Play video with omxplayer by pressing a GPIO button - Raspberry Pi Forums
hi all,
i'm newbie in python , i'm trying create script can play video/audio when user press gpio button. so, need stop previous playback before playing again. there's 1 file, pi must waiting button press without playing file, , when pressing play file, if user press button again file must replayed beggining.
found code in forum , i'm trying edit purpose, when press button file plays 2 times each time press button , doesn't stop previous.
tryed use stdin.write('q') stop process before playing again, have few errors can't solve
can u me issue? think not problem python advanced users...
lot in advance!
i'm newbie in python , i'm trying create script can play video/audio when user press gpio button. so, need stop previous playback before playing again. there's 1 file, pi must waiting button press without playing file, , when pressing play file, if user press button again file must replayed beggining.
found code in forum , i'm trying edit purpose, when press button file plays 2 times each time press button , doesn't stop previous.
code: select all
#!/usr/bin/env python time import sleep import rpi.gpio gpio import os gpio.setmode(gpio.bcm) gpio.setup(17,, pull_up_down=gpio.pud_up) def input_3(channel): print 'button 3'; os.system('sudo omxplayer -o local /home/pi/desktop/flores.mp3 & < /var/omx_fifo &'); sleep(5); gpio.add_event_detect(17, gpio.falling, callback=input_3, bouncetime=5) while true: sleep(5);
code: select all
from time import sleep import rpi.gpio gpio import os gpio.setmode(gpio.bcm) gpio.setup(17,, pull_up_down = gpio.pud_up) myprocess = none def input_3(channel): print 'button 3'; if myprocess not none: myprocess.stdin.write('q') myprocess = none gpio.cleanup() myprocess = 'sudo omxplayer /home/pi/desktop/flores.mp3 &'; else: myprocess = 'sudo omxplayer /home/pi/desktop/flores.mp3 &'; gpio.add_event_detect(17, gpio.rising, callback=input_3, bouncetime=10);
lot in advance!
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