
Showing posts from June, 2015

Migrate OpenELEC - Raspberry Pi Forums

hello i've problem migrate openelec pi 2. had openelec on pi b+, pi 2, decide use berryboot. make migration, i've try 2 ways : in first, took files in "target" path , put in "update" path openelec in pi 1, reboot, distrib update , ready use in pi2. start sd card pi 2, no problem, in use, make backup , load backup on distrib openelec install berryboot, doesn't work ... , settings aren't loaded. in second, used : ... tributions make custom img of distrib migrate pi 2, berryboot, not work ..., i've /bin/sh: can't access tty; job control turned off when executed commands, had problem 1 command sudo sed -i 's/^\/dev\/mmcblk/#\0/g' /mnt/etc/fstab error read /mnt/etc/fstab no file after search, not see in sd card, , openelec not use it, it's right ? can me please !!! not know anymore thanks hello, can me ? please raspberrypi

gphoto2 and nikon d3200 won't take more than one picture - Raspberry Pi Forums

hello, raspberry 2 on latest update (via apt-get take 1 picture d3200. if try take second, there came error gphoto2 2.4.14 *** fehler (-1: »unspezifizierter fehler«) *** *** error (-1: »unspecified error«) *** ideas? /** problem solved, log deleted **/ hi , welcome forum, have tried later version of gphoto2, or know v2.4.14 compatible camera? search forum methods of getting later version of gphoto2........ texy raspberrypi

[FIXED] Is it a bug in the file "[Joomla1.5]\installation\sql\sample_data.sql" ? - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

my joomla : version:1.5beta os:win xp db:mysql server questions:  think should be: sum(#_poll_data.hits) == count(#_poll_date) == #_polls.voters                 sample_data.sql tell :  sum(#_poll_data.hits) = 8 , 8 hits                                                               count(#_poll_date) = 7 , 7 records                                                               #_polls.voters = 8 , 8 voters. ----------- open file "[joomla1.5]\installation\sql\sample_data.sql"  , find lines tables "#_poll_data,#_poll_date,#_polls," , below follow: insert `#__poll_data` values (1, 14, 'community sites', 2); insert `#__poll_data` values (2, 14, 'public brand sites', 2); insert `#__poll_data` values (3, 14, 'ecommerce', 0); insert `#__poll_data` values (4, 14, 'blogs', 0); insert `#__poll_data` values (5, 14, 'intranets', 0); insert `#__poll_data` values (6, 14, 'photo , media sites', 0); insert `#__poll_data` values (7,

Need transistor/circuit help for building a power sensing circuit.

i have crude power sensing system built arduino pro, gprs shield, , relay send me text message when power goes out. arduino powered ups, keep going after power fails. sense failure, have relay held closed usb wall wart plugged directly wall (no ups). when power fails, relay opens, , arduino senses change in state , sends text message. when power comes on, wall wart pulls relay closed again, , message saying power has been restored. if power out longer ups can handle (there's computer attached too), i'll message when arduino starts once power restored. what want eliminate relay. know should able use transistor instead. don't know @ transistors though.  kind of transistor should use? (i know npn, more one?). how wire it? need else in circuit, resistor or diode? you can consider using solid state relay, for example, vn540 st max power supply voltage : 45v input control voltage: 0~5v output current (c

Handheld Low-cost Ultrasonic Sensor with Audio Output

hi everyone, based on request, have put complete how-to on wiki here:  it looks this: this simple: arduino/yourduino, ultrasonic sensor , beeper. example code provided. it senses distance objects 2 m (6 feet) in front of sensor , produces audio beeps denote distance. there 3 zones beeps getting faster in each zone , switching high tone in next zone. last 25 cm can sense small differences down 2 cm.   the usual problem taking works, this: and packaging portable , stand up. i lurking through walmart , home depot etc. looking stuff become arduino parts. at walmart found $3.77 waterproof lantern used in project. used lots of other arduino-based projects need outdoor case, batteries , maybe on-off switch. remote temperature / humidity / other sensing nrf24l01 radio, wildlike sensor / camera control. etc.  etc.  if makes project based on case, please let me know , i'll add wiki: also, project linked section called   understanding science be

Ethernet Library blockiert Pins (außer 13, 12, 11, 10) ?!?!

