
Showing posts from September, 2013

avrdude: stk500_recv(): programmer is not responding

hello, first of all, have purchased tons of official arduino boards, hate reusing boards project project thought buy few clones ~$3 each.  purchased pro mini clone:  however, when try upload sketch via ftdi board give error "avrdude: stk500_recv(): programmer not responding"?  know ftdi board works fine other official pro mini arduino. i connected clone arduino uno diagram , got upload sketch clone via uno.  works it's pain in butt. does have idea why ftdi doesn't work? thanks! tyler remember once have use isp upload sketch have wiped out bootloader , can no longer upload through serial.  fix have upload fresh bootloader. maybe board did not have bootloader when got it.  try uploading arduino pro mini bootloader , trying ftdi cable again. Arduino Forum > Using Arduino

Del joomla 1.5 instaliavimo - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

dabar instaliuoju joomla 1.5    bet kai suvedu database duomenis man rodo kad neteisingi nors man atrodo teisingi kodel gali netikti duomenys? duomenys vedu mysql serverio gal reikia ka nors nustatyti ar kazka padaryti  nors man atrodo teisingi tai žinai tikrai, ar tik spÄ—ji? pasidaryk tarkim connect.php failÄ… su Å¡iuo kodu (į reikiamas vietas įsiraÅ¡yk prisijungimo duomenis) code: select all <?php //serveris $servername='localhost'; // prisijungimo vardas ir slaptazodis $dbusername='userid'; $dbpassword='password'; // duombazes pavadinimas $dbname='db_name'; connecttodb($servername,$dbname,$dbusername,$dbpassword); function connecttodb($servername,$dbname,$dbuser,$dbpassword) { global $link; $link=mysql_connect ("$servername","$dbuser","$dbpassword"); if(!$link){die("negalima prisijungti prie mysql");} mysql_select_db("$dbname",$link) or die ("negalima prisijungti prie duombazes".mysql_error


hi everyone, i have 2 swf movies have embedded on same page (in 2 diefferent div elements). 1 full screen background animations , other banner carousel cycle through available banners. similar flash on australian playstation site. i want click or cycle through banners in banner carousel change background. know how send value banner swf backgound swf? many thanks you might want try localconnection objects. More discussions in ActionScript 1 and 2 adobe


ive never seen this, ive been using coldfusion long time, dont know if im missing simple, thought maybe insight on here. tried using dreamweaver insert form insert statement , still bombing out.... check out... so inserting new row database, simple sql insert statement. have pretty decent sized form, when wasnt working, cut down 2 fields make simpler. , still not working. if cut down 1 field, works. anyway, error im getting... ----- error executing database query. syntax error in insert statement. the error occurred in c:\inetpub\wwwroot\seprevived\testform2.cfm: line 2 1 : <cfquery datasource="sepr"> 2 : insert users (uemail, password) values ('#form.uemail#', '#form.password#') 3 : </cfquery> 4 : -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sql insert users (uemail, password) values ('', 'adffd') datasource sepr vendorerrorcode 3092 sqlstate   -------------

Continulusly recording audio in fixed size buffer

ten years ago had casio digital camera pastmovie function record continuously in 6 second buffer. when interesting happens have 6 seconds press record button , camera take 6 seconds buffer , continue recording point. i make audio, if exists better. cost should minimal. any directions start? how make continuous buffer? they called ring buffer. unlikely can store 6 sec. of decent quality audio - not enough memory. have? Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Audio > Continulusly recording audio in fixed size buffer arduino

Menu Drop down - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

boa tarde, galera como faço um menu drop drowm igual este template: ... =ja_pollux é este transmenu, eu comprei este tema, e o suporte dos é tudo em ingleis não vi nenhum dropdown nesse tema, mas se vc quiser pode encontrar vários módulos de menu. procure no Board index Joomla! International Language Support International Zone Portuguese Forum

How to reset the serial ports on a Mac ?

hello, sometimes after bad transmission between arduino ide (v 1.0.5/mac) , board serial port seem blocked. then have 2 issues: 1. list of serial ports not refreshed upon board connection. 2. ide won't open serial monitor , stuck. i have force quit application , of time have restart user session in macos. isn't there easier way reset serial ports ? thank in advance. what mean "bad transmission"? Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Installation & Troubleshooting > How to reset the serial ports on a Mac ? arduino

