
Showing posts from February, 2010

Strange problems using SD Card and VS1003B based board

okay, weird, not find on subject. tried fix whole day, gave me headache so problem this: when close cables, plays great. when remove hand, stops  stops when connect other hand ground. in general, stops processing @ all, not sound. looks interrupts stopped or this. i'm using info based on have adapted arduino mega 2560, i'm using in project. i'm attaching schematic i've come to, sorry bad quality, in general, it's same project, i'm using mc14050bp instead of voltage dividers, bring levels 3.3v. that's difference. these connected pins: #define mp3_xcs 35 #define mp3_xdcs 39 #define mp3_dreq 37 #define mp3_reset 33 #define sd_sel 31 #define spi_mosi 50 #define spi_miso 51 #define spi_clk  52 i'm using same library agmp3 in thread. i've tried other libraries, result same...

Caricamento dati da parte di collaboratori - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

salve tutti. volevo porvi un quesito. sto creando un sito per una finanziaria con joomla. in questo sito si registreranno dei collaboratori, quali dovranno caricare dei dati di pratiche da sottoporre alla finanziaria stessa. quale strada devo seguire ? mi potete aiutare ? fino alla registrazione dei collaboratori ci sono arrivato, poi come posso fare per fargli apparire un bel form in cui possono caricare dati ? il tutto alla fine deve poter essere salvato e ripescato per eventuali modifiche o visione. in attesa di un vostro cortese riscontro, vi ringrazio anticipatamente. questa categoria delle extensions l'hai vista?,com_mtree/task,listcats/cat_id,1828/itemid,35/ sono tutti componenti per l'acquisizione di dati tramite form online. però devi provare per vedere se hanno la flessibilità nella gestione dei dati acquisiti che mi pare ti serva. Board index Joomla! International Language Support ...

Multisites Site Manager componenten - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

undrar om multisites site manager component kan kopiera en joomla sajt med databas komplett till en annan server. eller måste man kopiera sina sajter till samma server bara? någon som vet ett en annan komponent för att kopiera sin sajt till annan server för att spara tid och börja ändra på en befintlig istället med alla inställningar som det innebär? det jag har gjort är helt enkelt en kopiering av alla filer för siten och tagit en dump av databasen. med detta har jag flyttat detta till en annan server och det tog inte ens en minut för att skapa siten på den nya servern. Board index Joomla! International Language Support International Zone Swedish Forum Äldre versioner Forum Joomla! 1.0 Komponenter, moduler och Mambots

ie7 show popup menu

i use dw 8 , create pop-up menu; menu wrong see on ie7 > menu wrong no kidding. read this. not want use menus.... -- murray --- icq 71997575 adobe community expert (if *must* email me, don't laugh when so!) ================== - dw faqs, tutorials & resources - dw faqs, tutorials & resources ================== "gecew" <> wrote in message news:fn24hf$6h9$ >i use dw 8 , create pop-up menu; menu wrong see on ie7 > More discussions in Dreamweaver support forum adobe

I2C not working - Raspberry Pi Forums

the issue i'm having 1 of pi's not communicate known working i2c circuit. have set i2c on 2 raspis same setup. have set i2c , thats not issue. when code: select all sudo i2cdetect -y 1 used on 1 of pi's result perfect showing 1 item on i2c bus, other pi not show exact same set up. thoughts? they not set-up same or 1 old pi , other newer. raspberrypi

Thread: Any Reccomendations for Custom Shortcut Key to Avoid Conflicts?

i started setting super+key shortcuts launching used applications, ran conflicts predefined shortcut keys. example wanted super+n open notepad, key combination seems invert current window's colors. safe modifier key combinations can use avoid conflicts? thanks. if want use disable original shortcut, use yours, backspace disables. Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support Desktop Environments [ubuntu] Any Reccomendations for Custom Shortcut Key to Avoid Conflicts? Ubuntu

problem with loops and voids and saving outputs in a SD card

hello, tying save analog output potentiometer , signal pwm (servo) in sd card ".txt" or ".csv", have code doesn't working, hope can find error. below attached photo of work. code: [select] #include <sd.h> // sd card library #include <servo.h> servo myservo;  // create servo object control servo                 // maximum of 8 servo objects can created int pos = 0;    // variable store servo position ///int pin= 9; //spi sd card pins // mosi = pin 11 //miso = pin 12 //sclk = pin 13 int cs_pin=10; //chipselect ////int pow_pin = 8;//pin de poder // entradas al arduino desde el servo y el potenciometro int inservo = 4 ; // entrada digital desde el servo arduino/ input servo arduino int outservo = 0 ;// entrada analoga desde potenciometro arduino/input potentiometer arduino float refresh_rate = 0.0; //dataloger refresh rate long id = 1; // use store id # of our reading. void setup () { ...

