RGB 7-segment digit multiplexing 3x74HC595

hi ! m sorry m begining in electronics , multiplexing rgb 7-segment http://www.adafruit.com/products/1399 3x74hc595 me wiring please ? have chain 3 74hc595 control 24 pins 3 pin spi interface ? thank much

with 3 hc595 not multiplexing, sending out 3 bytes of data.

connect sck srclk of each device.
connect ss rclk of each device.
connect mosi ser in of first device,  q7 of 2nd ser in of 3rd.
oe/ of 3 pwm pin brightness control, or gnd.
mrclr of 3 +5.
connect 0.1uf cap vcc pin of each gnd.
don't forget current limit resistor each led, sized appropriately:
(5v - vf)/.02 = lowest resistor value, higher ok.

may have tweak value perceived brightness between colors same.

Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > LEDs and Multiplexing > RGB 7-segment digit multiplexing 3x74HC595



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