Web service via SOAP / HTTP and MS SQL Server 2005: no data output

hello flex developer.

i have small problem , hope can me.


i'm developing website retrieves information sql server 2005 database / tables und visualize them.
getting access these data, provide stored procedures in sql server. of sql server 2005, these procedures allocated web service. displaying information table entries. not want exchange documents sql server.

the sql server deliver wsdl file via specific url. web service works, because tested program "xml spy".

now, code in detail, modified using <mx:webservice> tag. in following, see table definition, zhe information should displayed.

<mx:datagrid id="sqlserverwebservicegrid" x="10" y="328" width="566" height="139">

definition of service:

<mx:webservice id="sqlserverwebservice" wsdl=" http://<servername>/server objects/endpoints/soap?wsdl">
<mx:operation name="reportlist" result="sqlserverresult(event)">
<starttime>2006-01-01 00:00:00</starttime>
<stoptime>2008-01-01 00:00:00</stoptime>

a button acting activator call:

<mx:button x="10" y="600" label="callweb service" click="callservices()"/>

at end script part:

/* function calls web service */
private function callservices():void{


/* function transmit result datagrid*/
private function sqlserverresult(event:resultevent):void{
sqlserverwebservicegrid.dataprovider = (event.result arraycollection);

now real problem: error message before arriving 'sqlserverresult' in function:

[rpc fault faultstring="error #1023: stapelüberlauf." faultcode="decodingerror" faultdetail="null"]
@ mx.rpc.soap::operation/ http://www.adobe.com/2006/flex/mx/internal::processresult()[e:\dev\3.0.x\frameworks\projec ts\rpc\src\mx\rpc\soap\operation.as:841
@ mx.rpc::abstractinvoker/ http://www.adobe.com/2006/flex/mx/internal::resulthandler()[e:\dev\3.0.x\frameworks\projec ts\rpc\src\mx\rpc\abstractinvoker.as:186
@ mx.rpc::responder/result()[e:\dev\3.0.x\frameworks\projects\rpc\src\mx\rpc\responder.as:4 1]
@ mx.rpc::asyncrequest/acknowledge()[e:\dev\3.0.x\frameworks\projects\rpc\src\mx\rpc\asyncr equest.as:74]
@ directhttpmessageresponder/completehandler()[e:\dev\3.0.x\frameworks\projects\rpc\src\mx\ messaging\channels\directhttpchannel.as:381]
@ flash.events::eventdispatcher/dispatcheventfunction()
@ flash.events::eventdispatcher/dispatchevent()
@ flash.net::urlloader/oncomplete()

advice: 'stapelüberlauf' stands stack overflow.

does have idea solve problem or error located?

i think fails on decoding web service response. try set resultformat e4x. in case, no decoding takes place , can whole soap body in event.result.

- mykola

More discussions in LiveCycle Data Services



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