Wiringpi2Python to custom a character on a 16X 2 LCD - Raspberry Pi Forums

i beginner of pyhton , rpi. tried customize character , display lcd wiringpi 2 python:

# part of code

code: select all

charmap = {  0: (  0b01000,  0b10100,  0b01000,  0b01111,  0b10000,  0b10000,  0b10000,  0b01111,  ), }  lcdchardef (lcd, 0, charmap)
#end of code

however, prompts error message:
typeerror: in method ' lcdchardef ', argument 3 of type ' unsigned char [8] '

checked python did not have data type "unsigned char".

wiringpi2python not work on ' lcdchardef ' ?

thank help.

did few years ago, although not using wiringpi :

hope helps,



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