motionEye with Raspberry PI - Raspberry Pi Forums

i'm following instructions url. ... spberry-pi

have gone on steps few times , feel have done steps correctly.
@ time don't have camera connected rpi 2, thought should still able start program. maybe not having camera connected problem, not sure...

type in...

, then...
motioneye should emit info message saying server started.

instead message...
please install tornado (python-tornado), version 3.1 or greater

did follow step says...
motioneye requires few libraries , programs. install them following command:

code: select all

sudo aptitude install python-tornado python-jinja2 python-imaging motion ffmpeg v4l-utils
, troubleshooting section suggest have enabled camera module in raspi-config.

@ point i'm not sure why i'm getting message or it.
please install tornado (python-tornado), version 3.1 or greater
have done bit of reading here, not sure sure.


been doing more reading @ url installation. ... on%20guide

ran this...

code: select all

apt-get install python-tornado python-jinja2 python-imaging python-pycurl motion ffmpeg v4l-utils
, here how went...

johnpahl@raspberrypi ~ $ sudo apt-get install python-tornado python-jinja2 python-imaging python-pycurl motion ffmpeg v4l-utils
reading package lists... done
building dependency tree
reading state information... done
ffmpeg newest version.
motion newest version.
python-imaging newest version.
python-jinja2 newest version.
python-pycurl newest version.
python-pycurl set manually installed.
python-tornado newest version.
v4l-utils newest version.
0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 remove , 0 not upgraded.
johnpahl@raspberrypi ~ $ pwd
johnpahl@raspberrypi ~ $ ls
0.24.tar.gz desktop motioneye pistore.desktop
johnpahl@raspberrypi ~ $ cd motioneye
johnpahl@raspberrypi ~/motioneye $ ls
authors license templates
conf log run settings.pyc
doc media src static
johnpahl@raspberrypi ~/motioneye $ ./
please install tornado (python-tornado), version 3.1 or greater
johnpahl@raspberrypi ~/motioneye $

why telling me install tornado when try , run when earlier says, python-tornado newest version.

have tornado installed in wrong location or something?




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