
Showing posts from June, 2013

Thread: jaunty eject usb external hardrive terminal

trying eject usb external hardrive terminal (hence thread name). (the external harddrive ntfs-3g format). terminal commands+output: 10:54{~} umount /media/cerberus umount: /media/cerberus not in fstab (and not root) 11:01{~} eject /media/cerberus/ umount: /media/cerberus not in fstab (and not root) eject: unmount of `/media/cerberus' failed 11:01{~} have no idea go here. unmounting nautilus filebrowser works fine (right-click, "unmount volume"), unmounting terminal gives fstab error. two issues going on here. first, terminal, need use sudo or root in order umount drive. second, umount , eject commands expecting device work with, i.e. /dev/sda or /dev/sdb. so, first thing in terminal, type: sudo fdisk -l ( -l lower case l, not 1 ) output give /dev of external usb hard drive, likely: /dev/sdb1. if case, type: sudo umount /dev/sdb1 unmount drive. hope helps.

Rename columns within a query?

is there way can rename column within coldfusion query? i've attached example. i've joined table same table here , have named them , b. want able rename columns in b that, when display output, not have same names in a. (eg. b_pkgname , b_pkgrev). brandi l wrote: > there way can rename column within coldfusion query? yup , in other technology making use of sql supports alias 'as' statement. i.e. select, a.pkgname, a.pkgrev, b.pkgname b_pkgname, b.pkgrev b_bkgrev ... i hear things ben forta's "teach sql in 10 minutes" as many sql references , tutorials available on internets. More discussions in Database Access adobe

Thread: Malware FAIL

crafty no... better typical skype/porn scam attached images malware fail.png (63.3 kb, 217 views) haha stupid malware go windows noobs Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Community Discussions The Cafe Malware FAIL Ubuntu

Wolfson CPU usage - Raspberry Pi Forums

just getting started trying use wolfson card. have simple gstreamer pipeline , i'm wondering why have 100% cpu. code: select all gst-launch-1.0 -v alsasrc ! fakesink high cpu usage expected? i have wolfson playing through mpd @ moment code: select all uptime 21:03:03 15:20, 1 user, load average: 0.10, 0.05, 0.09 raspberrypi

LED Audio Reader Thing

hey all, so college student working on massive project, , need led array of sorts read audio imput , change color based on amplitude. unfortunately, reading amplitued of 0 always. code appreciated. , remember im civil engineering major, electronics , programming isnt forte! pinout: 36 rgb leds reds on digital 2-5 greens on 6-9 and blues on 10-13 my code: //define leds , audio input respective pins #define redled2 2 #define redled3 3 #define redled4 4 #define redled5 5 #define grnled6 6 #define grnled7 7 #define grnled8 8 #define grnled9 9 #define blueled10 10 #define blueled11 11 #define blueled12 12 #define blueled13 13 #define audioinput a1 //declare variables int inputamplitude, aveampvalue, stepvalue; int ampvalue0, ampvalue1, ampvalue2, ampvalue3, ampvalue4, ampvalue5, ampvalue6, ampvalue7; void setup() {     //establish each led pair output , turn off   for(int n = 2; n <= 13; n++)   {     pinmode(n, output);     digitalwrite(n, low);   }       //establish music inp

Raspberry Pi, Processing, and button input... - Raspberry Pi Forums

hi folks! here’s situation: have rpi 1 b+, running processing resource: ... arduino-☺/ i’ve gotten processing recognize pi’s serial input this: ... rial-port/ , i’m using (well, trying use) adafruit’s retro gaming controls tutorial connect buttons (i need two, simple buttons) directly pi: ... pi/buttons problem is, far can tell, processing can’t see button input. so, multi-part question: 1) suggestions setting buttons in way adafruit does? 2) there way can check see if pi registering button press? or 3) way using arduino handle buttons , pass processing? sorry links; i’m not trying promote them, thought if people see coming from. thank you! okay, addendum question, easier others: arcade buttons shown in setup (photo above adafruit retro gaming tutorial) appear have 2 connections, yet ones received sparkfun (

