Can't install component... - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

i'm trying install component (joomlaboard)

i can't upload file , install automated way trying manual way uploading unzipped file "/administrator/components/com_installer/component/joomlaboard/", navigate "installers -> component" , specify intall directory, push "install" , get's message...

failed create directory "/web/www/frac/users/c/conjure/components/com_joomlaboard/template"

the new folder joomla creates com_joomlaboard not chmodded 777 755 , thats why joomla can't write/create next folder within directory... idea why joomla this?

i tryed chmodding myself , run installer again joomla tells me component using directory without giving me option continue anyway... (would nice little feature implement in next update btw)

my host has safe_mode enabled changed register_globals "0" instead of "1"

what error, got when tried installing via admin end.

we might able on come error, before having go ftp styling

but curious... if joomla thinks installed, cant upload missing files ?


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