Co2 Controller

ok let me start off saying know little bit programming arduino. have built temperature controller , build co2 controller. willing pay this. temp controller have built:

here code:
code: [select]
#include <eeprom.h>
#include <liquidcrystal.h>// include library code
int temppin = a0;  // make variables// thermistor @ a0
int led =13; // led @ pin
float temp;  // make variable called temp
float settemp; // make variable called temp
int swtu = 7;  // switch @ pin 7
int swtd = 6;   // switch down @ pin 6
liquidcrystal lcd(12, 11, 5, 4, 3, 2); // lcd @ 12,11,5,4,3,2

void setup() {
  pinmode (led,1);  // make led or pin13 output
  serial.begin (9600); // set serial monitor tx , rx speed
  lcd.begin(16, 2); // set "blocks" on display
  lcd.setcursor(0,0); // set cursor colum 0 row 0
  lcd.print("welcome"); // display welcome 1 second
  lcd.clear(); // clear lcd (1); // make eeprom or atmega328 memory address 1

void loop() {

  int tvalue = analogread(temppin);  // make tvalue ever read on temppin
  float temp = (tvalue / 6.388888888889); // math / conversion temp
  lcd.setcursor (0,0); // set cursor 0,0
  lcd.print ("temp ");
  lcd.print (temp);  // print current temp in f
  lcd.print (' °f');
  serial.println (temp);  // print temp serial monitor
  settemp =; // read settemp on eeprom

  delay (250); // wait lcd refresh every 250 milliseconds

  if             // if se switch pin reading on 1 or 5 volts
    (digitalread(swtu)== 1 )
    settemp ++  // add 1 settemp, settemp ideal temperature you

  eeprom.write (1,settemp); /* write recent settemp in eeprom data stoage
  if power disconnected, settemp saved!*/

else{// other wise nothing


(digitalread (swtd) == 1)// if detect 1 on other switch pin
  (settemp --);// subtract 1 fromm settemp
eeprom.write (1,settemp); /* write recent settemp in eeprom data stoage
  if power disconnected, settemp saved!*/
else {
// else, nothing

if (temp > settemp) // if temperature exceeds chosen settemp
  digitalwrite (led, 1); // turn on led
else // if doesn't happen, turn led off
  digitalwrite (led,0);

lcd.setcursor (0,1); // set cursor 0,1
lcd.print ("set temp "); // print set , ideal temperature in f
lcd.print (settemp);
lcd.print (' °f');
serial.println(settemp);  // print settemp in serial montior

delay (250); // wait 250 milliseconds


i wanting same exact thing co2 sensor. monitor , control ppm level of co2. said knowledgeable when comes arduino. willing pay guide me through everything. thanks.


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