kodi no se cierra siempre en raspbian - Raspberry Pi Forums

a veces cuando le doy cerrar se queda en negro, si accedo por ssh siguen corriendo procesos de kodi:

ps aux | grep kodi

code: select all

pi        2682  0.0  0.0   1764   360 ?        s    15:17   0:00 /bin/sh /usr/bin/kodi-standalone pi        2690  0.0  0.0   1764   356 ?        s    15:17   0:00 /bin/sh /usr/bin/kodi --standalone pi        2693 13.5 11.4 218456 86124 ?        sl   15:17  12:10 /usr/lib/kodi/kodi.bin --standalone pi       12752  0.0  0.2   5268  1736 pts/0    s+   16:47   0:00 grep --color=auto kodi
si miro las Ășltimas lĂ­neas de $home/.kodi/temp/kodi.log

code: select all

16:29:33 t:1961488384  notice: storing total system uptime 16:29:33 t:1961488384  notice: saving settings 16:29:33 t:1961488384  notice: stop 16:29:33 t:1961488384  notice: stop player 16:29:33 t:1961488384  notice: es: stopping event server 16:29:34 t:1642066960  notice: es: udp event server stopped 16:29:34 t:1961488384  notice: stopping upnp 16:29:34 t:1961488384  notice: stopping zeroconf publishing 16:29:34 t:1961488384  notice: webserver: stopping... 16:29:34 t:1961488384  notice: webserver: stopped webserver 16:29:34 t:1961488384  notice: webserver: stopped... 16:29:34 t:1961488384  notice: stop dvd detect media 16:29:35 t:1961488384  notice: stop sap announcement listener 16:29:35 t:1961488384  notice: clean cached files! 16:29:35 t:1961488384  notice: unload skin 16:29:35 t:1835004944  notice: [plugin.video.pulsar] pulsard: exiting pulsard daemon 16:29:35 t:1835004944  notice: [plugin.video.pulsar] pulsard: pulsard daemon exited 16:29:35 t:1809839120  notice: [plugin.video.pulsar] 16:29:36 t:1677718544  notice: previous line repeats 9 times. 16:29:36 t:1677718544  notice: [plugin.video.pulsar] pulsar: exiting jsonrpc service 16:29:36 t:1784673296  notice: [plugin.video.pulsar] pulsar: exiting pulsard 16:29:37 t:1776284688  notice: storageserver-2.5.4 closed down 16:29:38 t:1961488384  notice: stopped 16:29:38 t:1961488384  notice: destroy 16:29:38 t:1961488384  notice: closing down remote control service 16:29:38 t:1961488384  notice: unload sections 16:29:38 t:1961488384  notice: special://profile/ mapped to: special://masterprofile/ 16:29:38 t:1961488384  notice: destroy 16:29:38 t:1961488384 warning: attempted remove window 10013 window manager when didn't exist 16:29:38 t:1961488384 warning: attempted remove window 10014 window manager when didn't exist 16:29:38 t:1961488384 warning: attempted remove window 10015 window manager when didn't exist 16:29:38 t:1961488384 warning: attempted remove window 10016 window manager when didn't exist 16:29:38 t:1961488384 warning: attempted remove window 10017 window manager when didn't exist 16:29:38 t:1961488384 warning: attempted remove window 10018 window manager when didn't exist 16:29:38 t:1961488384 warning: attempted remove window 10019 window manager when didn't exist 16:29:38 t:1961488384 warning: attempted remove window 10021 window manager when didn't exist 16:29:38 t:1961488384 warning: attempted remove window 10107 window manager when didn't exist 16:29:38 t:1961488384 warning: attempted remove window 10115 window manager when didn't exist 16:29:38 t:1961488384 warning: attempted remove window 10104 window manager when didn't exist 16:29:38 t:1961488384  notice: closing down remote control service 16:29:38 t:1961488384  notice: unload sections 16:29:38 t:1961488384  notice: application stopped... 

creo que lo mejor es tener una version que ya venga lista como openelec, osmc o xbian...




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