hallo.. ich verzweifle gerade einen der simpelsten sachen überhaupt. ich möchte einfach einen (!!!) pin auf high / 1 schalten... doch hieran scheitere ich gerade kläglich... :~ wenn ich z.b. den blink-sketch aufspiele und die "blink"-pins durchwechsel geht alles.. ( = keine pins defekt) wenn ich jedoch diesen code aufspiele, der ethernet, sd und spi einbindet, finde ich keinen pin mehr den ich hochschalten kann? das ethernet-shield ist nichtmal angeschlossen. geschaltet werden soll der relay pin.. ( relay breakout board.. mit blink programm funktioniert es super..) code: [select] #include <spi.h> #include <ethernet.h> #include <sd.h> int redpin = 3; int greenpin = 5; int bluepin = 6; int relay = 8; byte mac[] = { 0xde, 0xad, 0xbe, 0xef, 0xfe, 0xed }; ipaddress ip(192,168,178,77); ethernetserver server(80); file webfile; void setup() {   serial.begin(9600);     ethernet.begin(mac, ip);   server.begin();   serial.print("server @ ");   seri

Serial port COM11 is not found!

hi everybody! i working on arduino uno project controlling 2 servos, don't have problem project because have tried many times , add updates on it. suddenly, "serial port com11 not found" message appear me!! , have tried many solutions read forum fix problem, such restarting pc,  try re install  driver, go devices manager , delete arduino uno com11 , add again, still problem not solved.  =( =( please need possible because i'm working on important project.  quote i have tried many solutions read forum fix problem, such restarting pc,  try re install  driver, go devices manager , delete arduino uno com11 , add again, still problem not solved.  smiley-sad-blue smiley-cry smiley-cry please need possible because i'm working on important project.  smiley smiley if have tried these suggestions didnt work have tried atmega8u2 or 16u2? mean reading fuses etc or trying connect isp it? Arduino Forum

Run as a SWF or via HTML

when launching captivate piece web, pros , cons of launching .swf versus using html file captivate creates you? when launch .swf opens window same size window launching it. of course can sized, if opens in large window text pixelated. when launch via html file captivate creates opens in right size, html window large. hi bobelmore you have asked type of question love see. self answering question. basically, provided answer observation of behavior. if it's important end user see project crystal clear created no pixellation (when displayed larger) or blurriness (when displayed smaller) need use captivate created html file present project. this why when de-select export html option, see popup warning of: if uncheck option, project may not display correctly in web browser. cheers... rick More discussions in Adobe Captivate adobe

Motion Tween Flickers

the problem when setting motion tween on image (jpg or psd), going alpha 0% 100% in period short 5 secs, image flickers repeatedly. flickering takes place during, not after, motion tween - hence ruling out worry flickering might loop @ end of motion tween. , ruling out idea of impotent processor or ram, heavier files 1 in question run through exact same motion tween without problem. attempts solve problem increasing fps didn't help, made problem worse, image flickered more rapidly. reducing number of frames little 5 frames in motion tween didn't help. image kept flickering. stripping symbol of motion tween image file (with no text , no embedded video, original file: of little help. image (92k) continued flicker motion tween rolled on through image. can help? i have strikingly similar problem. in addition list of “attempts resolve” listed in original post, have tried installing latest version of directx without luck of fixing f

Which Arduino works with smartphones ?

hi guys, well, planning on developing mobile apps provides interface user click on icon , led lights based on kind of icon clicked. example, if user click stop icon on smartphone, led display icon. project involves: - led matrix panel - smartphones my questions : 1. board should use ? arduino uno or lilypad ? 2. should use eclipse , arduino ide in different ways or separately program code or need install plugin ? 1 should implement ? 3. i've heard annikken andee, can used develop project ? if should, how connect phone led ? through bluetooth or wireless or ? :~ :~ :~ have no basic @ lot in electrical stuff. bad. still want learn it.    much more point is: smartphone works arduinos? generally speaking, think can forget using iphone. 1. uno. use lilypad if have strong, clear, , personal reason - not yet evident. 2. don't know eclipse is. don't need it. 3. don't know anniken either. same applies. bluetooth common, simple, , popular way com

arduino datalogger?

i'm less novice here , don't have time start scratch i'd find , pay in orange county, ca build data logger (maybe using data logging shield adafruit?) attach , read output flexiforce sensor device tekscan (  it's going one-off device , can't afford cost of off shelf devices various suppliers.  need device can measure/retain data send data pc. thanks! i'm not in ca have datalogger of own design (based on arduino) might work. sample rate required, , how many samples collected before uploading pc? Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Sensors > arduino datalogger? arduino

