RPi Tablet Power Consumption - Raspberry Pi Forums

hello all!

have plans put sort of tablet using raspberry pi 2 model b , have questions concerning power consumption. plan use 7-inch non-touchscreen usb-powered display adafruit draws 600ma. need power wifi dongle , wireless mouse/keyboard combo dongle (uses 1 usb port). found 2 usb battery packs built rpi on adafruit. more expensive 1 outputs 2a , less expensive 1 outputs 1a. 1a enough pi, display, , dongles? there cheaper mobile power supplies use?

in advance help.

part list:
display: https://www.adafruit.com/products/2406
2a battery pack: https://www.adafruit.com/products/1566
1a battery pack: https://www.adafruit.com/products/1565
wireless dongle: http://www.amazon.com/edimax-ew-7811un- ... b003mttjoy
mouse/keyboard combo: http://www.amazon.com/logitech-wireless ... s+keyboard

never mind. calculated tablet draw around 1500ma. (600 screen, 600 pi, 150 each dongle). suppose i'll have go 5v 2a battery pack. suggestions battery packs still welcome, though.



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