AllVideos plugin works only in STATIC content page ONLY?? - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hi all, i have installed , tested newest version of allvideos plugin inserting {[youtube]}qmn_vvcnkbu{/[youtube]} content pages, works in static content pages??!! no video loads , displayed an empty area if same code put section page , or content page under section --> normal or doing wrong?? welcome help!! thanks!! more correctly empty blank area displayed if code included in content page under section; and  original code "{[youtube]}cdxtdovb9k8{/[youtube]}" displayed if code included in content of section . welcomed help! thanks! hhtmp88 Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.0 General Questions - 1.0.x

OT: a este paso me caso en marte para ser diferente..

this multi-part message in mime format. ------=_nextpart_000_00a0_01c862a3.76e660e0 content-type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" content-transfer-encoding: quoted-printable --=20 saludos ------=_nextpart_000_00a0_01c862a3.76e660e0 content-type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1" content-transfer-encoding: quoted-printable <!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en"> <html><head> <meta http-equiv=3dcontent-type content=3d"text/html; = charset=3diso-8859-1"> <meta content=3d"mshtml 6.00.6000.16587" name=3dgenerator> <style></style> </head> <body bgcolor=3d#ffffff> <div><font face=3darial size=3d2><a=20 href=3d" v/bodasweb.html</a></font></div> <div><font face=3darial size=3d2></font> </div> <div><font face=

PCF8593 RTC examples

hello, i looking examples of sketches pcf8593 real time clock. there few libraries on web find , seem old version of arduino , can't them work.  none have example sketches. anyone have working sketch pcf8593? roger code: [select] /** * \author kevin browder * \copyright gnu public license. **/ #include "pcf8593.h" #include "../../pcf85xxrtc.h" #include "arduino.h" #include "stream.h" #include <time.h> void setup() {     serial.begin(9600);     serial.println("started");     pcf85xx::getdefaultrtc()->reset();     setsyncprovider( pcf85xx::getdefaulttime ); } void loop() {     char str[256];     snprintf(str, 256, "%04u-%02u-%02ut%02u:%02u:%02u", year(), month(),            day(), hour(), minute(), second());     serial.println(str);     delay(5000); } Arduino Forum

Arduino telnet

hi i newbie in arduino. i have problem 1 of examples. i'm trying telnet client example. i have arduino mega2560 , ethernet shiel. other eexamples ethernet work, not one maybe write wrong in places: 1. byte mac[] = {  0xde, 0xad, 0xbe, 0xef, 0xfe, 0xed }; mac sticker on ethernet shield but number should in places: 2. ipaddress ip(192,168,1,177); ? // enter ip address of server you're connecting to: 3. ipaddress server(1,1,1,1); thank help:) quote 1. byte mac[] = { 0xde, 0xad, 0xbe, 0xef, 0xfe, 0xed }; mac sticker on ethernet shield i 100% that not mac address on sticker on ethernet shield. quote but number should in places: 2. ipaddress ip(192,168,1,177); ? the ip address router assigns arduino. can determine is. have configured router assign same ip address arduino, , never assign address other device. quote // enter ip address of server you're connecting to: 3. ipaddress server(1,1,1,1); if don't know ip address of server, can't t

Art project inquiry - Raspberry Pi Forums

hi guys, new raspberry pi community not building computers , minor coding. have project im working on timeline of month , half remaining, , looking insightful suggestions on how navigate using rpi2's , arduino together. let me explain concept- video artist using video projection, flat screen monitors, surveillance camera's, , arduino motion sensing , triggering. arduino set sense box opening, trigger content switch between 1 video video, switch live feed cameras video of television static. have purchased 2 rpi2's , arduino project kit motion detecting sensor. thinking 1 rpi function media server , 1 function content manager, both connected via ethernet or wifi. need program can play 2 videos @ once , way use signal arduino dictate video projected , displayed. please let me know if have suggestions, again i'm new community have pretty sense of computing , minor language experience. best, fas fineartshark wrote: hi guys, new raspberry pi community not buil

Thread: Making a folder read-only except for root (while maintaining file permissions)

i have snapshot script i've written uses rsync (an amazing piece of software!) create daily snapshots of /var/user-backups/current/ /var/user-backups/snapshots/`date +%f`/ (with -a option, , --link-dest on previous snapshot, etc, save space). problem is, people going using server backup files aren't going listen me if tell them shouldn't make changes in snapshots/ directory (which foul snapshots) there way can make snapshots directory read-only users exception of root, while still preserving file permissions? i've tried making directory in /root/ , mounting somewhere else -o bind,ro, it's still writable on new mountpoint. Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support General Help [all variants] Making a folder read-only except for root (while maintaining file permissions) Ubuntu

