
Showing posts from August, 2013

Use AS class in my MXML file (with full access)

hi, i have mxml file has controls (for example 1 button). want create class many methods , want use class in mxml file. don't know how can specify scope of button accessable in class? of course can have methods in class setbutton ... if have many controls. maybe exists other possibility user in file controls mxml file? these fb 2.0.1 topics (and fb3 equivalents or livedocs) can help: using mx.core.application.application property using parentdocument property using parentapplication property they allow access overall app classes. More discussions in Flex (Read Only) adobe

How to make instant stop button in the keypad.h library

hi , me below if pressed '1' key arduino actions 60 seconds , want able stop these action instantly while it's running pressing '2' key i know make loop stop or reset it, can use code: [select] void (*resetloop)(void)=0; but don't know how make work, tired lot (while) function no luck . newbie please  ^_^ code: [select]   #include <keypad.h> const byte rows = 4; const byte cols = 4; char hexakeys[rows][cols] = {  {'0','1','2','3'},  {'4','5','6','7'},  {'8','9','a','b'},  {'c','d','e','f'} }; byte rowpins[rows] = {3, 2, 1, 0}; byte colpins[cols] = {7, 6, 5, 4}; //initialize instance of class newkeypad keypad customkeypad = keypad( makekeymap(hexakeys), rowpins, colpins, rows, cols); void setup(){  serial.begin(9600); }   void loop(){  char customkey = cus...

النسخة المستقرة: متى؟ - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

أود الاستفسار عن النسخة المستقرة من جملة 1.5 هل سيستغرق الأمر أسابيع، شهرا، شهرين، شهورا، سنوات  أعلم أنه قد يكون من الحساس أن تضعوا لي فترة محددة لأن الأعضاء يبدأون بالتساؤل إذا تأخرت النسخة عن الموعد المكتوب. ما أحتاجه هو فكرة عامة عن الفترة التقريبية التي سأنتظرها. إذا كان من الصعب إعلانها هنا، هل يمكني إرسالها لي على الرسائل الخاصة دون أدني مسؤولية من المرسل. شكــــــــــــــــــــــــــــرا Board index Joomla! International Language Support International Zone Arabic Forum 1.5 !جوملا

GPIO Power - Raspberry Pi Forums

hi all, sorry if wrong forum post in. i've done several searches, gpio , power common can't find answer need. i'm wanting use 5v off gpio pin 2 (i'm using pi a+) power lcd. have screen running @ 5v, , when tested it, pi powered fine (albeit bit jerkily, physically holding wires (safely) gpio, daresay me shaking slightly). want know if has experience powering long-term way? pitfalls , things need watch out for? in advance the lcd i've got running on rpi a+ running pin#2 raspberrypi

Thread: help plz wireless wont work on my compaq laptop

ok have right driver thnak im nto sure can see router when go wifi thing when try connect error error message says error occured : can't set operating mode : managed code : 16 connecting via network manager, or have configuration in /etc/network/interfaces (aside "lo")? Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support Networking & Wireless [ubuntu] help plz wireless wont work on my compaq laptop Ubuntu

Need Help Mambots - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hello everyone! basically new user of joomla. i have little problem understood mambots function in joomla, 1 please explain me detailly mombots. regards rabin welcome joomla! , joomla! community. you may find these resources useful, not know skill level these include beginner level through experienced. minidoc: anna's joomla tips,5503.0.html (this resource, uses easy understand english explain joomla!. absolute beginners guide joomla! :,47524.0.html joomla site faq section :,49.0.html faq: i'm joomla end-user newbie, best place start?,8542.0.html template faq :,337.0.html resources: template , css tutorials,35971.0.html if still have problems or questions regarding issue, please post here. Bo...


