No concole output after cross compiling C++ hello world ! - Raspberry Pi Forums


trying cross compile regular c++ hello world raspberry pi. have followed cross compilation tutorial, link is: ... compiler/#

applying tutorial's instructions worked smoothly without issues; until built & ran program. got no word (i.e. there no "hello rpi development world !" output on console). however, compiler options while building correct (pic#1). snapshot status attached(pic#2).

my troubleshooting efforts:
1- since machine x64 while tutorial's machine x86 (of course, revised steps using "..-raspbian-x64") -> tried change cross compiler path "/home/halherta/rpi/tools/arm-bcm2708/gcc-linaro-arm-linux-gnueabihf-raspbian/bin/" -> didn't work (even restarting eclipse & virtual machine, nor cleaning project).

2- did found other tutorials similar in steps. therefore, tried follow one: ... ing-c.html

replacing "g++" "arm-linux-gnu-eabi-g++" -> didn't work & gave attached error (pic#3).

3- tried modify suggestion & use "gcc-linaro-arm-linux-gnueabihf-g++" instead of "arm-linux-gnu-eabi-g++" -> didn't work & gave attached error (picture can't attached :) )

4- revised steps (such as: .bashrc etc.) , required installed eclipse' plugins
(using of tutorial: ... clipse.php ) -> didn't find wrong.

5- guessing might library missed, if so, it??? ... revised required installed packages (also using of tutorial: ... ing-c.html )

so, help, providing experience, or suggestion appreciated. thank in advance :)



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