Revivir Arduino/Compatibilidad Shield Xbee Shield Ethernet

buenos días. tengo dos cuestiones: 1. en los inicios con arduino hace dos años le metí una fuente de ca al arduino pensando que era un adaptador cc y la placa se quemó. quisiera recuperar ese arduino ahora, conseguí un atmega 328p con bootloader cargado para ver si simplemente se había quemado el micro. pero no es eso. síntomas:  enciendo por usb (pc no lo reconoce), se encienden los tres leds l tx rx y se queda así                      enciendo por fuente externa 8v: el micro se calienta en segundos alguién puede decirme como puedo comprobar que componente/s están quemados y poder sustituirlos. 2. esta cuestión es más facilona. quiero montar para un proyecto, arduino uno, shield ethernet, shield xbee. ¿se puede montar físicamente? los pines del icsp del xbee shield se quedarían al aire porque no se conectan al shield ethernet. ¿cómo puedo ensamblar los tres?. espero respuestas. un saludo. gracias. alberto. ...

Thread: Seagate External HD

good evening everyone, want start thanking every single person has me ubuntu desktop running way want , need to. second, have seagate external hd 160gb, thats info have (sorry!!) using music, photos, videos, etc... when go plug-into laptop ubunto not recognizing it!!! usb flash drive perfect, cd/dvd in drice perfect! steps make happen?? help! time , contribution, luis what filesystem on drive? Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support General Help [ubuntu] Seagate External HD Ubuntu

Code to reverse a HEX value and convert to Decimal

hi all, i using pn532 rfid reader module. in example library mifare uid reading sketch. it outputs reverse hex value on serial monitor so; 0xce 0x67 0x6e 0x5a so, correct uid need reverse value (5a6e67ce) , have been using online converters etc value want (1517184974) ideally serial monitor spit out value rather reverse code, know (i'm sure) can done in code unfortunately don't have ability (i'm bad @ maths), hoping come rescue... i don't think modification complicated if know doing, although i'm not qualified make assertion. thank reading , advice may have offer... here original code reference; code: [select] /**************************************************************************/ /*!     example attempt connect iso14443a     card or tag , retrieve basic information it     can used determine type of card is.            note need baud rate 115200 because need print     out data ,...


just started using late last night. have total 6 slides. when run preview first slide comes , moves automaticaly second slide. second slide not go anywhere until button on slide pressed (back). how keep project on first slide until user clicks on 1 of click boxes? remember i'm starting!! hi syldania , welcome our community you asked: how keep project on first slide until user clicks on 1 of click boxes? this seem imply have click box objects on first slide. if so, try double-clicking 1 of them. should see properties dialog. on dialog should find tab labeled "options". click tab , ensure check box labeled "pause project until user clicks" checked. if reason don't have 1 or more click box objects, may insert 1 @ time clicking insert menu followed click box. hopefully helpful... rick More discussions in Getting Started adobe

Sensore di umidità e conduttività del terreno

salve tutti, volevo sapere se qualcuno di voi aveva da suggerirmi un buon sensore di umidità e di conduttività del terreno da interfacciare con arduino. ovviamente devo ottenere dei valori in percentuale di acqua e resistenza. pensiate che sia difficile reperirne qualcuno basso costo? massimo 20€ l uno... su internet ho cercato qualcosa ma non é chiaro come io possa risalire ai dati precedentemente illustrati... vorrei evitare di tarare io sensori... grazie mille per la disponibilità a presto david ciao, non se avevi già visto per esempio questi: qui è indicato anche un semplice sketch per usarli: per ottenere giusti valori dovrai comunque fare qualche misura e qualche...

