Bug in Raspberry related to brightness in SDL2! - Raspberry Pi Forums

i’m trying change brightness in sdl2 , there no effect @ all.
there example of method i’m using:
sdl_setwindowbrightness(window, 0.1); // there no difference in brightness between 0.1 , 1.0
function returns 0 – function supported.

i’m trying function : sdl_setwindowgammaramp, result same.
here on forum can test please: sdl_setwindowbrightness ?
function: sdl_settexturecolormod , similar functions works perfect.

serious bug related to:
http://www.raspberrypi.org/forums/viewt ... 3&t=100410
or haven’t installed sdl2 correctly.

despite name , signature, method sets brightness of entire display, not individual window. window considered owned display contains window's center pixel. (the index of display can retrieved using sdl_getwindowdisplayindex().) brightness set not follow window if moved display.
hope don't intend create topic every bit of software doesn't work with. has been established in earlier thread linked, isn't supported feature.



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