Interfacing the EZ Antenna Tracker with arduino. Suggestions?

i planning control tracked robot via xbee link , use  directional antennas maximum possible range. interface gps based antenna tracker arduino consistently keep antennas pointed @ bot. understand tracker uses typically gps information send through audio channel on fpv transmitter. remember after googling able find out how done. can't seem find anywhere. know type of communication called , have suggestions on how convert gps data tracker can understand? thanks!!! walter hi, if you're suggesting encoding gps info down audio link of fpv downlink presume have on robot?  if not, dedicated telemetry transmitters typically cheaper fpv downlinks, , operate @ full rc transmitter range.  if you're not married xbee consider upgrading whole thing rc radio (fasst/spektrum/frsky/whatever).  boost range without cost of antenna tracker. interfacing rc radio no

FastCGI or ISAPI preferable for Joomla on IIS? - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

i setting joomla test environment hope take production in few months , want off on right foot.  have windows 2003 / iis6 environment mandated me, other things me.  i'm trying decide approach take php, running isapi module or fastcgi executable? what pros , cons of each respect joomla?  gut reaction prefer isapi way fastcgi works, see on place (even zend) talking future of fastcgi between php , iis , stuff huge performance gains.  thoughts joomla community on this? i searched post on subject , didn't find one, please feel free redirect me if has been discussed. thanks in advance! (here a link page piqued interest...) Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.0 General Questions - 1.0.x

Thread: HP tx1000 touch screen configuration

hey there, obtained shiny new(ish) hp tx1000 tablet, promptly installed ubuntu on , finding alot of tablet features not work. got basic pen working few other features wondering if possible in ubuntu/linux regarding touch screen 1.) screen auto flipping proper view when flip screen around on keyboard 2.) finger touch support? right pen working. 3.) multi-touch? 1 not big deal super nice have. 4.) there way can right click while using pen? 5.) on screen keyboard? located? if answer any/all of these questions awesome, or point me how perhaps. thanks, ~jeff i hate bump threads few hours old need of functionality lacking click , hold, feature need write on screen (instead of clicking things) i'm installing vista on computer own first time in year. can of above working in ubuntu @ point, need touch screen work can use computer take notes. ~jeff

A theoretical question

hi, i wondering why have use pinmode declaration in sketches. if use analogwrite or digitalwrite command specific pin, doesn't imply particular pin output? , if use read versions of similar command, doesn't imply opposite? thanks quote doesn't imply particular pin output? using analogwrite(), yes. using digitalwrite(), no. might turning pullup resistor on input pin. quote and if use read versions of similar command, doesn't imply opposite? pins default input, read works without need use pinmode(). in fact, though, can read state of output pin. so, digitalread() rells nothing state of pin. Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Programming Questions > A theoretical question arduino

site description problem! - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hey guys, my site shows description joomla! when searched on google, giving changed meta tags , description in adminestrator on global configuration, changed them suite needs. my website see source page, , sure. don't know did wrong! try search google "asuccessful" without spaces, you'll find joomla! description. please body helps me, appreciate that i did search of joomla files sentence found. maybe should clear cache ? Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.0 General Questions - 1.0.x

Changing the administrator directory? - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

is possible change administrator directory? nice security reason's.  -bryan big_krazy wrote: is possible change administrator directory? nice security reason's.  -bryan not advisable there numerous changes have made core not considering many third party components/modules/bots have directory hardcoded. disguising directory name little reduce security risks. if concerned, enable password protection on directory. regards dave Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.0 Administration - 1.0.x

