how to stop flv player via link text

my site - click tv graphic in right column play video

i have div containing flash video code created in dw8 (so flashvars functionality etc. created via wizard , contained inside object tag). div invisible when entering page (i.e. css div "display:none;"). visibility toggled href calls javascript code.

the video doesn't play until first time div made visible clicking link.

in ie, when link clicked again, div becomes invisible, flv continues play (i.e. can hear soundtrack). if link clicked third time, div visible , flv continues unimpeded, re-enter @ middle of movie.

in ff, when link clicked second time, div becomes invisible , flv stopped , apparently reset. if link clicked third time, div visible , flv starts beginning again. prefer this.

how stop , reset flv via text link (what add javascript force video stop , reset)?

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