Raspberry PI B - Model V2 - problems with LCD 20X - Raspberry Pi Forums

hello, i've connected 20x4 lcd shield on raspberry pi b - model v2, characters strange displays them, shown in link: ... &mode=view lcd shield is: use os: raspbian, debian wheezy, python language , code is: code: select all import rpi.gpio gpio import time lcd_rs = 25 lcd_e = 24 lcd_d4 = 23 lcd_d5 = 17 lcd_d6 = 18 lcd_d7 = 22 led_on = 15 lcd_width = 20 lcd_chr = true lcd_cmd = false lcd_line_1 = 0x80 lcd_line_2 = 0xc0 lcd_line_3 = 0x94 lcd_line_4 = 0xd4 e_pulse = 0.00005 e_delay = 0.00005 def main(): gpio.setmode(gpio.bcm) gpio.setup(lcd_e, gpio.out) gpio.setup(lcd_rs, gpio.out) gpio.setup(lcd_d4, gpio.out) gpio.setup(lcd_d5, gpio.out) gpio.setup(lcd_d6, gpio.out) gpio.setup(lcd_d7, gpio.out) gpio.setup(led_on, gpio.out) lcd_

Searching Android compatibl prodact

hi, i new arduino, i trying control microcontroler communication in rs232 android based tablet, what arduino product bast susceptible my?, , there adk android ? thanks, miki slonim you might check android apps arduinocommander , arduinodroid, might want.  note, forum more announcing new products.  you want post future questions in general guidance forum. Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Interfacing w/ Software on the Computer > Searching Android compatibl prodact arduino

Submenus which slide UP - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hey everybody, the latest version of swmenufree allows me have submenus slide up, out of menu system placed on bottom of page (yeah, know it's strange...!). however, need 2 modules can this, , swmenufree doesn't let me use more one. i'd gladly purchase swmenupro if this, "upsliding" submenus not on it's list of features. does know of module supports submenus slide up? tia, tim hi takeroyd - , welcome joomla! forums  you should have second @ swmenupro, let create several modules. swmenufree can use 1 single module. visit homepage , @ comparison table @ frontpage Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.0 Extensions - 1.0.x Modules

Socket security error problem

hi all, my program client program using socket connect server program. success connect server in local pc. when deploy iis server, client program fail connect server program using browser run it. show socket_security_error, how can solve it? i tired add trusted.cfg in c:\windows\system32\macromed\flash\flashplayertrust , c:\documents , settings\lit\application data\macromedia\flash player\#security\flashplayertrust. fail too. thanks hi, i'd recommend start following article: especially part: i'd trusted.cfg not applicable in case (i never heard file before) - should supply socket policy file. also. fp behaves differently, depending on version. update version see behaviour described in article. and last thing - check can connect simple telnet client server on given port, cause closed on firewall. cheers, dmitri.

Movie Pauses For A Second When Sound Effects Are Used

this problem happens in interactive movie. things rollovers , clickable items. if there sound effect that's supposed play when click something, player pauses second, , plays normally. gets quite annoying when playing game or every time click game freezes second. i'm using windows vista , flash player 9, have had problem previous versions of flash also. anyone know problem be? thanks! bump, know? More discussions in Using Flash Player adobe

catch all exception listener???

in jsp, jsf, or servlet technology, can have 1 location find out exceptions happen in application can direct user page can enter did , went wrong. also, can tell user encountered bug. gwt(google's web interface), can register exceptionlistener implementation 1 method public function exceptionoccurred(e:exception) in way, if exception happens, application told , can tell customer failed , have him fill out form on did. question how in flash? without customer keeps clicking , clicking , gets really frustrated(even more frustrated if telll them bug in funnny way......we discovered saying stuff "oh, stinks, such advanced user found bug in our software....this 100% our fault. if tell did error, respond within 2 weeks , have fixed in 1 month".....this stuff worked great , made customers happier when encountering bugs. there in flash? i saw bug in database said deferred flash 9 or it. ps. gwt has great example of how should work. method flash calls should have try catch in

Newsflash Module Links Not Working - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

i've been trying use newsflash module however, whenever click on 1 of links newsflash tells you need logged in.  i've got both module , newsflash content items set public, know why happens , how can solve please? the site being tested here: hi, make sure content items listed in module ar @ least attached 1 menu. see faq,83148.0.html regards robin Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.0 General Questions - 1.0.x