Thread: wireless network card/Laptop

hi all, have installed ubuntu 9.4 dual boot on laptop old network card (belkin g) isnt compatible, can advise me on suitable wireless network system work. have ubuntu on main computer , connect through ethinet cable no problems, im desperate rid of windows altogether lol. thanks hb as far aware there no linux driver belkin wireless cards. believe need use ndiswrapper, instructions here.... Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support Hardware [ubuntu] wireless network card/Laptop Ubuntu

FInd the appropriate stepper for microstepping

hi, i out of electronics since 2008 (the last year of high school), @ time able design 100mhz frequency meter 1 hz resolution using 16f84, forgot pretty everything.. i'm looking stepper motor mimimum performance of 245 rpm , 1 nm torque under load, using microstepping (i need final step resolution of 360°/4096). don't want use gears. i'm rusty! i suspect meant 100khz rather 100mhz ? very many stepper motors 200 steps per revolution. 4096 need 20.48 times microstepping. 16 times microstepping common , give 3200 steps per revolution. microstepping feature of stepper motor driver board rather motor. example @ pololu a4988 stepper driver. you need ensure motor choose draws current within scope of driver board (or vice versa). motor may suitable , work a4988 . ...r Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Motors, Mechanic

So I am biting off more than I can chew - Raspberry Pi Forums

so posted topic ... 1&t=106005 in projects realized don't have many of skills required undertake such project. want learn go interested in getting project off ground. figured asking in here may best hope. yes, not ready that. start 'led on gpio' tutorial , work way that. keep away mains electricity long time. raspberrypi

RPi 2 y aceleración por hardware en mediacenter - Raspberry Pi Forums

hola! acabo de adquirir una raspberry pi 2, y no tenido antes ninguna otra versión. llevo un par de días trasteandola para usarla como mediacenter y tengo problemas reproduciendo algunos vídeos. lo que falla: algunos vídeos concretos se pixelan muchísimo y salen unas bandas horizontales como decolorando la imagen, igualmente se reproducen de forma suave. donde está el fallo: en la aceleración por hardware, ya que cuando la desactivo para ambos reproductores, el vídeo se ve muy definido, pero evidentemente por software va muy tirones, tampoco se puede ver así, incluso se para por completo. que probado: - openelec y osmc en sus últimas versiones - probado overclockearla - utilizo una microsd clase 10 con 2 particiones, 1 pequeña el sistema operativo y la segunda grande para el almacenamiento de datos (carátulas, backups, etc.) - adquirido las dos licencias de mpg2 y vc1 de raspberry, instalado y comprobado que están activados - tamaños de archivos, no tienen nada que ver

Thread: Logitech G5 Mouse: Scroll Speed

hi, there way increse mouse wheel scroll speed of logitech g5 mouse? (no, not in firefox, don't use firefox) Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support Hardware [ubuntu] Logitech G5 Mouse: Scroll Speed Ubuntu

Problem using transistor to self power and switch off ATMega328

hi all, this first post on arduino forums. i've been coming here for years , can find topic helps me solve problems - big thank community in general creating such useful resource. i've had search through forums, , on occasion can find similar posts, seemingly none directly relate. beginner though, due own lack of knowledge transistors , atmega328 chip. i'm working on custom bike lights friend. i'd use 1 switch: turn atmega328 on; cycle through different modes; , switch off again. when circuit off should use no power. i'm using npn transistor control path ground atmega328 , uln2803 drives leds. dpst switch both acts standard button , , powers base of transistor. idea when pressed, atmega328 can switch on, , send self-sustaining current digital pin same transistor. button can used switch modes, final mode switching arduino off. the problem i'm seeing when atmega328 should off, transistor still powering at

Thread: Arch Linux

i don't know tempted try out if mess can' bothered setting computer again kubuntu. seriously, have average knowledge of linux jumping way on head installing arch?? read arch beginner's guide . if scares you, may want take step , evaluate choice use arch. Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Community Discussions Ubuntu, Linux and OS Chat Recurring Discussions Arch Linux Ubuntu

