Real time graph plotting - Raspberry Pi Forums

i have done temperature , humidity logging using dht11 sensor. have database in sqlite3 format.
want plot run time graph of temperature vs time , humidity vs time. have following code giving indentation error.

code: select all

import matplotlib.pyplot plt import sqlite3,sys,time datetime import datetime,tzinfo,timedelta matplotlib import animation import random   fig = plt.figure()  ax = plt.axes(xlim=(0,1000000),ylim=(10,100)) line, = ax.plot([],[],lw=2)  def init():     line.set_data([],[])     return line,  def update_line():                  ynew =  []                 l in y:             ynew.append(random.randint(20,100))         line.set_data(x,ynew)  database_location = "database3.db"  con = sqlite3.connect(database_location,detect_types=sqlite3.parse_decltypes|sqlite3.parse_colnames)  x=[] y =[]   class utc(tzinfo): 	def utcoffset(self,dt): 		return timedelta(0) 	def tzname(self,dt): 		return "utc" 	def dst(self,dt): 		return timedelta(0)   con: 	cur = con.cursor() 	cur.execute("select temp,humidity,datetime temperature")  	rows = cur.fetchall() 	for row in rows:                 epochtimeval =int(time.mktime(time.strptime(str(row[2]),'%y-%m-%d %h:%m:%s')))                  x.append(epochtimeval%1000000)                 y.append(float(row[0]))     line =plt.plot(x,y)  #animation.funcanimation(fig,update_line,init_func=init,frames=200,interval=20,blit=true)   ynew =  [] while true:            l in y:         ynew.append(random.randint(20,100))     line.set_data(x,ynew)     line.draw()     time.sleep(0.05) 
please me.

which line(s) getting error ?



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