RGB 7-segment digit multiplexing 3x74HC595
hi ! m sorry m begining in electronics , multiplexing rgb 7-segment http://www.adafruit.com/products/1399 3x74hc595 me wiring please ? have chain 3 74hc595 control 24 pins 3 pin spi interface ? thank much
with 3 hc595 not multiplexing, sending out 3 bytes of data.
connect sck srclk of each device.
connect ss rclk of each device.
connect mosi ser in of first device, q7 of 2nd ser in of 3rd.
oe/ of 3 pwm pin brightness control, or gnd.
mrclr of 3 +5.
connect 0.1uf cap vcc pin of each gnd.
don't forget current limit resistor each led, sized appropriately:
(5v - vf)/.02 = lowest resistor value, higher ok.
may have tweak value perceived brightness between colors same.
connect sck srclk of each device.
connect ss rclk of each device.
connect mosi ser in of first device, q7 of 2nd ser in of 3rd.
oe/ of 3 pwm pin brightness control, or gnd.
mrclr of 3 +5.
connect 0.1uf cap vcc pin of each gnd.
don't forget current limit resistor each led, sized appropriately:
(5v - vf)/.02 = lowest resistor value, higher ok.
may have tweak value perceived brightness between colors same.
Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > LEDs and Multiplexing > RGB 7-segment digit multiplexing 3x74HC595
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