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Thread: wi-fi stopped working after nfs installation

i have managed connect desktop (kubuntu 9.04, 2.6.28-11-generic kernel d-link dwa 110 usb wi-fi adapter) acer timeline 4810g laptop (ubuntu 9.04). went ok till morning installed nfs on both systems.

can see laptop network created on desktop (via iwlist), after try connect (iwconfig wlan0 essid _my_essid_) ping of desktop returns
from icmp_seq=6 destination host unreachable
dmesg | grep wlan returns now
[ 3502.027059] wlan0: trigger new scan find ibss join  [ 3504.968034] wlan0: trigger new scan find ibss join  [ 3507.872033] wlan0: trigger new scan find ibss join  [ 3510.668039] wlan0: trigger new scan find ibss join  [ 3511.473337] wlan0: creating new ibss network, bssid f2:96:e6:84:c6:2d  [ 3512.676031] wlan0: no ipv6 routers present  [ 3541.488046] wlan0: no active ibss stas - trying scan other ibss networks same ssid (merge)  [ 3572.312129] wlan0: no active ibss stas - trying scan other ibss networks same ssid (merge)  [ 3603.124035] wlan0: no active ibss stas - trying scan other ibss networks same ssid (merge)  [ 3603.969610] wlan0: selected ibss bssid 8a:9f:71:7a:97:51 based on configured ssid
on desktop , similar on laptop.

there weren't such messages before nfs installation, though i'm not sure installation caused problem.
wlan0: no ipv6 routers present

how connect? don't use network managers, connect manually, using following procedure on desktop , similar 1 on laptop:
sudo ifconfig wlan0 down  sudo iwconfig wlan0 mode ad-hoc  sudo iwconfig wlan0 channel 1  sudo iwconfig wlan0 key off  sudo ifconfig wlan0  sudo ifconfig wlan0  sudo iwconfig wlan0 essid '2111'

for it's worth, here's use--

ifconfig wlan0 up
iwconfig wlan0 essid ...
iwconfig wlan0 channel 11
iwconfig wlan0 mode managed
iwconfig wlan0 key ...
iwconfig wlan0 key open
dhclient wlan0

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