ueridísimos hermanos... nos hemos reunido todos hoy aquí para elevar nuestra oración por los hermanos luis y javier. para que en las próximas fechas del mes de maría tengan la sufiente valentía y coraje para subirse los vuelos ib-8892 e ib-8893. oremos pues por tan noble causa. amen pero es que nadie ha matado todavia al que ingenio la manera de hacer volar a una caja de zapatos !!!!!?????? pero es que nadie ha matado todavia al que permite que un avion de de playmobil vuele !!!!!?????? que dios nos pille confesados por el glamour de dior !!!!! oremos todos: pater noster, qui es in caelis, sanctificétur nomen tuum, adveniat regnum tuum, fiat volúntas tua, sicut in caelo et in terra. panem nostrum cotidiánum da nobis hódie, et dimitte nobis débita nostra, sicut et nos dimittímus debitóribus nostris; et ne nos indúcas in tentationem, sed libera n...

Thread: Bad Video Playback in TwinView

hi, have posted before seems has been forgotten world:/ have 2 screens connected on pc, 19" 1280x1024 75hz, , 32" 1369x768 60hz. when have 1 of screens activated, video playback perfect, no problems.. enable second screen in twinview, horizontal lines across screen annoying.. ideas? tried setting monitors on same frequency , compiz settings manager set refresh rate on same frequency monitors, activated vblank sync nvidia panel, still nothing.. , since when 1 monitor enabled playback great, it's not compiz fault or anything.. pc setup is: intel dual core quad 2,66hz 4gb ram @ 667hz nvidia 9800gt ideas? great if solve problem, coz pain having disable-enable 1 monitor whenever want see movie..! in advance!! turn off compiz , do code: sudo nvidia-settings set twinview again , see happens. Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Off...

Problema con I2c LCM1602 IIC Funduino lcd 2*16

salve tutti ragazzi, sono un novello in questo campo quindi mi scuso in anticipo se non sarò molto tecnico. ho comprato uno strater kit arduino in cui ho trovato un lcd  16*2 con già impiantato un  funduino i2c. in questi giorni volevo realizzare qualcosa con lo schermo lcd ma non riesco visualizzare nulla. vorrei almeno riuscire visualizzare "hello" non chiedo altro . ora vi spiego passo passo cosa ho fatto: 1) questo è layout 2) ho scaricato la nuova libreria da questo link e l'ho sostituita quella  di default dell'arduido eliminando la cartella direttamente dalla directory di installazione 3) ho trovato l'indirizzo dell'i2c con il seguente codice: code: [select] #include <wire.h> void setup() {   wire.begin();   serial.begin(9600);   serial.println("\ni2c scanner"); } void loop() {   byte error, address;   int ndevices;   ...

Newsltter - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

witam, czy istnieje modul joomli newslettera, ktor potrafilby obsluzyc bardzo duza baze uzytkownikow (okolo 20000), potafilby wsylac naraz 10000 wiadomosci(to pewnie od serwera uzaleznione) oraz potrafilby zaimportowac z jakiegokolwiek formatu liste uzytkownikow?? inna sprawa jest czy ma mozliwosc grupowania uzytkownikow, wporst z kopii bazy. oczywiscie!!! musisz tylko skorzystac z wersji joomlaforspamers  nie pozdrawiam  Board index Joomla! International Language Support International Zone Polish Forum Komponenty, moduły, wtyczki

3 cips 3 diffrent problems atmega644pa-pu

well have 3 microcontrollers 3 different problems atmega644pa-pu i use arduino isp, work other cips; schematics uploaded below  mi question witch 1 ded ?? 1 . i can burn boatloader  - ok (tried more ) i have led on d0 in bootloader must blink , - ok no errors ================ problem when upload sketch makes pins blink ... alll dead any sketch upload not work 2. burn bootloader avrdude: verifying ... avrdude: verification error, first mismatch @ byte 0x0000          0xff != 0xfd avrdude: verification error; content mismatch upload sketch avrdude: verifying ... avrdude: verification error, first mismatch @ byte 0x004a          0xb9 != 0x79 avrdude: verification error; content mismatch avrdude: send: q [51]   [20] 3. burn bootloader avrdude: device signature = 0x000000 avrdude: yikes!  invalid device signature.          double check connections , try again, or use -f override ...

