Connect two I2C devices to Mega 2560

i'm new in forum , had new project, need twi i2c devices, can connect them both @ same time arduino mega , use them simultaneously.
and if possible how can realize it?

the arduino mega 2560 has 5v i2c bus.
you can connect number of i2c devices bus, long devices can handle 5v i2c bus.

for example bmp085 sensor can handle 3.3v i2c bus.

the i2c bus 'bus'. connect sda , scl together. in sketch (the software) can select device because every device has own i2c address on bus.

run i2c_scanner see if wiring okay, scan devices on bus.

Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Networking, Protocols, and Devices (Moderator: fabioc84) > Connect two I2C devices to Mega 2560



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