Share internet thru another ethernet port - Raspberry Pi Forums

hi guys, first post here, , i'm new on raspberry world! want make question: possible connect usb-ethernet adapter raspberry, , make works wired router? explain why need this: make rasp work router receiving connection isp using built-in ethernet port (via dhpc), , share connection thru usb-ethernet adapter buy. need this, because want rasp part of private network , wifi not option me! try draw scheme: have today: code: select all isp --1--> router --2--> laptop, phone, etc connection 1 happens thru dhcp via ethernet cable connection 2 happens via ethernet cable, or wifi. that want do: code: select all isp --1--> rasp --2--> router --3--> laptop, phone, etc connection 1 remains dhcp. connection 2: rasp should connect internet, , share connection router via ethernet cable (that why need 2 ethernet port)! wifi not option. connection 3: can via ethernet cable or wifi. possible? if yes, there how-to document can follow? how isp provide internet (ad

Connecting arduino to speaker using 2n3904 npn transistor

hello studying electronics , using arduino create musical instrument project. want connect digital output pin 6 watt 8 ohm speaker , use tone() library play different notes! know need resistor connect speaker digital pin prevent drawing current pin. want use 2n3904 amplify current speaker. have connected following circuit digital output pin , working well: however have know report of project how calculate resistor should use? speaker max power 7 watts used p = (i^2)*r p = 7 watts , r = 8 ohms max = 0.935 a. therefore ic (from transistor) has smaller 0.935 a. right? also voltage out of digital output pin 5 volts , max output current these pins 40ma therefore resistor have use limit current drawn pin has bigger 125 ohms (using v = ir)? correct?  how calculate ic ib transistor? datasheet here: i want choose resistance not draw current pin while supplying current base of bjt g

RF24 library question - what these lines do?

hello, with reference joystick example uses nrf24l01's rf24.h library send , receive joystick analog values - can explain these lines do?  i'm quoting few lines in post, include entire sketch @ bottom. 1)  quote // note: "ll" @ end of constant "longlong" type const uint64_t pipe = 0xe8e8f0f0e1ll; // define transmit pipe in mirf library, receiver has "name", senders can identify receiver data meant for.  purpoase of "pipe" definition in rf24 library?  sender , receiver have use same pipe value? 2) quote if ( radio.available() ) does available() return true when there new packet?  if sender doesn't send anything, keeps printing "no radio available"? 3)  quote     while (!done)     {       // fetch data payload       done = joystick, sizeof(joystick) );       serial.print("x = ");       serial.print(joystick[0]);       serial.print(" y = ");            serial.println(joystick[1]);     }

Shield PLC para arduino?

hola, aprovecho para presentarme, que aunque llevo mucho tiempo aprendiendo de vosotros, todavía no había participado. quería que arduino manejara la comunicación entre algunos dispositivos conectados por plc. un dispositivo es virtual "creado" con labview que simplemente envía datos que lee de una eprom  y el rx podría ser un pc o un dispositivo android. quería saber si hay algún shield plc barato (muy importante  ) al igual que ethernet. si no lo hay, ¿cuál sería la opción más barata?, ¿raspberry? gracias hola, podrías probar ardbox de lo que no lleva ethernet este equipo. saludos. Arduino Forum > International > Español > Proyectos (Moderators: surbyte, Hector_A) > Shield PLC para arduino? arduino

Communication problem between Bluetooth Uno and Max MSP

hi there, have done fair amount of research can't seem find solution this, hope can help! i have arduino uno taking sensor readings, , trying relay information through hc-06 bluetooth module through max msp. mac connecting hc-06 fine, , given option in max's list of serial ports. i'm using ever popular "arduino2max_nov2012" max patch , arduino code. readings 0 analogue , digital pins. i have adjusted code match hc-06's baud rate of 9600 in arduino code, , in max patch serial object has been adjusted "serial 9600 8 1 0" instead of "serial 115200 8 1 0." here arduino code: code: [select] int x = 0;                              // place hold pin values int ledpin = 13; void setup() {   serial.begin(9600);               // 115200 default arduino bluetooth speed - changed 9600 here   digitalwrite(13,high);              ///startup blink   delay(600);   digitalwrite(13,low);   pinmode(13,input); } void loop() { if (serial.available() &g