Thread: Odd internet connectivity loss problem

i've got reeeeealy irritating issue plaguing ubuntu jaunty (9.04) install. it's internet connectivity thing. guess best thing describe issue. problem /seem/ lose internet connection while doing things. downloads routinely fail after few minutes (and fail mean seem stop...the progress bar no longer progresses). same happens on internet-related action involving progress bar. streaming music go minute or stop. using earlier tonite, , while problem happening tested connectivity pinging live internet address. oddly enough, streaming music kept streaming while ping going. once stopped it, stream failed shortly afterwards. don't see issue normally, such while browsing or whatnot...i guess it's because there no sustained network activity going on , don't notice these hiccups. anyway, it's driving me nuts, i've adequately described problem , out there can help. i'd happy supply additional information needed. ...

Get height of a dynamic text field: even possible?

is there way can read height dynamically generated text box parent movieclip positioning purposes? i have single line text box set autowrap , autosize. my attachmovie function see's single line object if have 3 lines. text display fine, when stacks next movie clip, stacks on top of previous one. stacks under height of single line text box created. i can of course increase height of text box, defeats purpose of auto settings. plus, nodes have 1 line, have 6 need them adjust accordingly. ideally: box 1 height = 45 y position starts @ 0,0 box 2 height = 108 y position starts @ 0,55 (10 pixels below first box) box 3 height = 36 y position starts @ 173 (the first box, plus second box, plus 10 pixels in between both) i can't seem work way i'd to. appreciate insight. i've been on google , haven't been able find of reference. this code have: thank you!! i'll mess exact terminology, methods , properties of children of attached movie not available until 1 frame a...

Diy Xbox Wireless Adapter - Raspberry Pi Forums

i have raspberry pi 2 , im running retropie.and have xboxdrv working diy adapter old rrod xbox. has info here: ... e-arduino/ unfortunately doesnt have sync function figured use gpio enable it. first outing wiringpi. know c best thats why went wiringpi. wired 3 wires. 5 power button, 6 data, , 7 clock. understand, pull data line down, send 10 bit command , pull data line again. didnt research find commands works on arduino im sure right. started porting arduino code , cant working reason. c program can tell button or isnt pressed, (tho seems backwards me) digitalread(sync_pin) read 1 when not pressed 0 when pressed. actual sending of command hangs on clock while loop. ive tried writing several different ways have found , can't it. ill paste code below, , on github ... ter/sync.c sorry still kind of dirty , stuff code: select all /* adapted yaywoop , alexander martinex , dilandou connor rigb...

Thread: Packaging a Python app

hey all, coming forum after speedy reply earlier post got me through first python hurdle. i'm working on python, gtk / glade app. app nearing completion, , want compile / package single file easy distribution. @ moment, app consists of number of files (the glade configuration files, python script, , c files in /src/ folder) , i'd bring one, executable [ideally] not modifiable file. also, app makes use of mysqldb library isn't available on standard linux setups, i'd able distribute app without external dependencies. if windows, i'd making exe. it's linux though, still need learn. ideas? help. maybe should try cx freeze ? Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Specialised Support Development & Programming Programming Talk Packaging a Python app Ubuntu

Flat data to hierarchical data ?

hi, i convert flat arraycollection hirarchical one. the flat data 1 : a= [] a[0].id = 0; a[0].parentid= 0; a[0].label = 'root'; a[1].id = 1; a[1].parentid= 0; a[1].label = 'second'; a[2].id = 3; a[2].parentid= 1; a[2].label = 'second.first'; a[4].id = 4; a[4].parentid= 1; a[4].label = 'second.second'; a[5].id = 5; a[5].parentid= 4; a[5].label = 'second.second.first'; any idea ? i treed using grouping => not working arrange data hierarchy, , hierachydata show @ same level. thanks cr i have posted sample here xml data. think can used case too. More discussions in Flex (Read Only) adobe

