FileReference: Upload never makes request on Mac

i have strange filereference upload bug popping on mac (flash player build 9,0,115,0 debugger) popping in app (built using flex builder 3 pro).

works on windows machines. fails on mac's , not depend on browser (same results in safari , ff 2 , 3 beta).

i have 2 chunks of code, 1 uploading mp3's , other uploading images. code uploading mp3s not have problem @ all. code uploading image dies silently , request never makes server.

has run in type of problem before? said, exact same code works fine mp3s. images breaking. kind of weird security or headers thing going on? have workaround mean time opens new window html form upload image if problem pops up, i'd find long term solution entire app can standalone , can ditch html form.

any appreciated.


can post 2 sets of code can take closer @ it?

i ran filereference bugs macs in past, adobe player bug , had wait adobe release newer version in order fix.


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