The effect of Interrupt from motor encoder reading

hello, i using 4 dc motors encoders attached arduino due. use dual channel hall effect encoders? using them provide feedback on motors' actual speed. understand use of  interrupt service routine affect accuracy of millis(), have been using millis() in other time-sensitive functions @ range of 100hz. will use of isp affect accuracy of other time-sensitive functions? if yes, there alternatives can use count time? using millis() make sure fusion sensor algorithm , pid functions called @ fixed intervals. a little timing jitter should not big problem @ 100hz. nick gammon wrote interesting page interrupts , timing : you can read on page external interrupt takes 5 µs plus own code. keep code small, example increment integer, , else outside interrupt routine. Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Motors, Mechanics, and Power (Moderator

Horizontal Scroll bar CSS problem

i having issues horizontal scroll bar. looked horizontal scroll properties , believe have them correct? happening on horizontal scroll bar giving me , down arrows instead of left , right , yes images correct have checked them few times any ideas have css hscrollbar { downarrowupskin: embed(source="../assets/images/leftarrow.png"); downarrowoverskin: embed(source="../assets/images/leftarrow.png"); downarrowdownskin: embed(source="../assets/images/leftarrow.png"); uparrowupskin: embed(source="../assets/images/rightarrow.png"); uparrowoverskin: embed(source="../assets/images/rightarrow.png"); uparrowdownskin: embed(source="../assets/images/rightarrow.png"); thumbdownskin: embed(source="../assets/images/thumb.png", scalegridleft="7", scalegridtop="5", scalegridright="8", scalegridbottom="7"); thumbupskin: embed(source="../assets/images/thumb.png", scal

stty: standard input: Inappropriate ioctl for device - Raspberry Pi Forums

hello i'm trying automatically enter input password or answers in shell script. want automatically: #mycommand enter password : pwd have error message when launch script: stty: standard input: inappropriate ioctl device here code (i tryed 2 versions): v1: comand << % password % v2: comand < pwd (pwd file password) thx what command trying use? if it's ftp create /home/pi/.ftprc file credentials. raspberrypi

Hosting libraries and project codes?

i looking solutions simple file sharing, not git etc. stuff. these simple enough libraries , project codes. no need professional project management, uploaded zip files , descriptions. github makes people confused doing, including myself. there anywhere can allow free hosting? google code has stopped uploads existing projects , won't include uploaded files in new projects. i'm talking megabytes of project each not anywhere near sizes of video or pirated software share. i'm staying away sites. hi liudr, looking for? free ftp host, or public site? host ftp server on 1 of servers here (uk) - can provide account if want. Arduino Forum > Development > Other Software Development > Hosting libraries and project codes? arduino

How to specify the position of the flash player settings window

hi, have flex app turns on web camera , shows video camera. when page first loads adobe flash player settings window displays required click on allow or deny. my question is, there way specify settings window should positioned on screen? you can use flex test app see settings window. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <mx:application xmlns:mx="" creationcomplete="initapplication()" fontfamily="arial" width="925" height="1100" layout="horizontal" verticalalign="middle"> <mx:canvas id="videocontainer" width="330" height="250" borderstyle="solid" bordercolor="#000000" cornerradius="10" borderthickness="5" x="-167" y="42"> </mx:canvas> <mx:script> <![cdata[ import mx.core.uicomponent; public var camera : camera ; public var video :