errore restituzione valore da porta analogica

ciao tutti, vi disturbo per un rompicapo che ormai mi sta tirando matto. mi spiego con arduino uno voglio misurare la tensione di una batteria, supponendo che la tensione max erogata dalla batteria sia 16v configuro l'hw con una resistenza da 10k al positivo   una r da 4,7k al negativo cosi' in uscita ottengo una tens max di 5v da far leggere ad a0 di arduino e fin qui tutto ok. poi uso la formula v = (16 * a0)/ 1023 per visualizzare nuovamente la tensione realmente introdotta (da 0 16v) ottengo alcune discrepanze, 16v mi restituisce la tensione giusta ma scendendo di tensione arduino mi restituisce una tens sbagliata sempre piu' grande fino ad arrivare ad un errore di un volt che per me non e' accettabile: esempio in tabella   tensione batteria tensione restituita da arduino dopo formula   16 16   10 11,11   5 5,54 qualcuno sa dirmi dove sbaglio? grazie ragazzi ma stai usando numeri con la virgola (float) ?...

Collision Avoidance Robot making beepy noises?

hello all, so here have pretty basic collision avoidance robot: code: [select] #include <servo.h> #include<afmotor.h> //declare servos servo scanservo;     //ping sensor servo const int motor1 = 12; const int motor2 = 9; const int steer1 = 13; const int steer2 = 8; const int = 800; const int turntime = 500;  //number of milliseconds turn when turning const int pingpin = 4;     //pin ping sensor attached to. const int echopin = 5;     //pin ping sensor attached to. const int scanservopin = 7;   // pin number scan servo const int distancelimit = 10;   //if gets many inched from                                  // robot stops , looks go.                                   //setup function. runs once when arduino turned on or restarte...

[SOLVED]Error in templatemanager - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

when selecting template manager extensions menu receive following error: catchable fatal error: object of class stdclass not converted string in /var/www/sitename/administrator/components/com_templates/controller.php on line 36 this fresh install, downloaded several minutes ago. know how solved? thanks! [edit bugreport template added ] description: error when selecting template manager extensions menu entry. reported on: joomla! 1.5.0 beta [ khepri ] 12-oct-2006 00:00 gmt classification: critical (no template management) affected functions: template manager isn't working related files: administrator/components/com_templates/controller.php steps replicate: fresh install downloaded official joomla site. installed, , directly going template manager discover error. proposed fix(es): none of yet topic / artifact id: system info: php built on:  linux tstm 2.6.8-2-386 #1 tue aug 16 12:46:35 utc 2005 i686 database version: 5.0.26-debian_0.dotdeb.1-log database collation: utf8_general_...

Room Automatic - Raspberry Pi Forums

(fyi: i'm new raspberry pi , , don't know if correct forum ask here goes nothing) in following weeks i'll moving new house , wondering, best way automate room? have voice controlled, instance enter room might "lights on" or "computer turn off" or along lines. forgot mention share room brother must easy use. possible connect few motors , belts , door close , have motors spin , close door. don't know if gonna read this, it's idea had long time , nice hear on how execute plan, or if it's possible. ( p.s. there might grammar mistakes , in advance sorry them) raspberrypi

Due and Ultrasonic

i working on project needs read in 4 ultrasonic sensors.  using rc channel passthrough , using ultrasonic ranges change passed pwm signal flight controller.  have passthrough code working fine.  need know couple of things. best ultrasonic sensor use due , there libraries ultrasonic sensors yet.  know newping 1.6 supposed written parallax style sensors, have in abundance.  order maxbotics sensors if have to.  know need use voltage divider input bring ping sensors down 5v 3.3v input due.  pretty stuck here, been searching internet awhile , either not phrasing search correctly or google hates me lol. Arduino Forum > Products > Arduino Due (Moderator: fabioc84) > Due and Ultrasonic arduino

