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Thread: Complete Ubuntu Fail - Requres manual fsck?


dual boot ubuntu / windowsxp boot failed. i've been using ubuntu fine since mid 8.10 release no problems, of sudden has failed. here transcript of error message when running ubuntu in recovery mode (normal mode fails , says run in recovery... lucky have comp write out exact text).

/dev/sda9 contains file system errors, check forced
/dev/sda9: inode 873837 has illegal block(s)

/dev/sda9: unexpected inconsistency; run fsck manually. (ie, without -a or -p options
fsck died exit status 4
it gives me vague instructions, can type out, they're long , i'll if needed. i'm bash illeterate don't know fsck command.

instructions , guidance on welcome, or if there solution getting ubuntu great. still have livecd.


the title sensationalistic, should have read :

complete hard disk failure

Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support New to Ubuntu [SOLVED] Complete Ubuntu Fail - Requres manual fsck?



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