Powering Arduino and dc motor with mains?

i trying build unit house arduino control dc motor open lid of unit. my problem unit must plugged mains , have no idea start powering arduino , motor safely using mains. mains power supply : 110/240v anyone shed light on may need? i've been told friend use quick fuse , traco ac dc adaptor still don't understand. what motor , motor-driver board? Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Motors, Mechanics, and Power (Moderator: fabioc84) > Powering Arduino and dc motor with mains? arduino

Problem with links - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

i read , re-read posts in forum issue of them relate mambo , i'm using joomla 1.0.11. none of possible solutions seem work. i have category called powerpoint (powerpoint) i have section called faqs all set public i have number of items in powerpoint category (all set public) when browse items , click on them you not authorized view resource. you need login. now have noticed url items have same problem /index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=20&itemid=99999999 if change itemid itemid=99 item displays no problem. does know why happening , better still have solution it. many in advance michael hi michael, is content (section and/or category) linked of menus? if not, need link it, see faq on message getting;,83148.0.html regards robin Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.0 General Questions - 1.0.x

Need Captivate Contractor

i have captivate version 3 course totally developed , have problems integrating our sumtotal 7.x lms. need troubleshooting problem asap. call if can call me @ 860/665-5591 rosepappas, what "problems" experiencing? are using scorm standard? if so, have html template that may common problems (e.g. "you completed" dialog from sumtotal appears before learner has answered of questions in quiz) aware of sumtotal - know more information regarding issues. regards, andrew andrew @ learningconsulting dot com More discussions in Quizzing/LMS adobe

XML and Flash

i'm having trouble creating button in flash movie pulls url xml file. here action script (bold text i'm having trouble with) ---------------------------------------------------------------- stop(); var ninterval = setinterval(play, 9000); function play() { clearinterval(ninterval); gotoandplay(_currentframe+1); } myxml = new xml() myxml.ignorewhite = true myxml.load("ascolta.xml") myxml.ref = myxml.onload = function(succes){ if(succes){ var root = this.firstchild nodes = root.childnodes for(var i=0; i<nodes.length; i++) { this.ref["title_txt"+i].text = nodes subnodes = nodes .childnodes this.ref["heading"+i].text = subnodes[0].firstchild.tostring() this.ref["url"+i].text = subnodes[1].firstchild.tostring() _root.yo = this.ref["url"+i].text this.ref["article"+i].text = subnodes[2].firstchild.tostring() } } else trace("error loading xml document") } ----------------------

imported jpeg sequence plays slow until once through

i have rather large image sequence (460 frames @ 24 fps, each jpeg 1024x400) i've imported flash—basically creating move clip in library has 1 frame in timeline each jpeg. when gets last frame of sequence, there actionscript loops (gotoandplay(24) - loop starts second animation). i'm placing movieclip on stage in own layer, have large jpeg background behind on own layer, , i'm publishing mac projector. on mac pro quad plays butter (no surprise there). when copy on powerbook 12-inch, closer target machine mac pro, plays , steppy first time through movie clip, once hits loop point plays smooth. identical mac pro. so i'm assuming there's sort of memory caching or other going on here. there can have play though smoothly beginning? suggest bringing in embedded video rather jpegs in timeline? flv? should make compiled movie clip (can i?). thanks in advance. in case cares, found embedding flv of animation rather creating image sequence did trick. helps size performan

Thread: Joining video segments together

join video parts. have 8 small parts of complete avi video clip. instructions join them before complete video work. ubuntu program join them together? ffmpeg that... see Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support Multimedia Software [ubuntu] Joining video segments together Ubuntu

numbers aren't adding up correctly with += or + operators. EX: "a = a + b"

so purchased new photoresistors radioshack. i have 1 of own. assume same kind of cds photoresistor, looks same. i wanted make sure read light @ same levels, made program take care of that. (some of 5-pack photoresistors different, smaller or larger light-sensitive areas, or other minor differences.) i use arduino uno rev3 board. one end of photoresistor has wire leading analog input , 10k ohm resistor leading wire leads power source on protoboard. (basically voltage divider) other end of photoresistor leads ground. 6 of photoresistors each independently wired in way.  of course have wire going arduno's 5v pin protoboard , wire leading ground pin protoboard  power , ground pins on protoboard. i have arduino plugged wall-wart in case power usb isn't enough power arduino. (this issue have experienced previous computers in past when computers didn't use enough power give arduino enough power via usb work.)