Thread: A question about linux.

what makes better windows os and/or mac os? know badass , better windows mac? better mac's os. benefits or pros , cons? according post able find out , own standards/tests linux (or/and ubuntu) is, , quote, badass. keeps take @ macos x (a friends laptop maybe) , check out? cheers scheuri Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Community Discussions The Cafe A question about linux. Ubuntu

In a nutshell

if sum 3 about. have dealt , objects. dont know 2 either have been out of loop years , applying oo methodology doing here in flash. thanks as2 same as1. offers new syntax (class files, compile time type checking, case sensitivity) gets compiled same bytecode as1. as3 new. read language features on page, summary: as3 being 'strict'. advantage being strict can better performance, , development on large projects can potentially easier manage down road (because syntax more structured). the disadvantage it's not easy. More discussions in ActionScript 3 adobe

Help with error message

i following error, duplicate names. regardless of change name to, error message still comes up. mean , do ? error occurred while processing request duplicate cfform element name "tracking_number" tag cfinput. each name within cfform must unique. the error occurred in c:\cfusionmx\wwwroot\web-inf\cftags\input.cfm: line 105 called c:\cfusionmx\wwwroot\web-inf\cftags\input.cfm: line 21 called c:\cfusionmx\wwwroot\web-inf\cftags\input.cfm: line 17 called d:\inetpub\wwwroot\receivingdiscrepancies\forms\close_disposition_urdn_line_items.cfm: line 302 103 : mm!ºÍooß‚Ô[�”t'õnö8£;</˜r‰nßzq9èå…dŽˆœ-dpqµbñƒÉoabÔ¬œ%?ôy+u+÷ ¿Ád4²¾ëøqi•¼™Êñ ôϸ5¨†œ<Ô6åØ úc 104 : ìzüØ塃5÷c·”...

PHP Error on phpmyadmin

hi everyone, got weird error. didn't change on last few weeks, , when tried go phpmyadmin backup database got following error phpmyadmin - error cannot start session without errors, please check errors given in php and/or webserver log file , configure php installation properly. when go phpinfo {}, every seems output correctly, when go php.ini configuration looked bit weird. instead of # in front of every line have : in front of every line. wonder if configuration corrupted? attached copied examples. appreciated. also, can't seem mysql "command line". can step step instructions somewhere? moonstar2005 wrote: > hi everyone, got weird error. didn't change on last few > weeks, , when tried go phpmyadmin backup > database got following error > > phpmyadmin - error > cannot start session without errors, please check errors given in php > and/or webserver log file , configure php installation properly. it means folder designated in sess...

Problema atmega 2560 r3

salve tutti! sono nuovo del forum e sto costruendo una stampante reprap con una mega 2560r3 e ho incontrato un po' di ostacoli. dopo aver installato il driver e aver seguito tutta la procedura primi caricamenti sono andati buon fine, ma poi la scheda ha cominciato scaldare attorno al chip dell'usb-ttl e il led l giallo rimane sempre acceso. il pc non riconosce più la scheda e mi dice che nella com non c'è nulla. ho provato il reset ma non cambia nulla. qualcuno ha già riscontrato questo problema? come posso capire se è saltato il modulo usb ttl? la garanzia in questo caso può essere ancora valida? grazie mille dell'appoggio! benvenuto.   ti invitiamo presentarti qui: e leggere il regolamento: - qui una serie di schede xxxpighi per collegamenti elettronici vari: - qui le pinout delle vari...

Thread: wireless problem

my xubuntu machine used able go online using wireless public network, not results network manager switched wicd, still cannot me results on wan poped in livecd of ubuntu 8 know used work on machine until switched different linux distribution. ubuntu can still detect wireless card, having mac address , in ifconfig, still cannot find network. problem stops me accessing wireless network? Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support Networking & Wireless [all variants] wireless problem Ubuntu

Electronic dice programming

hello everyone! i working on making electronic dice, has 7 diode's in shape: 0            0               0                0 0            0               0 with can make numbers dice has. i got configured in such way press of button dice show next number: example: dice shows 1 -> pushbutton -> 2. i got 2nd button , want work this: if press 2nd button, dice show number came before current one. example: dice shows 5 -> pushbutton2 -> 4. i'm using internal pull 2nd 1 , pull transistor 1st one. code: code: [select] //a program simulates real life dice. //all leds attached board int led = 2; int led2 = 3; int led3 = 4; int led4 = 5; int led5 = 6; int led6 = 7; int led7 = 8; int btn = 9; int btn2 = 10; // setup routine runs once when press reset: void setup() {      ...