Component XML creation - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hi all, first post , i'm new joomla, hope you'll bear me. i've been trying create new component little apparant success, falling @ first hurdle creation of xml install file. can't seem find specification file anywhere, can point me in right direction? have thought basic 'helloworld' component tutorial might have mentioned doesnt far can see , far ve not seen explicitly mentioned in forums hope can me out. tia packaging custom work :: component setup file: Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.0 Extensions - 1.0.x Components

Assessments Locking up

hi, i've submitted issue before, hopefuly we're little more experienced now! have captivate courses running on southrock lms. whenever users assessments, slides visually 'jam up' , dont allow user interact. can indefinate period or few seconds- frustrating users though. any ideas? cheers, how many question slides? we had issue customer wasn't experiencing lock-ups couldn't cp file post quiz info lms. seemed due captivate sending chunks of suspend_data lms @ specific interval. this file had lot of quiz questions - on 50, iirc - suspend_data string taking forever post lms in entirety. perhaps there's similar issue here, string growing large , lms choking on it, lesson gets kinda backed-up? how many questions? if lot, knock down to, say, 10 @ , see if fixes issue? erik happystar73 wrote: > have captivate courses running on southrock lms. > whenever users assessments, slides visually 'jam up' , dont > allow user interact. can ind...

News Feeds - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hi i admin site has number of news feeds, trouble of news feeds use images display ok , use images don't, empty place holder image should be. any ideas wrong? is known joomla issue, or there fault in news feed rss/xml encoding? the rhizome artworks news feed in arts section example of problem. it fault in original rss. the code produced wrong: Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.0 Extensions - 1.0.x Components

How to make blob search and detection faster - Raspberry Pi Forums

hello, making robot has play game. should detect , grab balls , cylinders of color in ground (small play area table made of wood of maximum area of 4*4 meters). has move in play area, find balls , cylinders of specific color , grab them, find next object of same color , on.. using camera robot see , find objects of interest. 1) problem when objects far away robot (and camera), there color intensities changes along size becomes difficult robot move in direction not identifies them. fix problem changing image binary applying proper color thresholds, since background(playing area) , objects of contrasting right way go or there better ways? avoided going hsv color space save processing time. 2) robot able blob detection slow in searching objects of interest. camera basic logic link camera max. resolution of 640*480. (link given below). how can make search faster? decreasing resolution or increasing it? how increase or decrease? ...

Arduino + Wiznet5001 ethernet shield + nRF24L01?

hello, is possible use arduino wiznet5001 ethernet shield , nrf24l01 2.4ghz wireless module? i'm using home automation project.  problem ethernet shield uses spi pins, nrf24l01.  library using wiznet , nrf24l01 allow configure address pin can have both modules connected spi pins? i'm using nrf24l01 serial wireless communication, similar ping/pong examples of use.  alternatively, whole lot easier if can use nrf24l01 , connect home wifi network.  far know, there no library create tcp/ip stack nrf24l01, correct?  there arduino wifi module, it's super expensive. quote from: arusr on mar 11, 2014, 07:21 pm library using wiznet , nrf24l01 allow configure address pin can have both modules connected spi pins? a bit of both. spi bus , can take several items. ethernet shield nature has fixed select pin , silly try , change it. nrf select spare. analogue pins fertile ground this. address pins nominated in programme. you might ...

Can't Publish Project

periodically, within robohelp appears corrupt project. when happens, project compiles without problems until click publish. @ point, webhelp dialog displays, saying "publishing has been cancelled. access denied." the thing i've found fixes problem totally trashing project , starting over. move existing project out of original folder, import .hhc file new project. retains settings , formatting, , publishes no problem. is solution? know how fix problem , keep project? i'm asking because have on 20 projects, , went corrupt today. problem affects 1 project @ time. today i'm facing afternoon of recreating them all... oh. , know causes this????? More discussions in RoboHelp HTML adobe