Camera adapter & focus questions - Raspberry Pi Forums

so... i've tinkered off-n-on mounting rpi eyepiece of spotting scope - kowa tsn-661, either te-9z (20-60x zoom) or te-17hd (25x ler), if matters. kowa sells digiscoping adapters mount various digital cameras either directly to, or behind eye piece - spendy, , none of adapters seem go down small enough m12 or cs mount lens see typically used rpi cam. assuming somehow find adapter, or pay 1 made, next step going focus. have generic camera mount assembly - rube-goldberg looking contraption designed position camera (via standard 1/4-20 mount screw) behind eye piece, coarse adjustments alignment. got set up, pi mounted in protoarmour case, never image focus regardless of positioning. i've got cs mount adapter coming case, hopes of using other applications well... long , short of don't understand whole focusing thing, or numbers mean when i'm looking @ lenses buy. i've tried quick googling on matter, did turn wasn't helpful. can give me (or point me towards)

Merged TOCs changing from topics to books

there couple of forum problems similar this, there isn't answer issue..... i using rh5 create multiple projects joined main project's toc. i've been using same master toc years. gratuitously changing merged toc no reason - no changes master toc.hhc file.... the master toc looks product ------ topic ------ book ------------ topic ------------ mergetopic1 ------ mergetoc1 ------ mergetoc2 merge toc1 looks (toc2 looks same) toc1book ------ topic ------ topic ------ book ------------ topic so expect see product ------topic ------book ------------topic ------------mergetopic1 ------toc1book ------------ topic ------------ topic ------------ book ------------ topic ------toc2book ------topic instead product ------topic ------topic ------book ------------topic ------------ mergetopic1 ------toc1book ------------ book ------------------ topic ------------------ book ------------------------ topic ----------- toc2book the first topic of toc1 converted book during merge

Magnetometer MicroMag 3 on Arduino Due

hi i'm trying magnetometer working on due, i'm getting output don't think correct. x y , z axis numbers fluctuate when compass isn't moving. i'm beginning believe magnetometer garbage though expensive! here have far: code: [select] //initialise analog pins 0 int an1, an2, an3 = 0; void setup() { //open serial @ 19200 baud   serial.begin(19200); } void loop() { read_analog_pins(); } void read_analog_pins() {   an1 = analogread(0);   delay(5);   an2 = analogread(1);   delay(5);   an3 = analogread(2);   delay(5);   serial.print("x = ");   serial.print(an1,dec);   delay(500);   serial.print(" ");   serial.print("y = ");   serial.print(an2,dec);   delay(500);   serial.print(" ");   serial.print("z = ");   serial.println(an3,dec);   delay(500); } so started google searching , found this: but doesn't work. when run code uploads fine (you have declare

Change Selected Property of a Checkbox

i'm trying set selected property of checkbox generated repeater component. checkbox has id of ccb. know can access them using index notation ie. ccb[1].selected = true; - works fine. however, when put in loop , set selected property value stored in array error. ideas? anybody?? please???? typeerror: error #1009: cannot access property or method of null object reference. @ filter/intfiltercomp() @ main/loginclickhandler() @ main/___login1_loginclick() @ @ @ mx.core::uicomponent/dispatchevent() @ login/wshandler() @ login/___operation2_result() @ @ @ mx.rpc::abstractoperation/ @ mx.rpc::abstractinvoker/ @ mx.rpc::responder/result() @ mx.rpc::asyncre

Need help configuring BlazeDS dashboard demo

hi, getting started blazeds, trying rebuild collaborative 'dashboard' demo provided ant build.xml i've had trouble getting run correctly mxmlc. instead i've imported eclipse , added: -services d:/dev/tomcat/webapps/dash/dashboard-debug/web-inf/flex/services-config.xml to flexbuilder compiler options line. allows app run. comes , displays components, events (such clicking on pie slice or changing month) sent producer never received consumers. private function initapp():void { consumer.subscribe(); // .... } // send messages when user's selection changes // (event handler of slider) private function monthchange():void { var message:imessage = new asyncmessage(); message.body = {month: timeline.selectedmonth}; producer.send(message); } <mx:producer id="producer" destination="dashboard"/> <mx:consumer id="consumer" destination="dashboard" message="messagehandler(event)"/> so, snippet, produer.

