Read arduino supply voltage, giving garbage on sleep?


have tried afternoon cannot find out why, if add sleep function, supply voltage reads garbage, ok if don't use sleep function ?  maybe adc being turned off ?

any appreciated.  :)



code: [select]

  read arduino battery
  print serial port voltage
  sleep 4 seconds

  #include <avr/sleep.h>
  #include <avr/wdt.h>
  //#include <avr/power.h>
  int led = 13;

  isr(wdt_vect) // watchdog interrupt
  wdt_disable();  // disable watchdog
void setup()
  pinmode(led, output);     

void loop()
  serial.println(" led on");
  digitalwrite(led, high);   
  digitalwrite(led, low);   
  serial.println(" led off");
  readvcc() ; // read arduino  battery voltage
  serial.print(" ");
  serial.println( readvcc(), dec );
  mywatchdogenable (b0100000);  // sleep 4 seconds //   *** goes wrong when add line  ***

long readvcc()
  long result;
  // read 1.1v reference against avcc
  admux = _bv(refs0) | _bv(mux3) | _bv(mux2) | _bv(mux1);
  delay(2); // wait vref settle
  adcsra |= _bv(adsc); // convert
  while (bit_is_set(adcsra,adsc));
  result = adcl;
  result |= adch<<8;
  result = 1126400l / result; // back-calculate avcc in mv
  return result;

void mywatchdogenable(const byte interval)
  mcusr = 0;                          // reset various flags
  wdtcsr |= 0b00011000;               // see docs, set wdce, wde
  wdtcsr =  0b01000000 | interval;    // set wdie, , appropriate delay

  set_sleep_mode (sleep_mode_pwr_down);
  sleep_mode();            // goes sleep , waits interrupt

have tried doing few analogread()s in succession , discarding last one?

it may worth trying short wait between reads.


Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Programming Questions > Read arduino supply voltage, giving garbage on sleep?



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