String to int Example

i'm beginner c/c++ code i'm working through "examples" given under "learning". 1 of these called 'string int' doesn't seem work if cut , paste compiler. here code
code: [select]

  string integer conversion

reads serial input string until sees newline, converts
string number if characters digits.

no external components needed.

created 29 nov 2010
tom igoe

example code in public domain.

string instring = "";    // string hold input

void setup() {
  // open serial communications , wait port open:
  while (!serial) {
    ; // wait serial port connect. needed leonardo only

  // send intro:
  serial.println("\n\nstring toint():");

void loop() {
  // read serial input:
  while (serial.available() > 0) {
    int inchar =;
    if (isdigit(inchar)) {
      // convert incoming byte char
      // , add string:
      instring += (char)inchar;
    // if newline, print string,
    // string's value:
    if (inchar == '\n') {
      serial.print("string: ");
      // clear string new input:
      instring = "";

i think wrong should have #include< ctype.h> isdigit work i've tried , still no output serial monitor after entering numbers in.  thought ctype library included anyway maybe instring.toint  @ fault. please suggest reason why snippet fails run?  thank you

what out put , input did give it?


Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Programming Questions > String to int Example



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