Did I Brick my Arduino Pro Mini?

the pro mini showing dead short ground on vcc pin...  common failure mode?

i've been working time arduino pro mini run stepper motor.  circuit has been built on 2x2 solder-proto board, , been working well. realized overpowering lm7805 putting 24 volts (from stepper supply) - dumping 19 volts makes maybe 3 or 4 watts rid of...  bit much!

so went 12vdc wall-wart provide input 7805 - seemed go in process of powering new setup, noticed 7805 hot!   didn't make sense, began tracing lines (with 4x mageyes view details) , found after removing wiring 7805 , vcc lines on board - vcc pin on pro mini still shows short ground.  i'm clipping black lead of ohm-meter heatsink of 7805 - access boards ground system - , vcc pin on header showing dead short...    did brick little sucker???    =(

can't find solder bridges or other bad wring - , has been working several weeks.  seem i've done in installing new 12vdc supply has done...  something... not sure what!

=alan r.

dead short?  did measure resistance?  metal-to-metal shorts tend well
below 1 ohm, melted semiconductor higher.

first careful visual inspection - takes 1 little stray piece of metal wire
in wrong place short things out.

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