utft cte50 que pines utilizar

hola. tengo una pantalla cte de 5 pulgadas. y su shield correspondiente, arduino mega 2560. la conexion mediante la shield va perfecta. pero esta me tapa todos los pines. ustedes saben cuales son los pines que utiliza esta pantalla y donde va cada uno? no voy utilizar el tactil ni la sd, solo mostrar informacion. cualquiera de las dos configuraciones de abajo funciona. utft    pantalla(cte50,38,39,40,41); utft pantalla(itdb50,38,39,40,41); gracias por la ayuda nadie puede ayudarme. Arduino Forum > International > Español > Hardware (Moderators: surbyte, Hector_A) > utft cte50 que pines utilizar arduino

Arduino + DS1307 + 16x8 Led Matrix with Max7219

hi, i'm new in programming , want build clock arduino uno + ds1307 + 16x8 led matrix max7219 modules. found on net code displays time scroll .. , if can guide me or modify code time displayed static.. 1 second refresh or that. thanks. code: [select] #if defined(arduino) && arduino >= 100 #include "arduino.h" #else #include "wprogram.h" #endif #include "rtclib.h" #include <wire.h> #include <maxmatrix.h> #include <avr/pgmspace.h> //#include <font.h> progmem prog_uchar ch[] = { 3, 8, b0000000, b0000000, b0000000, b0000000, b0000000, // space 1, 8, b1011111, b0000000, b0000000, b0000000, b0000000, // ! 3, 8, b0000011, b0000000, b0000011, b0000000, b0000000, // " 5, 8, b0010100, b0111110, b0010100, b0111110, b0010100, // # 4, 8, b0100100, b1101010, b0101011, b0010010, b0000000, // $ 5, 8, b1100011, b0010011, b0001000, b1100100, b1100011, // % 5, 8, b0110110, b1001001, b1010110, b0100000, b1010000, // ...

Component That Shows All Banners? - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

i'd have menu option user can click take them page lists banners instead of them randomly appearing on site. is there available or need create static page , go there? thanks! a couple of months needed same, wrote module called all banners : ... itemid,35/ Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.0 Extensions - 1.0.x Components

Web based user interface - Raspberry Pi Forums

i write application uses web page user interface. testbed have in mind following: web page button. when button pressed sends message python app flips led on/off. python app sends message web page can display new state of led. have apache running on pi need server side scripting language. php looks suitable there better? need communications mechanism between web page script , python app. sockets work there better solution? roger woollett here exaple of how that. p.s. can use cgi webserver python laurens raspberrypi

Funziona al contrario. help

buona notte tutti, ho da poco acquistato un arduino mega , relativa scheda di rete ed una scheda da "ben" 8 relè non sono un programmatore ma leggendo il forum qualcosa siete riusciti ad insegnarmela  veniamo al dunque: scritto il codice e effettuato collegamenti mi ritrovo con tutti relè sotto tensione che corrisponde esattamente al contrario di quello che volevo. ho provato e riprovato ma nulla. non riesco venirne capo. fiducioso in un vostro aiuto posto il codice code: [select] //includo la libreria spi #include <spi.h> //includo la libreria per l'ethernet shield #include <ethernet.h> //stabilisco l'indirizzo mac byte mac[] = {0x90, 0xxx, 0xxx, 0xxx, 0xxx, 0xxx }; //stabilisco l'indirizzo ip byte ip[] = { 192, 168, 1, 150 }; //stabilisco il subnet   byte subnet[] = {   255, 255, 255, 0 }; //stabilisco la porta ethernetserver server(80); string readstring; //dichiaro vari pin byte out_1 = 22; byte out_2 = 24; by...