analogue range

hi, first post, i've been battling on , off day (second day arduino/coding sorry) i'm hoping 1 of can me. i'm sure simple i've been through heaps of other project code , done google searches , i'm @ point want tell me answer... i've got pot set on pin a0, getting feedback nicely on serial monitor. want light pin 13 when pot within range of numbers, 900-1000, stay low when it's anywhere else. came workaround i'm sure you'll laugh @ want more simple way of getting work:   if (sensorvalue > 1001)     {digitalwrite(led, low);}   else if (sensorvalue < 900)     {digitalwrite(led, low);}   else digitalwrite(led, high); as can see have defined outlying numbers low , else high. want define area want high (900-1000) , else low, if that's possible, otherwise tell me i've done way. code: [select] if(sensorvalue  >= 900 && sensorvalue <= 1000) {    // turn led on } else {    // turn led off }

Alimenter l'arduino pro mini avec piles

bonjour à tous, je compte acheter une arduino pro mini 3.3v (pour sa petite taille) et dans ce soucis du gain de place je cherche comment l'alimenter. je veux donc des piles les plus petites possibles, j'ai pensé à la pile cr2032 (3v, 230mah). puis-je alimenter l'arduino avec celle-ci et faut-il en mettre 2 ? et est ce que l'arduino peut fonctionner avec seulement 3v ? que veulent dire les mah et comment choisir une pile en fonction ? car j'ai vu qu'il existait d'autres piles 3v identiques avec moins de mah. que faut-il choisir ? merci mah = milliampèresheure ==> capacité de la batterie 200 mah par exemple ça veut dire quelle peut délivrer 200 ma pendant une heure. donc 100 ma pendant 2h ou 50 ma pendant 4h. pour connaitre l'autonomie d'un montage il faut fait : temps(h) = capacité batterie (mah) / consommation (ma) a 3v oui ça marchera. mais t'attend pas à tenir des jours : sans optimisations et même à vide il f

I2c sniffer

is possible setup arduino slave on i2c monitors , displays traffic on bus on serial monitor? should @ length decide if string,word or byte , process accordingly. has done this? jim this not possible atmegaxxx processors , internal twi/i2c hardware possible attinyxxx or others have internal usi. problem has address matching. in twi/i2c slave address match build-in. on usi done in software , can implement monitor. obviously implement soft twi on arduino. cheers! Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Project Guidance > I2c sniffer arduino

Raspberry Pi 2 RASPBIAN Killing my drives? - Raspberry Pi Forums

raspberry pi 2 raspbian linux raspberrypi 3.18.9-v7+ #768 smp preempt sun mar 15 19:41:56 gmt 2015 armv7l gnu/linux mar 16 2015 19:38:52 copyright (c) 2012 broadcom version 51ab816b505d1b745130562908d866915c836056 (clean) (release) have 2 intel ssd's wanted set external storage on using apricorn usb/sata adapter. used same process of formatting , mounting both drives. 1. attached drive (rpi sees sda in fdisk -l) 2. fdisk /dev/sda1, o, n, p, 1, d,d,d,c,w. (exits no error). 3. mkfs.vfat /dev/sda1 4. vim /etc/fstab "/dev/sda1 /var/multimedia vfat users,umask=1000,rw,auto 0 0" 5. reboot upon rebooting see error sda1 not block device in logs. , no sd* in fdisk -l. dmesg shows drive connecting disconnecting in loop: code: select all root@raspberrypi:/home/pi# tail -f /var/log/messages mar 18 06:35:10 raspberrypi kernel: [ 1605.527364] sd 331:0:0:0: [sda] sense not available. mar 18 06:35:10 raspberrypi kernel: [ 1605.527540] sd 331:0:0:0: [sda] attached scsi

[Conseil, non réglé]PC -> Midi en USB -> Arduino -> DMX, possible?

