-arduino-library-master" cannot used. library names can contain basic numbers , letters. (ascii , no spaces, , cannot start number. so changed zip file name still said same message. ideas? please disregard. i've figured out own problem. records include brief summary of how fixed issue. issue: the ide not recognizing library added. renamed zip folder geniearduino when did renaming subfolder of main folder unzipped. in other words top level folder not renamed "geniearduino" should be. therefore, still showing same error mentioned in original post. my fix: top level folders of library add should renamed resemble e