Serial print doesn't work with project. HELP.

i trying value of k printed on serial monitor can't work. if do, sin wave doesn't play.

code: [select]
#include "waveforms.h"

const int button0 = 2, button1 = 3;
volatile int wave0 = 0, freq1= 0;

void setup() {
  attachinterrupt(button0, wave0select, rising);  // interrupt attached button connected pin 2
  attachinterrupt(button1, wave1select, rising);  // interrupt attached button connected pin 3

void loop() {
int k=wave0;
k = k*5;
for(int i=0; i<360; i++) {
if(k>= 360) k=0;
analogwrite(dac1, sintable[i]);

analogwrite(dac0, sintable[k]);


void wave0select() {
  if(wave0 == 72)
    wave0 = 0;

void wave1select() {
  if(freq1 == 5)
    freq1 = 0;

how can fix , value of k shown on serial monitor along playing sin wave.

have tried adding "serial.begin(9600);" (or whatever baud rate set ide's serial to) in void setup?

it's unclear me you're doing in 2 loops. @ point k , used, k i+1. (edit: except when i==359, k==0.)

Arduino Forum > Products > Arduino Due (Moderator: fabioc84) > Serial print doesn't work with project. HELP.



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