Cannot connect Raspberry Pi 2 to wifi in Openelec - Raspberry Pi Forums

hi all,

have raspberry pi 2 openelec 5.0.3 installed , edimax ew-7811un usb adapter connect router through wifi. accessed system/openelec, enabled wireless network, wifi network listed, selected "connect", inserted password after several attempts not possible connect wifi network.
can please indicate me if there specific configuration in openelec wifi connectivity.

many thanks!

hi all,

has managed use openelec 5.0.3/5.0.5/5.0.6 usb edimax ew-7811un on rpi2? still cannot connect wifi 5.0.3.
if has worked you, can please give following information:
-openelec build version.
-usb port using edimax (top or bottom usb).
-wifi network security: wep, wpa..?
-any special character on network identifier (ssid)? maybe identifier wlan_xxxx not work?
-quick steps followed have wifi working.

if have used different usb adaptor edimax , working properly, can please give model.
many thanks!



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