Title alias - why are thy used for - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support
i naming dynamic content long title showing on top of browser, first line in pages lok long
so possible joomla use aliases titles when disaplaying content on other hand uses real title title of whole page on top of browser. possible
so possible joomla use aliases titles when disaplaying content on other hand uses real title title of whole page on top of browser. possible
it not used joomla, 3rd party extensions:
"title alias: field not used core. sef scripts , dynamic title/meta scripts use , may have future use."
source: http://help.joomla.org/content/view/263/222/
"title alias: field not used core. sef scripts , dynamic title/meta scripts use , may have future use."
source: http://help.joomla.org/content/view/263/222/
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