HTML <div> Question - Raspberry Pi Forums

i trying make small text box on side of main stuff (the main part of page centred) , wa s using div tag this(note: code use made example)

code: select all

<html> <head>   <meta name="keywords" content="fadgfdgaagfgaaffaaafd">   <title>mgdfgaga</title> </head> <marquee style= "font-size: 45px; behavior="scroll" direction="left" scrollamount="5"> <img src=title.png alt="title" <p></p> </marquee> <body bgcolor="ffd700" style="text-align:center;font-size: 25px"> <br> <a style="text-decoration: none; font-size: 25px" href="index.html"><font color="#000000"><img src=home.png width="150" height="50"border="3" alt="home"</font></a> &nbsp <a style="text-decoration: none; font-size: 25px" href="about.html"><font color="#000000"><img src=about.jpg width="150" height="50"border="3" alt="about"</font></a> &nbsp <a style="text-decoration: none; font-size: 25px" href="comments.html"><font color="#000000"><img src=comment.jpg width="150" height="50"border="3" alt="comments"</font></a> &nbsp <a style="text-decoration: none; font-size: 25px" href="pictures.html"><font color="#000000"><img src=pic.png width="150" height="50"border="3" alt="pictures"</font></a> &nbsp  <br />   <br>  bbjdfgvjwrefwerfefndnvcefomfewmcmecmdshello ejdfdsnjdosjcv    <br>  frfewjfewifjento learn more check out pagelgijg    <br>    <br>     <br> <div style="margin-left:75%; width:15%; background-color: blue;text-align:center;font-size: 25px">            <b>what gfdfjjfisdjfsd?</b>            <br>dfsahfsdifjsijfaoijofijsdoijfiodsjfiodsjfiojdsiofjidojfiodsjfiosjdaifcjss</div>   <br>   <br> <img src=imgage.jpg alt="image"width="750" height="500"border="10"   <br>   <br>  image   <br>  amazing, new , improved generation of image    <br>  duration 0:00:32   <br>  <button style="padding:30px;font-size: 25px"><a style="text-decoration: none;" href="nothing0.mp4"><font color="#000000">watch</font></a></button>&nbsp   <br>    <br>   <br>    <br>  image   <br>  amazing, new , improved generation of image    <br>  duration 0:00:32   <br>  <button style="padding:30px;font-size: 25px"><a style="text-decoration: none;" href="nothing0.mp4"><font color="#000000">watch</font></a></button>&nbsp   <br>   <br>   <br>  image   <br>  amazing, new , improved generation of image    <br>  duration 0:00:32   <br>  <button style="padding:30px;font-size: 25px"><a style="text-decoration: none;" href="nothing0.mp4"><font color="#000000">watch</font></a></button>&nbsp   <br>   <br>    <br>  image   <br>  amazing, new , improved generation of image    <br>  duration 0:00:32   <br>  <button style="padding:30px;font-size: 25px"><a style="text-decoration: none;" href="nothing0.mp4"><font color="#000000">watch</font></a></button>&nbsp   <br>   <br>  image   <br>  amazing, new , improved generation of image    <br>  duration 0:00:32   <br>  <button style="padding:30px;font-size: 25px"><a style="text-decoration: none;" href="nothing0.mp4"><font color="#000000">watch</font></a></button>&nbsp   <br>   <br> <img src=mem3500films.jpg alt="mem 3500 films"border="10"   <br>     <br>  image   <br>  amazing, new , improved generation of image    <br>  duration 0:00:32   <br>  <button style="padding:30px;font-size: 25px"><a style="text-decoration: none;" href="nothing0.mp4"><font color="#000000">watch</font></a></button>&nbsp   <br>   <br>   <br>   <br>   <br>   <br   </body> </html>  

result not greatest. can see in picture. want know how can have blue div on side of main stuff , not pushing down (i hope made sense ;) )

put "main stuff" in own div, put "blue box div" after "main stuff" , change style of "blue box div" float left.



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