Thread: A little off topic. Wanting to go wireless question.
question little off topic, dedicated ubuntu user. asked cable provider repairing our internet connection, , going wireless, , sent on talk us. guy came in , said "what this?" told him our cable modem , router (wired/wireless) setup. said "but aren't set wireless because have no wireless network cards!". asked him how charge wireless cards , said "we don't sell them, have buy own". said "after cards, call us, , have pay $19 month wireless service , give wireless modem built in router". asked, "why need when have cable modem , wireless router?" kept saying "because service!" our wired connection did reconnected though, couldn't figure out how navigate through linux. had him lol.
both guy , telephone conversations cable company not making sense us. seems didn't want tell something. wondering... go network card , start using wireless? did of wireless users have pay service? paying high speed cable (the best package). boils down feel trying rope lease new cable modem/router setup (because of way acted), , don't have spend. mean, why supply wireless modem/routers not wireless network cards? aren't making sense. don't think able go wireless if cost 'that' much.
i guess aimed @ users in states?
on here in england pay broadband house. how wanna push around in house (wired or wireless) , kit have (you cant wireless if aint got wireless router sort of thing).
might different on side of planet though.
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