Trouble with mini servo motor

i new world of arduino , electronics. trying control mini servo 2 pushbuttons, 1 turn left , 1 right. want motor arm increment/decrement 10 degrees according button pressed. problem having arm swings way 0 or 180, rather going 10s. tried fix several times in code , i'm pretty sure wired correctly. code posted below. appreciated.

code: [select]
#include <servo.h>  // servo library

servo servo1;
const int buttonlpin = 2;
const int buttonrpin = 3;

int buttonlstate;
int buttonrstate;

const int ledpin = 13;

void setup()
 pinmode(buttonlpin, input);
 pinmode(buttonrpin, input);
 pinmode(13, output);

void loop()
 int position =;
 int buttonlstate;
 int buttonrstate;

 buttonlstate = digitalread(buttonlpin);
 buttonrstate = digitalread(buttonrpin);
   if((buttonlstate == low) && (buttonrstate == high))
     servo1.write(position + 10);
   if((buttonrstate == low) && (buttonlstate == high))
     servo1.write(position - 10);


please edit post, , enclose code "code"-tag.

you should know how this  - did read first sticky-post in every forum, didn't you?

// per.

Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Motors, Mechanics, and Power (Moderator: fabioc84) > Trouble with mini servo motor



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