TFT Display + Arduino

hallo zusammen, mein alarmanlagenprojekt hat deutliche fortschritte gemacht. gsm shield und pir interagieren wunderbar miteinander. ich habe mir jetzt ein tft display zugelegt, nur leider habe ich das wohl etwas unterschätzt und entgegen meiner annahme handelt es sich bei der bestellten ware nicht um genau das selbe wie bei dieser anleitung : ich habe nun das problem dass ich mit dem anschluss der pins nicht ganz zu recht komme, hat jemand einen tip für mich , wo kann ich herausfinden ich genau jetzt von den anschlüssen brauche, brauche ich auch die pins ( bild rechts ) mit der gelben ummantelung ? ah- es musste das allerbilligste sein. gut zu wissen, dass man die dinger _noch_ billiger kriegen kann,  falls ich mal wieder eins zermurkse... ja, bisschen unterschiedlich sind die teile oft, aber zumindest bei einer beschreibung in ebay steht, welche pins si

Why can't i create a form in static content page? - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hey guys, i'm new joomla , enjoying every second of it, trying create simple form in static content page , not allow tags , tags entered html window. any thoughts on how can create own forms? have established form works clients. thanks, grant set answer editor html issues: if using wysiwyg editor, stripping out of html even though editor have html code mode, still strict allow, of code may ammended or removed. sometimes editor has settings control allowed elements, other basic html best tempoarily turn off editor , can edit item in pure html mode. you can change editor settings on per user basis in user manager, can switch no wysiwyg user. for editor settings in /mambots/site mambots remember, if item requires have editor off allow create it, must turn off each time later go edit it. also, there advanced editors allow form elements Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.0 General Questions - 1.0.x

Image Border Colour

i started off borders on images being black. previed etc no problem. after working on rest of site have changed purple when preview- not in dreamweaver still show black. i have checked teh link colours etc , bemused. suggestions please? hello, can post link? the answer in code. thanks, tim "emilyt.w" <> wrote in message news:fs18k8$4gl$ >i started off borders on images being black. previed etc no > problem. after working on rest of site have changed > purple when preview- not in dreamweaver still show > black. > > have checked teh link colours etc , bemused. suggestions > please? > More discussions in Dreamweaver support forum adobe

Wombat - a prototyping platform for Raspberry Pi - Raspberry Pi Forums

hello all, saw wombat board in , thought rather idea, backed it. perhaps may care have : ... spberry-pi the maker has beaten it... mile ... 0&t=101388 raspberrypi

please help , using community builder on joomla and got stuch with directions - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

can please me,, using community builder i need these 2 steps cannot find "mambo admin" : please me figure out 10) go mambo admin->components->community builder->tools     , use "synchronize users" tool synchronize cb joomla.     or mambo. 11) go mambo admin->components->community builder->tools     , use "load sample data" tool pre-populate fields with     standard user contact fields (address, phone, etc). yeah, saw also, , changed cb readme.txt text "mambo admin" "login backend adminstration , select menu" sorry that. will right in upcoming 1.0.2 release. post moved 3pd components Board index Joomla! Official Sites & Infrastructure Sites & Infrastructure - Feedback/Information Archived Boards - All boards closed Joomla! 1.0 Coding

reload...kontinuirano - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

pozdrav, tko mi moze reci zasto mi se stranica reloaduje svako par sekundi. sada mi nista nije povuklo zivac kao ovo. sinoc sam instalirao novi template tj reinstalirao sam standardni solarflare je su mi se iz nekog cudnog razloga stranica razletjela svuda, nista nije bilo na svom mijestu. sve je radilo super danas. sad se reloaduje svako nekoliko sekundi, admin dio je ok... pomoc Board index Joomla! International Language Support International Zone Bosnian Forum

Simulate Capacitor charge-discharge cycle, without any external Capacitor

hi there, i'm beginner, , i'm trying simulate capacitor charge-discharge cycle, without external capacitor, r. i've been trying long, have problem software (i tried nested loop or similar). tried searching on web didn't find this. me? any advice welcome. thank much. let me first ask: have tried far? testing led? post code you've written far. Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Programming Questions > Simulate Capacitor charge-discharge cycle, without any external Capacitor arduino

Best approach to mitigate possible EM interference corrupting LCD?