Scelta del microcontrollore

ciao tutti, seguo da molto questo forum ma questo è il primo quesito che voglio porre alla comunità di arduino. sto eseguendo alcune operazioni di modding sul mio case e ho deciso di aggiungere una gestione dell'illuminazione gestita da un microcontrollore. per il momento sto eseguendo la prototipazione con arduino uno, in seguito avevo pensato prima di creare una shield per questo ma mi sembrava alquanto uno spreco quindi ho deciso di creare un circuito indipendente. vi descrivo il circuito: avrò un microcontrollore che leggera dei dati da porta seriale e mediante 3 mosfet controllati in pwm si occuperà di accendere led e strip rgb. in più avrò un pulsante sul case che permetterà di disabilitare il processo. effettuare questo con il supporto di arduino uno non è assolutamente un problema, avevo già provveduto disegnare il pcb per una possibile shield, ora pero mi trovo voler escludere arduino, come già detto in precedenza. pensavo di mantenere come microcontrollore l'

Problem while installing componet---uploading error - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hi while uploading zip file component getting following error. warning: move_uploaded_file(c:\inetpub\wwwroot\joomla\media\ [function.move-uploaded-file]: failed open stream: permission denied in c:\inetpub\wwwroot\joomla\administrator\components\com_installer\admin.installer.php on line 175 warning: move_uploaded_file() [function.move-uploaded-file]: unable move 'c:\php\uploadtemp\php2f0.tmp' 'c:\inetpub\wwwroot\joomla\media\' in c:\inetpub\wwwroot\joomla\administrator\components\com_installer\admin.installer.php on line 175 can me in regard.. thnx in advance krishna prasad Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.0 Administration - 1.0.x

creating array of Bitmaps from loaded swf

so ive got swf, quite contains embedded video object, flv. need load in (done) goto each of frames in turn , convert said frames bitmaps, creating single, unique bitmap each frame of flv video. crikey, how hell can this? :) so i've discovered that, on webpage somewhere said 'bitmapdata friend. having discovered found answer. code's bit rood, test code crudely c&p'ed heres seems broad answer own question: private function completehandler(event:event):void { var mc:movieclip = movieclip(loader.content); mc.gotoandstop(1); var bmd1:bitmapdata = new bitmapdata(320,240); var bm1:bitmap = new bitmap(bmd1, "auto", true); bmd1.draw(mc); mc.gotoandstop(1000); var bmd2:bitmapdata = new bitmapdata(320,240); var bm2:bitmap = new bitmap(bmd2, "auto", true); bmd2.draw(mc); addchild(bm1); addchild(bm2); bm2.y = 240; } More discussions in ActionScript 3 adobe

Componente noah per annunci - Aiuto! - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

salve ho installato il componente noah ... itemid,35/ , ma nel pannello di amministrazione non c'è la mascherina per inserire le categorie, c'è solamente noah classifieds settings (number of fields:; note cannot set less current number of fields using.; path payment module:;do not edit value unless know doing! ). perchè? perchè noah è magico :laugh: :laugh: scherzi parte... noah lavora nel frontend e non nel backend di joomla. devi andare nella home page del tuo sito e da lì ti registri nel form di registrazione come amministratore. una volta loggato vai nella pagina relativa noah.... che se non l'hai ancora creata è doveroso che lo fai. in pratica dal backend di joomla vai in menù-->mainmenu.... e scegli nuovo in alto dx. dalla schermata successiva devi scegliere componente (o components se il tuo joomla è in inglese) e nella schermata successiva gli dici di applicare il componente noah; dai un nome alla pagina del menu che sta

CSS issue, I think

i have library item @ bottom of every page. font displaying correctly on 1 page, on every other page displays in wrong color. site can viewed @ page displaying correctly beef , poultry page. other pages displaying wrong color font, on library portion , bottom of every page. i'm still new css , can't figure out i've done wrong. appreciated! thanks. do pages link (or contain) same css page displays correctly? -- murray --- icq 71997575 adobe community expert (if *must* email me, don't laugh when so!) ================== - dw faqs, tutorials & resources - dw faqs, tutorials & resources ================== "tsheridan" <> wrote in message news:fn312j$78i$ >i have library item @ bottom of every page. font displaying > correctly on 1 page, on every other page displays in wrong > color. > site