bonjour! je me présente, damien, jeune passionné d'électronique, et patati et patata *on s'en fou* je cherche à convertir des donnés midi qui passeront par l'usb de l'arduino, qui ensuite par un programme convertira ces donnés par des donnés dmx qui seront envoyé vers mon spot. le prix des convertisseurs étant exorbitant, je me dirige vers vous pour vous demander si c'est possible que l'arduino se fasse reconnaître par ableton live (séquenceur midi), et qu'ils puissent s'échanger des donnés midi, tout ça par l'usb de l'arduino (celui de l'alim!) je précise que je n'ai pas encore acheté l'arduino, mais je compte l'acheter aujourd'hui, donc avant de l'acheter pour rien.. je préfère avoir vos conseils! merci d'avance. cordialement. quote from: ldami on mar 06, 2014, 12:46 pm je cherche à convertir des donnés midi qui passeront par l'usb de l'arduino, qui ensuite par un programme conv

Clé USB sur le Port Natif de la Due

bonjour, je voulais savoir si on pouvait brancher une clé usb et l'utiliser avec le port natif de la carte due. le étant de commencer par lire un simple fichier puis un .wav, je n'ai pas de carte sd sous la main, ni le branchement adequat, donc je préfère s avec une clé usb. merci beaucoup ! salut, question simple : quel est ton niveau en prog ? faire du usb host, autant te le dire tout de suite c'est pas de la tarte ... et c'est un euphémisme ... Arduino Forum > International > Français (Moderators: jfs, Snootlab) > Clé USB sur le Port Natif de la Due arduino

Class Not Registering

i have not programming in few years , found when started using homesite ver 5 not create new project - got class not registering when attempted enter. did plain uninstall/reinstall without benefit. searched site found reference elaborate reinstallation knowledge base article indicating should uninstall, clean out files in homesite5 directory, remove couple of registry keys (which not there) remove 2 installshield installation information files (which not there) , move install shield engine , scrip desktop , install copy of installer exe copied desktop cd. did not latter , problem remains. now knowledge base article not refer situation although 1 user claimed solved problem. surely there better way. installed program @ least 3 times when lost hd , bought new computer. has worked. stubborn file not registering - i'll reregister. appreciate avoid moving program files desktop , installing desktop - know why not longer works? ed here's different kb article (i think) might help:

GotoAndPlay immediately after content is loaded fails

hello, i'm trying gotoandplay in complex movieclip structure main timeline. the following code works perfectly: function dosomething():void { mc1.mc2.gotoandplay(2); clearinterval(intervalid); } var intervalid:number = setinterval(dosomething, 1); the following code _not_ work: function dosomething():void { mc1.mc2.gotoandplay(2); trace(mc1.mc2._currentframe); // 2 playhead stops in frame 2 } dosomething(); here questions: 1. why code work when wait 1 millisecond before calling function gotoandplay (or have wait for, because none of attributes undefined). 2. flash player doing when loading movieclips. 3. there document describing internal work flashplayer doing when loading clips (i.e. registering movieclips). thanks help. if place code posted on frame 1 , create 2 movie clips "instance names" in code. works fine. function dosomething():void { mc1.mc2.gotoandplay(2); trace(mc1.mc2._currentframe); // 2 playhead stops in frame 2 } dosomethi

Unique MAC addresses? Best practice?

my first arduino project nearing completion (first stage @ least). have display box number of 7-segment 4-digit displays. arduino uno r3 has official arduino ethernet shield. values display sent through udp , working nicely. i looking several of these may on same network attached different instruments. have built in commands allow me switch each unit use dhcp or static ip addressing , supply static ip addresses in case want set each box , leave same sketch (these values saved in eeprom , read in during setup along various other configuration parameters). the thing wondering mac addressing. examples have seen have hard-coded mac address in sketch. @ moment have too. means if put same sketch in 2 boxes without modification have same mac address (so have 2 boxes unique ip address dhcp, same mac address). given these supposed unique feel can't thing, particularly on same network segment. while hand modify sketch , burn individually in each box seems bit "heath-robinson&q

