i trying learn oop in 3.0. have multiple tweens want apply 1 right after other want control tweens based on previous being complete. can control within class file trying control outside of class file. here code in class file:

package {
import flash.display.sprite;
import fl.transitions.tween;
import fl.transitions.easing.*;
import fl.transitions.*;

public class website extends sprite {
public var isfinished = false;

function website():void {

public function resizemc(mc:sprite):void {
var mytweenscalex:tween = new tween(mc, "scalex", elastic.easeout, 1, 2, 4, true);

function finishhandler(event:tweenevent):void {
// place actions here
trace("motion_finish time = "+event.time);
isfinished = true;
var mytweenscaley:tween = new tween(mc, "scaley", elastic.easeout, 1, 2, 4, true);
mytweenscaley.addeventlistener(tweenevent.motion_finish, finishhandler);

public function repositionmc(mc:sprite):void {
var mytweenx:tween = new tween(mc, "x", elastic.easeout, 0, 200, 4, true);
var mytweeny:tween = new tween(mc, "y", elastic.easeout, 0, 200, 4, true);

and here code in flash timeline:

var website:website = new website();


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