LED not turning off completely

hey guys!
sorry if not right place im having little problem controling led
here code..... see video below preview on whats going on.....
code: [select]

#include <spi.h>
#include <ethernet.h>

int led = 8;
string post = "";
string set = "";

// enter mac address , ip address controller below.
// ip address dependent on local network:
byte mac[] = {
 0xde, 0xad, 0xbe, 0xef, 0xfe, 0xed };
ipaddress ip(192,168,5,177);

// initialize ethernet server library
// ip address , port want use
// (port 80 default http):
ethernetserver server(105);

void setup() {
// open serial communications , wait port open:
  while (!serial) {
   ; // wait serial port connect. needed leonardo only

 // start ethernet connection , server:
 ethernet.begin(mac, ip);
 serial.print("server @ ");
 pinmode(led, output);

void loop() {
 // listen incoming clients
 ethernetclient client = server.available();
 digitalwrite(led, high);
 if (client) {
   serial.println("new client");
   // http request ends blank line
   boolean currentlineisblank = true;
   while (client.connected()) {
     if (client.available()) {
       char c = client.read();
       // if you've gotten end of line (received newline
       // character) , line blank, http request has ended,
       // can send reply
       if (c == '\n' && currentlineisblank) {
         // after double cr-lf variables are
         // read line!
         string post = "";
           c = client.read();
           // save variables somewhere
           post += c;
         if(post != "")
           if(post == "led=1"){
             set = "on";
             set = "off";
         // send standard http response header
         client.println("http/1.1 200 ok");
         client.println("content-type: text/html");
         client.println("connnection: close");
         client.println("<!doctype html>");
         client.println("<html><head><title>led control</title>");
         client.println("<meta name=\"viewport\" content=\"width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0\" />");
         client.println("<link href='http://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=fjord+one' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'>");
         client.println("<style>*{font-family:'fjord one';}body{background-color:#f2f2f2;}h1{color:#222;}</style>");
         client.println("</head><body><h1>led control</h1>");
         client.print("<form method='post'>");
         client.print("<input type=\"radio\" name=\"led\" value=\"0\" onclick=\"this.form.submit()\"");
         if(set != "on"){
          client.print(" checked");
         client.print(">off<br />");
         client.print("<input type=\"radio\" name=\"led\" value=\"1\" onclick=\"this.form.submit()\"");
         if(set == "on"){
          client.print(" checked");
         client.print(">on<br />");
       if (c == '\n') {
         // you're starting new line
         currentlineisblank = true;
       else if (c != '\r') {
         // you've gotten character on current line
         currentlineisblank = false;
   // give web browser time receive data
   // close connection:
   serial.println("client disonnected");

 if(set == "on"){
   digitalwrite(led, high);
   digitalwrite(led, low);


hey kelly,
can send me schematic? know sounds silly let's make sure led being driven properly. happening on 1 end you're driving high side digital pin , on other have floating point voltage, not ground.

other printing make sure hit 'digitalwrite(pin,low)' , if do, put delay in there, see if changes anything.. maybe you're popping out of logic , writing high. though suspect it's former, not latter.


Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > LEDs and Multiplexing > LED not turning off completely



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