CSS problem w/ VirtueMart...I think... - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

i'm new both joomla , vrituemart , having trouble figuring out stylesheet(s) making text on site funky. floats on images in firefox , wraps weird (and looks ass) in ie. i'm not sure css elements change , if in virtuemart or joomla template i'm using... anyone feel taking looksy, check out here: ... &itemid=26 thanks in advance! and since i'm newb, feel free yell @ me if posted in wrong forum... -jim the css found in vm component directory  like  /component/com-virtumart may find might need modify site css also, fond in template direcotry of template using. though, weirdness down size of graphics, vitrumart default uses smaller graphics current t-shirt graphics. graphic over-running text rather visa-versa. (if gey menaing) Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.0 Templates & CSS - 1.0.x

[Résolu] connexion wifi arduino instable

salut tous, pour ceux qui se rapellerais ses message que j'ai déjà mit, mon premier problème est résolu, j'arrive enfin à communiquer de mon ihm c++/cli à une arduino avec le shield wifi, seul problème que l'arduino soit en client ou en serveur, la connexion est tres instable et saute toute les 2minutes.... :s j'aurai donc besoin de savoir comment faire pour stabiliser la connexion. bonjour, type de connexion wifi? b/g ou b/g/n sur la box clef cryptage? wpa wep open type de box? ip fixe ou non? bail et timeout sans donnée entrante et/ou sortante? mode veille sur le shield? Arduino Forum > International > Français (Moderators: jfs, Snootlab) > [Résolu] connexion wifi arduino instable arduino

Thread: ubuntu 8.04 64 bit unable to find hard drive

i in process of building new machine. motherboard: evga x58 3x sli processor: intel core i7-920 2.66ghz 8m lga1366 cpu video: xfx geforce 9800 gt 512mb pcie memory: corsair dominator 6144mb pc12800 ddr3 did bios update , went install 8.04.3 desktop 64 bit. have ide dvd drive , 750gig wd sata hard drive. upon running install prepare partitions step , there no drives listed. have researched other threads , made sure bios set ide , using legacy mode. have drive on channel 0, although not sure matters. in event, drive still not show up. ran sudo fdisk -l , nothing shows on either. desperation installed vista business 64 bit , worked fine. suggestions on how resolve this? prefer have ubuntu primary os. appreciated. seems might bios issue. "use pnp os" set yes causes trouble. change , auto detect drives. save , reboot. see if helps. might bios not passing info installer. have hear

IE7 vs FF2 - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

i've updated firefox 2 , updated internet explorer 7 both excellent browsers. favorite still firefox it's responsive joy work there still has been bugging me joomla wise. where speed difference between ff , ie come when work in joomla admin? there must reason it? please no " ie or ff rulez " replies know makes ie become slow in joomla admin, it's in admin speeddifference extreme hvanleeuwen wrote: i've updated firefox 2 , updated internet explorer 7 both excellent browsers. favorite still firefox it's responsive joy work there still has been bugging me joomla wise. where speed difference between ff , ie come when work in joomla admin? there must reason it? please no " ie or ff rulez " replies know makes ie become slow in joomla admin, it's in admin speeddifference extreme problem in reverse. have ff2 , ie6. ie being best. thought bug report mod

Trial install failure to work

group, has beyond `contact adobe' been provided here concerning problems people have encountered after installing trial captivate 3 fails work in trial mode? that problem, harry, because adobe *official* care not extend trial versions, pretty left on own. start assumption machine meets minimum requirements ( click here view minimums ), , assume might have corrupted download. that said, next step might go control panel (add/remove programs) , remove captivate 3 system (if there), discard download have, , start beginning, downloading new copy of executable. the link captivate 3 download right here . as late thought, may tilting @ windmills ... said *it fails work in trial mode* , assumed mean won't open @ all. case, or other symptom seeing??? thanks much, , welcome captivate user community !! ~ best ~ larry More discussions in Getting Started adobe

SMF install path and error messages - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

where upload files install smf?  yea might sound stupid question - have latest version of joomla installed, created sub directory called forum/ uploaded , installed smf forum (latest version)  "forum" directory.  installed bridge componet, added link main menu smf bridge componet.  when click link on main menu go smf forum, error below.  second time have done this, first time crashed whole site - problem got figured out.  in smf bridge configuration, path smf forum -  path smf (absolut):../forum warning: main(../forum/index.php) [function.main]: failed open stream: no such file or directory in /home/kev/public_html/outdoorwildside/components/com_smf/smf.php on line 120 warning: main(../forum/index.php) [function.main]: failed open stream: no such file or directory in /home/kev/public_html/outdoorwildside/components/com_smf/smf.php on line 120 warning: main(../forum/index.php) [function.main]: failed open stream: no such file or directory in /home/kev/public_html/outdoorwildsi

