Problem with writing code for Light project.

dear forum members.

my name bas de boer. love using arduino , making projects it. time have little problem  the code.

i'm making analog rgb strips light bedroom. , want use 2 rotary encoders , 2 switches 2 rgb strips. 1 encoder , switch 1 strip

the project this;

with encoders wan't select colors of rgb led strips. 1 encoder , 1 switch ( make color swirl ) vor each strip.

i have problems making code. have  a piece of code works  with  one encoder , no color swirl.
( code 1 rotary encoder );

code: [select]
// rgb bedroom

int redpin = 3;
int greenpin = 5;
int bluepin = 6;
int apin = 4;
int bpin = 7;
int buttonpin = 2;

boolean ison = true;
int color = 0;
// color libary
long colors[48]= {
 0xff2000, 0xff4000, 0xff6000, 0xff8000, 0xffa000, 0xffc000, 0xffe000, 0xffff00,
 0xe0ff00, 0xc0ff00, 0xa0ff00, 0x80ff00, 0x60ff00, 0x40ff00, 0x20ff00, 0x00ff00,
 0x00ff20, 0x00ff40, 0x00ff60, 0x00ff80, 0x00ffa0, 0x00ffc0, 0x00ffe0, 0x00ffff,
 0x00e0ff, 0x00c0ff, 0x00a0ff, 0x0080ff, 0x0060ff, 0x0040ff, 0x0020ff, 0x0000ff,
 0x2000ff, 0x4000ff, 0x6000ff, 0x8000ff, 0xa000ff, 0xc000ff, 0xe000ff, 0xff00ff,
 0xff00e0, 0xff00c0, 0xff00a0, 0xff0080, 0xff0060, 0xff0040, 0xff0020, 0xff0000

void setup()
 pinmode(apin, input);
 pinmode(bpin, input);
 pinmode(buttonpin, input);
 pinmode(redpin, output);
 pinmode(greenpin, output);
 pinmode(bluepin, output);

void loop()
 if (digitalread(buttonpin))
   ison = ! ison;
   delay(200);    // de-bounce
 if (ison)
   int change = getencoderturn();
   color = color + change;
   if (color < 0)
     color = 47;
   else if (color > 47)
     color = 0;

int getencoderturn()
 // return -1, 0, or +1
 static int olda = low;
 static int oldb = low;
 int result = 0;
 int newa = digitalread(apin);
 int newb = digitalread(bpin);
 if (newa != olda || newb != oldb)
   // has changed
   if (olda == low && newa == high)
     result = -(oldb * 2 - 1);
 olda = newa;
 oldb = newb;
 return result;

void setcolor(long rgb)
 int red = rgb >> 16;
 int green = (rgb >> 8 ) & 0xff;
 int blue = rgb & 0xff;
 analogwrite(redpin, 255 - red);
 analogwrite(greenpin, 255 - green);
 analogwrite(bluepin, 255 - blue);

my question ( forrums users ). me code make use 2 encoders  for 2 strips , 2 buttons 2 color swirl on led strips

any appreciated. thanks.

the adaencoder library out encoders. appears primary problem?

Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Project Guidance > Problem with writing code for Light project.



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