Thread: externally loading javascript ?

when use <script src......> load external javascript, not loading? pgm1.js code: <script language="javascript"> var mes="message goes here......" </script> this pgm3.html code: <html> <title> display</title> <head> <script src="/home/abhilash/pgm1.js"> </script> </head> <body> <script language="javascript"> document.write("<p>"+mes+"</p>"); </script> </body> </html> what problem? pgm1.js php code: var  message  =  "message from javascript" ;  pgm3.html php code: < script type = "text/javascript" >      document . write ( "<p>"  +  message  +  "</p>" ); </script>   p.s. - <title> in wrong place

your opinion on my template design. - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hey guys... i love hear comments design. bad... anything. thanks help. cheers, toddio the banner big , doesnt find neatly in site.... maybe make smaller , fit in accross inside read header area thing captions on images should below not, right of it.. other that, looks lot theme, cant remember called, like.. i want horizonatal rules or borders between modules, maybe between articles aswell.. not sure... and have font size reduced... Board index Joomla! Official Sites & Infrastructure Sites & Infrastructure - Feedback/Information Archived Boards - All boards closed Joomla! 1.5 BETA

powering the pi 2 with aa's - Raspberry Pi Forums

greetings forum first question: have raspberry pi 2 , want power using 4 2800 mah rechargeable aa batteries , read online when connected in parallel mah adds up, if so, can implement increase pi's life on batteries? if not, last 3.5 hours? given pi draws 800 mah. second question: want connect rechargeable batteries 5v solar panel whilst powering pi, how can prevent batteries overcharging. there way measure how full batteries either through pi, or through connect battery case whilst in use? know it's possible because phones it. there no type of battery give satisfactory results if connected directly rpi. rpi should fed 5 volts +/- few percent. 4 nimh aa cells series manage when freshly charged fall low , give short run time. need ubec between battery , rpi. easiest solution use 1 of usb powerbanks intended recharging mobile phones or tablets. of them have solar panels built in. panels near large enough produce enough current run rpi without depleting battery. if opt

Help finding right MOSFET

i'm hoping on here might able help, i'm using mosfet for pwm'ing 12v leds in project. i'm curious stepping being able use 24v leds 12v , hoping might have part number on hand small mosfet (ideally in sot23 casing) can handle max voltage above 24v, , has suitable properties running via pwm. thanks looks you'll have move bigger package.  if need more one be aware there dual mosfets in soic8 package like: Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > General Electronics > Help finding right MOSFET arduino

Thread: Pidgin - Set Window Manager as "Urgent" Hint

in pidgin, have enabled message notification plug-in, , have enabled set window manager "urgent" hint. there way of adjusting window manager flashes more frequently? currently, doesn't flash; changes color darker lighter darker. please let me know if there can do. thank you! this happens more pidgin. panel's "urgent hint" being set, , *think it's part of active theme. when application requests user attention, fades in/out in same way. think 1 of irritating things in ubuntu; taskbar fades when "urgent hint" active. no good, , not indicate "urgent". glance @ screen across room, , soft slow fade not cut it. know how make stop fading , blink boldly? nice know if can set flash frequency. sure can't find out how, after searching. Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support New to Ub

Thread: GLX Graphics Display Nonexistent

all, i'm running geforce 8400gs graphics card that's working fine (installed drivers envyng), upon starting uses opengl nothing happens. problem has popped in few random places (here -> ) hasn't been solved general public. here happens when opengl-using program executed: code: warning: vad has been replaced hack pending complete rewrite xlib: extension "glx" missing on display ":0.0". xlib: extension "glx" missing on display ":0.0". xlib: extension "glx" missing on display ":0.0". xlib: extension "glx" missing on display ":0.0". k2 - fatal error: chost::init() - glx 1.3 or glx_sgix_fbconfig required here output of "glxinfo": code: name of display: :0.0 xlib: extension "glx" missing on display ":0.0". xlib: extension "glx" missing on di