[Conseil] GSM et Aduino... Help !

bonjour à tous. ma première question  : je viens tous juste d'arriver sur le forum, dois-je me présenter quelque part ? et ma vraie question.... je bricole arduino depuis quelques temps et je souhaite envoyer des alerte par sms. le problème c'est que je n'y arrive pas. j'ai regardé ça et là et j'ai vu plein de tuto, plein de posts sur le forum, plein de choses mais rien n'y fait, je n'y arrive toujours pas. en fait, je crois que le problème de base (pour moi) c'est de savoir par où commencer... je dispose de deux cartes (un readboard équivalente à une uno et une yun) et d'un module itead studio gprs modile v1.0. pour raison financière, il s'agit d'un modèle non monté en shield, c'est celui-là : il dispose d'un bornier 8 ports : est / p / tx / rx / dt / dr / - / + j'arrive sans soucis à l'alimenter (j'ai un carte sim sfr sans code pin). ...

How to change the default ordering in categories - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hi, i default ordering of articles "ordering" instead of "title asc" can't find way change this. example: thanks in advance, rans go menu item links articles in question. on right hand side under parameters find ordering box can set. regards dave Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.0 General Questions - 1.0.x

Flash Player update this morning broke something?

i running vista home premium, , morning got popup flash player telling me there security update, went ahead , let install. quick , did not ask reboot. now, later in day, open windows media player, , go xm radio online (like have past 6 months) , log in. found of presets no longer there in interface, note saying need download latest flash player use presets (and link adobe's site). believe have latest version (9.0.115), i'm confused why happened. looking in programs & features list (add/remove) can see 2 items installed/updated today, adobe flash player activex , adobe flash player 9 active x....and in system32 folder, 2 items today's date uninstall_activex.exe , install.log . have ideas happened or how can fix this? thanks More discussions in Using Flash Player adobe

Arduino Mega 2560 with some C - not reading analogue pins

hello everyone, i facing problem code possibly as, want overclock adcs (for audio recording) and store samples sram or external module. can not understand keep getting the value "1023" whether there input or not , can not pretty udnerstand this! should declare want the analog pins work input? , why not wor k?  if have questions please let me know. thank in advance, napster code: [select] int time; #define fastadc 1 // defines setting , clearing register bits #ifndef cbi #define cbi(sfr, bit) (_sfr_byte(sfr) &= ~_bv(bit)) #endif #ifndef sbi #define sbi(sfr, bit) (_sfr_byte(sfr) |= _bv(bit)) #endif void setup() {   int start ;   int ;     serial.begin(9600); #if fastadc   // set prescale 2,16,32 etc   cbi(adcsra,adps2) ;   cbi(adcsra,adps1) ;   cbi(adcsra,adps0) ; #endif } void loop() {   time = micros();   int sensorvalue = analogread(a0);   time = micros() - time;   serial.print("\n"); ...

¿Cómo distinguir variables?

hola: he hecho una aplicación con visual c# express 2013 . hay tres variables llamadas vida, balas y maná. dicha variable son int pero está transformada en string para enviarlo al puerto serie. cuando envío un número 100 de la variable vida que es int, lo paso string y lo envío arduino. arduino debe interpretarlo en la ventana del serial. (más adelante lo muestro en el lcd 16x2). de las tres variables que quiero enviar, me centraré en una, la variable vida, que así se llama en c# y en arduino ide 1.0.5. por ahora hecho este código. code: [select] int vida = 0; void setup() {        serial.begin(9600);     } void loop() {                        vida = serial.available();                serial.println("vida: ");                serial.println(vida);        delay(1000); } su res...

Specifying state of digital pin, but state fluctuates

hello, i'm marine biologist, not programmer, thought had code pretty figured out until now. project, trying control both heater , valve. @ particular time of day (low tide) want valve open (letting water out) , heater come on. the issue arose morning, hadn't been issue before, has controlling valve (seemingly easiest part of project) some background on code: currently, enter low tide start time in 2 parts such (lowtidestarttimehr = 10, lowtidestarttimemin = 30) low tide starting @ 10:30. same end of low tide. convert these 2 times minutes (lowtidestarttime = lowtidestarttimehr * 60 + lowtidestarttimemin) using current time (from rtc) , series of  "if else" statements determine if low tide. section of code shown below. there's added complication there 2 low tides each day there both "lowtidestarttime_1" , "lowtidestarttime_2", specified in same manner , "if else" statements, if bit long, not complicated. code: [select]...

