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Thread: jaunty eject usb external hardrive terminal

trying eject usb external hardrive terminal (hence thread name). (the external harddrive ntfs-3g format).
terminal commands+output:

10:54{~} umount /media/cerberus
umount: /media/cerberus not in fstab (and not root)
11:01{~} eject /media/cerberus/
umount: /media/cerberus not in fstab (and not root)
eject: unmount of `/media/cerberus' failed

have no idea go here. unmounting nautilus filebrowser works fine (right-click, "unmount volume"), unmounting terminal gives fstab error.

two issues going on here. first, terminal, need use sudo or root in order umount drive. second, umount , eject commands expecting device work with, i.e. /dev/sda or /dev/sdb. so, first thing in terminal, type:

sudo fdisk -l
( -l lower case l, not 1 )

output give /dev of external usb hard drive, likely: /dev/sdb1. if case, type:

sudo umount /dev/sdb1

unmount drive. hope helps.

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