Thread: Windows vs. Linux

i've been trying linux on , off past several years. jaunty jackalope release seems pretty decent far limited capabilities can appreciate. thing this... why there arguing whether run windows or linux? configured dual boot machine in mere minutes xp pro install on top of installed jackalope. can run either os select @ boot time. know looked down upon here, i, well, windows. think xp stable, reliable , easy use. have xp machines haven't rebooted in weeks , won't need reboot many more, not huge deal if have reboot them. linux, i'm no near competent in using it. bought big, thick ubuntu linux "bible" type book yesterday , accomplished many things first night. seeing windows xp running in vbox on ubuntu victory me. many times i've run ubuntu inside windows or itself, never successful running windows inside of ubuntu until last night. no 1 down on dual booting, lot of people t

Simultaneous Functions-old

1234 this hardly question leds , multiplexing. you forgot tell how want enter keystroke pc. if want emulate usb keyboard, you've got wrong arduino board. a leonardo can that. the other things quite easy accomplish, , not take more evening of coding, including debugging. and way: don't ask other people homework. do , learn bit it. you'll learning better , more if yourself. that includes making errors, of learn most. asking others make errors, teach nothing. Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > LEDs and Multiplexing > Simultaneous Functions-old arduino

Web service via SOAP / HTTP and MS SQL Server 2005: no data output

hello flex developer. i have small problem , hope can me. background: i'm developing website retrieves information sql server 2005 database / tables und visualize them. getting access these data, provide stored procedures in sql server. of sql server 2005, these procedures allocated web service. displaying information table entries. not want exchange documents sql server. the sql server deliver wsdl file via specific url. web service works, because tested program "xml spy". now, code in detail, modified using <mx:webservice> tag. in following, see table definition, zhe information should displayed. <mx:datagrid id="sqlserverwebservicegrid" x="10" y="328" width="566" height="139"> </mx:datagrid> definition of service: <mx:webservice id="sqlserverwebservice" wsdl=" http://<servername>/server objects/endpoints/soap?wsdl"> <mx:operation name="reportlist&

help please i dont know what is this problem!!! - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

please dont have idea in problem need enter page save important info there page warning: main(): open_basedir restriction in effect. file(/home2/agipcsc/public_html/includes/version.php) not within allowed path(s): (/home2/biojoker/:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php:/tmp) in /home2/biojoker/public_html/includes/joomla.php on line 71 warning: main(/home2/agipcsc/public_html/includes/version.php): failed open stream: operation not permitted in /home2/biojoker/public_html/includes/joomla.php on line 71 fatal error: main(): failed opening required '/home2/agipcsc/public_html/includes/version.php' (include_path='.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php') in /home2/biojoker/public_html/includes/joomla.php on line 71 it looks root path may wrong. may want @ in configuration file. try searching forums well, lot of people have had problem well. Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.0 General Que

Thread: install rt2870 dirvers

i trying install rt2870 driver buffalo wli-uc-gn, smallest wifi n usb dongle on earth. when executed command make, issue is: joel@compaq:~/documents/2009$ make make -c tools make[1]: entering directory `/home/joel/documents/2009/tools' gcc -g bin2h.c -o bin2h make[1]: leaving directory `/home/joel/documents/2009/tools' /home/joel/documents/2009/tools/bin2h cp -f os/linux/makefile.6 /home/joel/documents/2009/os/linux/makefile make -c /lib/modules/2.6.28-11-generic/build subdirs=/home/joel/documents/2009/os/linux modules make[1]: entering directory `/usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.28-11-generic' cc [m] /home/joel/documents/2009/os/linux/../../common/rtmp_mcu.o ld [m] /home/joel/documents/2009/os/linux/rt2870sta.o building modules, stage 2. modpost 1 modules ld [m] /home/joel/documents/2009/os/linux/rt2870sta.ko make[1]: leaving directory `/usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.28-11-generic' cp -f /home/joel/documents/2009/os/linux/rt