Thread: help with a resume.d script

hello -- chance of getting script add resume.d files operates @ root level , issues command fan2 ? has @ root level though. sudo su ,then my password , fan2 (which alias start laptop's fan @ low level - full command echo level 2 > /proc/acpi/ibm/fan ) , again, works @ root level. start fan manually in gnome-terminal, , i'd resume after suspend. great if script exited root, launches terminal window , issues command sensors 2-3 seconds after restarting fan Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support General Help [SOLVED] help with a resume.d script Ubuntu

GPIO pin numbers? - Raspberry Pi Forums

i expect has been asked before still confused. have pi 2 , if want flash led's on , off pins can use? use actual pin numbers or gpio numbers. example gpio17 pin 11 number goes in python programme? sorry being stupid not want blow up. there loads , loads of info out there tends create confusion, me anyway. thanks brian welcome confusing part of raspberry pis. pins have 3 numbers , may have fourth name. if turn clock 3 years have been prevented. code: select all root@eagle ~ # gpio readall +-----+-----+---------+------+---+---pi 2---+---+------+---------+-----+-----+ | bcm | wpi | name | mode | v | physical | v | mode | name | wpi | bcm | +-----+-----+---------+------+---+----++----+---+------+---------+-----+-----+ | | | 3.3v | | | 1 || 2 | | | 5v | | | | 2 | 8 | sda.1 | alt0 | 1 | 3 || 4 | | | 5v | | | | 3 | 9 | scl.1 | alt0 | 1 | 5 || 6 | | | 0v | | | | 4 | 7...

Voltage regulator: Input 4.5 - 5 V. Output 3.3V, 1A

for our 3d pong project, need voltage regulator. 4.5v input, or 5v input when recharging, , need converted 3.3v dc signal our microcontroller. ic recommend us? i narrowed search you you need determine if want through hole , current you can pick price point the first 1 fine mcp1600-3302e foe low current the lm3940-3.3 gives 1a Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > General Electronics > Voltage regulator: Input 4.5 - 5 V. Output 3.3V, 1A arduino

flex_sdk_3_192625 mxml class path problem

thought i'd mention in case wasn't known happen in build flex_sdk_3_192625 take example adding itemrender list itmerenderer not in source root a file foo.mxml that’s in folder com\blah\blah\view\foo.mxml has element <mx:list id="mylistnav" itemrenderer="com.blah.blah.renderer.listrenderer" /> listrenderer.mxml in in com\blah\blah\renderer\listrenderer.mxml throughs comiple error works file if adding renderer via works fine m4beta3 like said, know nightly's not supposed work in every way, nut thought should let know thanks glenn, if still seeing issue, can kindly file bug @ ? best way inform of issues. thanks! More discussions in Flex (Read Only) adobe

UNO,4x3 keypad and a 8 channel relay

i'm trying figure out how use uno , 4x3 keypad run 8 channel relay. want each key turn on different relay want * key on , # key off. i'd able press key on again turn relay off while leaving other relays on. i'm new arduino , coding been difficult task. appreciated. someone else has done thinking you: on page, in download section, see file "". that's library need. comes examples included. if can't make work, upload sketch can see how far got. Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Project Guidance > UNO,4x3 keypad and a 8 channel relay arduino

Need help programming motor movement from PS3 controller inputs

i have put camera slider uses brushed dc motor. driven arduino uno , seeedstudio motor shield (v1.2). have usb shield sandwiched between motor shield , arduino. accepts inputs ps3 controller. i able receive , view commands ps3 controller on serial monitor. know ps3 bluetooth library have works. need how take data ps3 controller , move motor. forgive ignorance, brand new this. c++. have had lot of fun basic stamp in past, whole new ballgame. appreciated. my goal @ stage @ least able make camera slide left/right l1/l2 ps3 buttons respectively. i have included picture of setup code using no avail. have included annotated screenshot of code underscore problem. here's code: code: [select] #include <ps3bt.h> usb usb; btd btd(&usb); // have create bluetooth dongle instance so /* can create instance of class in 2 ways */ ps3bt ps3(&btd); // create instance //ps3bt ps3(&btd,0x00,0x15,0x83,0x3d,0x0a,0x57); // store bluetooth address - can obtained dongle when runn...