seeing garbage characters printed on lcd @ seemingly random times - although seem if garbage appears after sketch/circuit has been running while. i'm not sure if it's memory leak in code, or whether it's em interference e.g. ac lighting switches etc. in vicinity. i'd advice best electronic modifications made circuit mitigate against em interference corrupting lcd. i've read range of similar forum posts various capacitor values (100uf? 47uf?) have been quoted worth putting across vss , vdd @ lcd, smooth supply noise.  if has ideas keen hear them. i appreciate since i've got lashed on breadboards, might seeing more em interference otherwise case if had soldered down veroboard etc. (due jumper wires acting inductors?). if think that's main problem means so  here details of set-up: i'm using arduino nano v3.0,  driving hd44780 lcd display using 74hd595 shift register, per link:

Compile error

hi, have code: code: [select] #include <lib_dmx.h> #include <irremote.h> #define dmx512 (0) int recv_pin = 3; irrecv irrecv(recv_pin); decode_results results; void setup() { irrecv.enableirin(); pinmode(2,input); digitalwrite(2, high); arduinodmx0.set_tx_address(3); arduinodmx0.set_tx_channels(512); arduinodmx0.init_tx(dmx512); arduinodmx0.set_control_pin(11); } void ir () {if (irrecv.decode(&results)) {    serial1.println(results.value, hex);    irrecv.resume(); // receive next value  }  } void loop() {        arduinodmx0.txbuffer[0] = 100;   }   end error is: core.a(hardwareserial.cpp.o): in function `__vector_25': c:\program files\arduino\hardware\arduino\cores\arduino/hardwareserial.cpp:117: multiple definition of `__vector_25' dmx\lib_dmx.cpp.o:c:\users\peter\documents\arduino\libraries\dmx/lib_dmx.cpp:199: first defined here c:/program files/arduino/hardware/tools/avr/bin/../lib/gcc/avr/4.3.2/../../../../avr/bin/ld.exe: disabling relaxa

Ständiger absturz mit TLC5940

heyy leuts ich arbeite seit langer zeit einem tlc5940 projekt. aber langsam bin ich verzweifeln  kurzer beschrieb: es handelt sich um eine steuerung mit 9 tlcs das vom arduino 2560 angesteuert wird, programmiert habe ich es mit dem tlc-mux libary. zum problem: wenn ich spannung drauf gebe schalten sich nicht alles ausgänge vom tlc wie es soll, nach ein paar mal spannungslos machen gehts auf einmal. aber nach einiger zeit (ca 1 min bis 1/2 stunde jee nach laune xd) schaltet sich der tlc einfach aus, der ständig den text ausgeben muss. jedoch ist es immer die letzte platine egal wenn ich die platinen vertausche. wenn man wieder spannungslos mach tut es jedoch wieder. die tlcs werden im betrieb nicht heiss! habt ihr eine idee? ich währe froh um jede hilfe! hi, 9 tlcs hintereinander? wenn ich mich frühere aussagen der wissenden hier erinnere, ist das zuviel. 6-7 wurde da höchstens empfohlen... gruß stefan Arduino Forum

Thanks to Clive Beale for ICT Live - Raspberry Pi Forums

just wanted clive beale talk did @ european study tours conference educational benefits of raspberry pi. nice able see more people age find out pi , can do. asked question expanding gpio pins , clive pointed right direction towards using i2c connections on board. hope rpi foundation continue doing more of these talks interesting listen to. hi harrisonc sorry - spotted this! enjoyed talk , discussions afterwards, great audience (my favourite age group talk to, full of enthusiasm , questions , thinking future ) feedback , luck project! clive raspberrypi

Where does DW store site info?

had replace harddrive. still have access files on old hd. there xml file dw stores site defenitions , ftp info? xp pro, dw cs3 thanks, j registry. sorry.... -- murray --- icq 71997575 adobe community expert (if *must* email me, don't laugh when so!) ================== - dw faqs, tutorials & resources - dw faqs, tutorials & resources ================== "bigj9901" <> wrote in message news:fo7kb3$1t9$ > had replace harddrive. still have access files on old hd. > there xml file dw stores site defenitions , ftp info? xp pro, > dw cs3 > > thanks, > j More discussions in Dreamweaver support forum adobe

