[SOLVED]Error in templatemanager - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

when selecting template manager extensions menu receive following error:

catchable fatal error: object of class stdclass not converted string in /var/www/sitename/administrator/components/com_templates/controller.php on line 36

this fresh install, downloaded several minutes ago. know how solved?


[edit bugreport template added :)]
error when selecting template manager extensions menu entry.

reported on:
joomla! 1.5.0 beta [ khepri ] 12-oct-2006 00:00 gmt

critical (no template management)

affected functions:
template manager isn't working

related files:

steps replicate:
fresh install downloaded official joomla site. installed, , directly going template manager discover error.

proposed fix(es):
none of yet

topic / artifact id:

system info:
php built on:  linux tstm 2.6.8-2-386 #1 tue aug 16 12:46:35 utc 2005 i686
database version: 5.0.26-debian_0.dotdeb.1-log
database collation: utf8_general_ci
php version: 5.2.0-0.dotdeb.1
web server: apache/2.0.54 (debian gnu/linux) php/5.2.0-0.dotdeb.1 suhosin-patch
webserver php interface: apache2handler
joomla! version: joomla! 1.5.0 beta [ khepri ] 12-oct-2006 00:00 gmt
user agent: mozilla/5.0 (x11; u; linux i686; en-us; rv:1.8.1) gecko/20060601 firefox/2.0 (ubuntu-edgy)

the beta allready bit outdated... check nightly build again? http://dev.joomla.org/content/view/17/60/


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