Wees welkom rock en metal fans! - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

Image may rock you! graag jullie commentaar / tips / heads-ups en tips  de site ziet er netjes uit! mooie template. de ruimte tussen de kolommen met artikelen zou een tikje meer kunnen, dan ziet het er mooier uit. ik zou de header met het logo aan de bovenkant clickable maken naar de homepage. heb je geen andere items in het main menu? of worden die alleen zichtbaar voor geregistreerde gebruikers? er zijn sowiezo weinig clickbare links op de site waardoor de bezoeker niet snel door de site heen kan klikken. ik zou iets beter aangeven (bijv via main menu link naar een artikel) wat de voordelen van het registreren op jou site zijn. Board index Joomla! International Language Support International Zone Dutch Forum Show jouw website

EtherCardOctopus: cconnect two or more Enc28J60 ethernet device

hello, few weeks ago, starded connecting 2 ethernet adapters; reading ethercard library, fearfull moving static elements classes , objects, prefeered "copy" original in new 1 totaly independant. i hope work finished. attached zip file contains 2 libraries: ethercardoctopus_xxx  , ethercardoctopus_yyy. it easy build new one: - dupplicate ethercardoctopus_xxx folder, may ethercardoctopus_third - rename file ethercardoctopus_xxx.h ethercardoctopus_third.h - in file "forgeethercard.h" modify definition of xyz _third it done! of course, available ram limit number of devices connected. as bypass, mays direct library use "global buffer" allocted in main. give name in definition of macro "usingglobalbuffer"  (in file "forgeethercard.h") in these conditions, each enc28j60 use 100 bytes of ram & 2000 of rom. i wrote lines (in french): at time, project b...

SSH problem between Pi and PuTTy - Raspberry Pi Forums

hi. used running pi using ssh. can't it. when try connect ssh using putty, gives me "network error: software caused connection abort". following event log got. 2015-03-02 01:07:01 looking host "" 2015-03-02 01:07:01 connecting port 22 2015-03-02 01:07:01 server version: ssh-2.0-openssh_6.0p1 debian-4+deb7u2 2015-03-02 01:07:01 using ssh protocol version 2 2015-03-02 01:07:01 we claim version: ssh-2.0-putty_release_0.63 2015-03-02 01:07:01 network error: software caused connection abort ping command pc alright. tried connecting teraterm , other pc, couldn't result wanted. should do? raspberrypi

Thread: can you add repos to macports or fink?

so, have friend that's mac user , complaining not having chromium (well, wasn't chief complaint, that's place took interest). suggested try fink , might in repos, having experience ubuntu ppas. fink didn't work (or didn't know how use it) install macports (on different machine). macports seems gentoo-esque in far telling compiling everything...and took forever. don't think either ended working, that's beside point...because can potentially fix that. it's not going worth fixing if can't add repos though. not find way that. know if there additional repos these 2 package managers? thanks! yeah, macports , fink bit iffy. tend break easily. chromium available os x: Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Community Discussions The Cafe can you add repos to ma...

Problem in joomblog! - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

i hve followed steps in installing joomblog , perfect. but tried register blog, this part shows on homepage. no items found table \'sitename.jos_joomblog_blogroll\' doesn\'t exist sql=select title, website jos_joomblog_blogroll (userid=\'0\') , (published=1) order title limit 5 no items found no items found no items found wht do? plz help! when click on particular registered user shows up db function failed error number 1064 Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.0 Extensions - 1.0.x Components

rendererProviders in AdvancedDataGrid using Actionscript

hi.. am working advanceddatagrid... am generating these grids @ runtime... <mx:advanceddatagrid id="myadg" width="100%" height="100%" variablerowheight="true"> <mx:dataprovider> <mx:hierarchicaldata source="{dphierarchy}"/> </mx:dataprovider> <mx:columns> <mx:advanceddatagridcolumn datafield="name" headertext="name"/> <mx:advanceddatagridcolumn datafield="total" headertext="total"/> </mx:columns> <mx:rendererproviders> <mx:advanceddatagridrendererprovider datafield="detail" renderer="chartrenderer" columnindex="0" columnspan="0"/> </mx:rendererproviders> </mx:advanceddatagrid> now in code used rendererproviders. using mxml can write this... bcse generating grid @ runtime.. need code using actionscript. any idea how implement renderproviders... using actions...