Reading Input from LPT-Port

hello , first sorry english  i'm trying understand how read data paralel-port of linux machin... the idea: have linuxcnc running, provides stepper signals on lpt-port. each of 3 axis there 2 pins: 1. direktion (either high or low) 2. step (whenever signal comes motor should 1 step) while understand how read data direktion, can not find solution, how read step data... while thinking problems have come 2 solutions 1. use interrupts, whenever status of step pin changes run subroutin step 2. use loop timing same duration of signal. are ideas right or there way beginner, not think about. if have interesting links topic please tell me, can understand more of material. steve if wire things suitably able read 6 pins single arduino read of relevant arduino port. see i surprised if data pc fast not read without using interrupts. what fastest step pin changes? i guess it's possible step pulse short (even if it&

Public Wordpress site and local file upload - Raspberry Pi Forums

hi, i'm new linux/rpi , wordpress, able run wordpress website on pi, , available on www. stored on pi in local network. problem want insert picture change on time post. picture stored on rpi in /home/pi/scripts/cputemp.png in local, able using upload media url in wordpress, using http://localhost/home/pi/scripts/cputemp.png . when make site on www, doesn't work anymore, if change url http://domain/home/pi/scripts/cputemp.png . have idea how please? thanks, aloysetech hello aloysetech, file have exist in particular location or can moved within document root of web server? can image moved /var/www/ ? in terms of 'www' call it, apache serving web pages directory. raspberrypi

Recommend Book and Platform to teach from....

hi, i teach basic electronics @ high school class ranges 4 or 5 about  10 students. i'm totally new arduino/raspberrypi etc, , impressed i've read far arduino, impressed open platform aspect. i find book , or video series take myself/and class through led pwm , servo , micro motors etc , simple things start with. i'm not looking forward having reconfigure settings in computer accomadate of arduino software have noticed in youtube tutorial set ups, i'm hoping newer platforms leonardo can downloaded , interfaced. anyway , might place started, iike said i'm hoping avoid bunch of tedious settings changes, cause i'd doing on several pc's.....would leonardo starter, if there book out yet use along ? thanks much... look books of simon monk written in style students might like. also book - - (just opinion) Arduino Forum > Topics

Thread: Does anyone know what happened to tkhtml and hv3?

not entirely sure how ran across it, hv3 fast , lightweight browser. last thing i've been able dredge scroogle , seems march 2008, except help-request on tkhtml3's spam-ridden google group several weeks ago. project dead/abandoned or close it? unfortunate, seems handy little browser. did need install libstdc++5 run though...did not survive transition libstdc++6??? *bump* 8~( Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Community Discussions The Cafe Does anyone know what happened to tkhtml and hv3? Ubuntu

DHT22 / AM2302 hanging in raspberry pi 2 - Raspberry Pi Forums

hi, have setup has been working in previous pi installations (5 total ) , version 2 not seem work. temperature monitoring system have installed several times , works flawlessly. setup following : 1. raspberry pi, in case version 2, have used b , b+ 2. dht22/am2302 connected approx 10cm long wires, connected gpio4 3. code (python command line variation) code has been working in previous installations quite ok, hangs. see dht-process running in top consuming quite bit time. have tried several sensors , tried several gpio's. no luck. also, out of curiosity tried code access non-connected gpio, exits properly. tuomas all libraries access gpios broken pi 2. make sure using updated version of gpio libraries. raspberrypi

Need help with PHP script for a contact form

hi, i have created page: text ">text however having issues php script process form cannot life on me find tutorial on subject. if point me in right direction, or talk me through required grateful. thanks in advance > > <form action="untitled-7.html" if file php script, rename in dw files panel something.php , upload , try again. if looking php script- here's stock cut 'n paste on set what, , why 1)go -->phpformmail download it. extract zip file. more detailed instructions in docs folder 2) open formmail.php in dreamweaver make following changes (in code view, turn line numbers on) 2a) line 4, define('check_referer', true); change to: define('check_referer', false);

Specifying variables within for loop - Raspberry Pi Forums

hello, i'm working on short bit of code in python, it's repetitive. feel should possible loop, can't figure out how script run , appropriately understand variables being numbered. currently, have 3 combinations of led/switch, have associated input_state, state variables. expanded 16 sets, how can implemented loop? i've tried couple of methods after googling, haven't had luck code: select all for x in range(1,16): gpio.setup(switch%d,, pull_up_down=gpio.pud_up) % (x) gpio.setup(led%d, gpio.out) % (x) gpio.output(led%d,false) % (x) or code: select all for x in range(1,16): gpio.setup(switch[x],, pull_up_down=gpio.pud_up) gpio.setup(led[x], gpio.out) gpio.output(led[x],false) i'm not having luck getting values recognized switch1, led1, etc.; instead, i'm getting errors involving switch, or led. how can numbers tacked on end loop? here's non-looped code: code: select all import rpi.gpio gpio import time

