Problem loading XML file on Hosting server

i having issue wher xml data file lods fine , displays on testingg server returns "undefined" when uploaded hosting server.

the page can viewed @

the actionscript clip included below:

the reason not working on production server relative path xml different.

you should work changing line:




you can read relative paths here:

also, when viewing xml in either explorer or firefox reported problems format. perhaps still decodes ok in flash... fyi: whitespace should occur before xml declaration (this unrelated ignorewhitespace option)
b.& should encoded entity : & in caption attribute last photo.
making changes meant view xml correctly in browser.
the other thing that, xml convention (standard? not sure) name nodes , attributes lower case instead of upper case. don't think it's vital, fyi. see examples elsewhere using lower case.

here's xml changes (not case conversion lower case though prevent code working):

More discussions in ActionScript 1 and 2



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