Arduino to read a LED control file ".led"

hi everyone, just trying figure out project i'm trying work on creating no standard led matrix. eg; there program called lededit has been great , figuring out layout , recording display , bundles down *.led file put on sd card , put led controller like  t-1000s , off go. is there way replace t-1000s arduino (or teensy) can see? thanks advice. dayle. i guess first thought why want that? looks t-1000s purpose built deal turning files displays.  might able invest lot of time , effort getting arduino replicate box does.  looking additional functionality box doesn't provide?  looking avoid $40 - $60 cost of box?  Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Project Guidance > Arduino to read a LED control file ".led" arduino

SPWM for NPC inverter

hi, i'm noob @ this, having serious trouble understanding pwm. require spwm switching o/p uno drive inverter(npc 1 stage) motor. motor specs 50hz(max), 220v, 6a, induction. this academic project nearing end , i'm stuck more can handle. highly appreciated. switching states follows. have made ckt on discrete components need use through uc. t1      1    0    0 t2     1     1    0 t3     0    1     1 t4     0   0    1 can explain have , want. for example, is: "o/p", "npc 1 stage", "ckt" ? the term "spwm" can "sine-triangle pulse width modulation" or "synchronized pulse-width modulation". can add links or photos ? what t1, t2, t3, , t4 ? phases ? what kind of driver hardware motor have ? Arduino Forum ...

Save file on the sd card from html client

hi, trying days store config file web page sd card. the rest command use "/arduino/saveconfig/data" where data json string. on arduino site collect data with  code myfile on sd card myfile"/mnt/sd/arduino/www/project/myfile.cfg", file_write); while(client.available()>0) {;   myfile.print(c); this works ok till configuration size bigger 500 bytes. if size bigger 500 bytes  timeout. are there possibilities write sd card in other way? regards sahin for big size file please bypass fileio @ atmega32u4 , let ar9331  take care only. code: [select] nano /mnt/sda1/ code: [select] #!/usr/bin/python import urllib2 zipfile = urllib2.urlopen("") output = open('/mnt/sda1/','wb') output.write( output.close() code: [select] chmod 755 /mnt/sda1/ profile code: code: [select] ...

multiple temperature sensors

i want read 30 temperature sensors , data-log readings. this exclusively data-logging, i have been playing around lm34 , accuracy , speed seem acceptable. any suggestions on how best add 29 sensors ? i able scan 30 in 1 minute or less. analog sensors require analog input (which have limited number of) , require calibration. digital sensors easier use. if use ds18b20 digital sensors can daisy-chain multiple sensors on single 1-wire bus. don't know you'd thirty sensors on single bus, you'd them on few buses. how far apart sensors need be? 1-wire bus isn't designed operate on long distances. Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Project Guidance > multiple temperature sensors arduino

smd optocoupler

hi there i have been using 1 of these optocouplers , seem work fine, looking smd optocoupler no smd of opto smaller, 1 no of use? what lot:-||,&filtershidden=false&appliedhidden=false&autoapply=true&originalqueryurl=%2fjsp%2fsearch%2fbrowse.jsp%3fn%3d2031%2b203598%26ntk%3dgensearch%26ntt%3dopto%2bisolator%26ntx%3dmode%2bmatchallpartial%26no%3d0%26getresults%3dtrue%26appliedparametrics%3dtrue%26locale%3den_uk%26divisionlocale%3den_uk%26catalogid%3d%26skipmanufacturer%3dfalse%26skipparametricattributeid%3d%26prevnvalues%3d2031%2b...

Escada Inteligente - A realização de um sonho

oi pessoal! terminei meu projeto e gostaria de compartilha-lo com vocês: peças 15 leds de alto brilho, 2 protoboards 1 arduino 1 fonte 30 metros de cabo de rede 2 sensores ultrasonico segue código fonte: code: [select] /*--------------------------------------------- s h f t o u t m e g a ampliar o número de saídas arduino com registrador de deslocamento 74hc595 --------------------------------------------*/ /*¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨ - pino 8 arduino ligado ao pino 12 ci. - pino 11 arduino ligado ao pino 14 ci. - pino 12 arduino ligado ao pino 11 ci. - led 1 = pino 15 ci. - led 2 = pino 1 ci. - led 3 = pino 2 ci. - led 4 = pino 3 ci. - led 5 = pino 4 ci. - led 6 = pino 5 ci. - led 7 = pino 6 ci. - led 8 = pino 7 ci. - pinos 10 e 16 ci ligados ao vcc. - pinos 8 e 13 ci ligados ao gnd. - pino 9 ci ligado ao pino 14 próximo ci. ¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨*/ #include <shi...