Joomla! Forum - community, help and support - Login

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If condition not working for ethenet shield?

hello, i'm making website see temperature levels, using lm35 ic and, arduino ethernet shield. code: [select] tempc1 = analogread(temp_input_pin_01); // taking value senser ( temp_input_pin_01 ) , save in tempc1.     tempc1 = (5.0*tempc1*100.0)/1024.0 ; if (tempc1 >= 45)      {        digitalwrite(cooling_fan_01,high);      }    else      {        digitalwrite(cooling_fan_01,low);      } //and in html section client.println("<div class='col-md-2'>");           client.println("<div class='panel panel-warning'>");           client.println("<div class='panel-heading'>");           client.println("<h3 class='panel-title' align='center'>temperature 01</h3>");           client.println("</div>");           client.println("<div class='panel-body'>");          if(tempc1 >= 45)           {           client.println("<img

Stanza domotica

salve tutti. ho letto parecchio sull'argomento ma ho ancora alcuni dubbi che non sono riuscito risolvere per il progetto che ho in mente: creare una stanza domotica. attualmente la mia idea era quella di gestire la logica dei pulsanti sparsi in tutta la casa con arduino e bassa tensione, quindi gestire vari relè per accendere e spegnere le varie luci. il modo di agire è corretto? quello che più mi preoccupa è che non come portare il segnale bassa tensione in tutta la camera: svariati metri di cavo provocano una caduta di tensione non indifferente giusto? grazie per l'attenzione, andrea per bassa tensione si intende 12vdc o 24vdc -ogni schedina dovrà consumare pochi ma usando processori 1mhz o anche 8mhz con sleep,  -i relè è meglio che siano bistabili in modo da annullare il loro consumo -la domotica se consuma tanto non è domotica ma automazione, la vera domotica è prima di tutto ecologica Arduino Forum

Arduino-BitVoicer-Raspberry pi

praticamente io sto realizzando dentro casa un sistema domotico comandato anche dalla voce... il riconoscimento vocale usa un programma che ho sul pc di nome bitvoicer. il pc è poi collegato ad arduino che gestisce tutti gli output. siccome non è che posso sempre tenere il pc fisso acceso, avevo pensato di installare bitvoicer su raspberry e poi collegarlo ad arduino senza bisogno del mio pc fisso. adesso io volevo chiedervi come installare appunto quel programma su raspberry siccome da quanto ho letto in giro sembra una cosa complicata. (se può aiutare, bitvoicer esiste sia 32 che 64 bit). se ci fosse qualunque metodo per fare ciò, vi sarei molto grato se lo scriveste. grazie in anticipo.  nessuno ne sa niente? Arduino Forum > International > Italiano > Software (Moderator: leo72) > Arduino-

Flashing RX on Leonardo

hi wanted ask on forums if leonardo's rx led supposed keep flashing every second? coz far know, rx supposed flashing when receiving something? regardless of whether there sketch being loaded or sitting there connected computer, led still flashes. can shed light on this? in advance! if ae pretty sure programme right , not sending serial chars there might other serial console programme sending arduino. or may have loop on arduino thats rx , tx connected together. Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Installation & Troubleshooting > Flashing RX on Leonardo arduino

Problem with programming GPS and GPRS shield to work together

hello, i'v ordered gprs , gps shield arduino uno board. i use them building simple gps tracking device take position , send web application periodically. however, i've tested both of shields seperately see if work arduino uno expected. , do. i gps coordinates (parsed tinygps) , managed send simple sms message phone gprs shield. but problem when combined shields @ same time. i believe problem in software serial baud rate. gprs shield use requires 19200 baud rate while gps works @ 9600. as i'm new arduino i'm doing stupid mistake because i've never worked more software serials opened @ same time. so, here code. when upload board i'm able receive , see gps coordinates @ 9600 i'm not able send sms message. hope can tell me problem , what's best way fix it. thank much code: [select] #include <softwareserial.h> #include <tinygps.h> // create instance of tinygps object tinygps gps; void getgps(tinygps &gps); softwareserial myserial(7,